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Most Annoying thing in KSP


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The trick to the new atmosphere is to use RAPIERs with a TWR of at least 0.8 and climb 30* to 20kM then level out and go hypersonic.

just be careful with your piloting because the thin atmosphere makes it very difficult to control, gentle subtle movements are required.

once you're hypersonic, try to hold your altitude near 20kM and 22kM to gain as much dV as you can. I usually max out at 1700 m/s orbital speed before running into heat warnings.

once your acceleration drops below 5m/s, switch to rockets and gently pitch up to orbit.

Nerva engines also work great at this altitude due to the thin atmosphere so feel free to turn those on and use them for orbital insertion.

you'll only need a tiny amount of oxidizer (about 10%) to make it to orbit if you're using Nervas, and some smaller LF-only crafts have been known to do it without oxidizer.

I've also noticed that very long, rocket-like planes have a tenancy to flip over uncontrollably for no apparent reason, the cause is unknown but I assume there's a bug in the aero physics.

try to keep your SSTO's as short as possible.

a bad pilot can ruin the best of crafts, maybe you should slap on mechjeb for the SMARTASS control.

Edited by Xyphos
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The most annoying thing has always been when I can't get parts to attach/they get stuck in the floor.

The next most annoying thing is the "find the pixel" game when making fairings, especially trying to close interstage fairings in the SPH

The new atmosphere is great.

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The editor could be more user friendly and less "Squad-Tech featured".

Also, the sound designed could be vastly improoved (rocket engines variants, sounds, chatters, RCS, EVA, undocking, ISRU, drilling...) Music could get better contextual soundtracks (landing, arriving planet SOI, atmo renetry...)

Those context menus are quite a mess. All actions should be accessible from another static control menu. Action groups should be editable in space.

"Kid game" mod with very simlpified gamplay for kids from 6 to 12

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The most annoying thing for me is having your ship fall apart and explode on the launchpad, every time the launch button is pressed. always have to revert 2 or 3 times in a row to get the ship to stay together, even with struts the "structural linkage failure" is guaranteed to occur. and ofc, reverting causes memory leaks and eventual crashes, so I only get 3 or 4 tries before having to restart KSP.

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...and ofc, reverting causes memory leaks and eventual crashes, so I only get 3 or 4 tries before having to restart KSP.


Its the memory "leaks" (whatever that really means). Something about scene changes means that even if you have a stable build going, as in you can use every feature and fly very long missions fine, but once your scene-change-count reaches like 4 or 5 bang, you're out, time for a three-minute re-load.

Luckily it saves on scene changes so thats not too harsh, but there is obviously something "building up", that gets added to on or around the events surrounding scene changes, and when it reaches some critical value, it causes a crash. It doesn't seem to be tied to how long you are in one particular scene or what you do there (as long as you arn't doing something too cray-cray like trying to dock 60 things together or something).

Srsly, what up with that? The sim can clearly sim when it wants to - what is going on during scene changes?

Edited by p1t1o
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Its the memory "leaks" (whatever that really means). Something about scene changes means that even if you have a stable build going, as in you can use every feature and fly very long missions fine, but once your scene-change-count reaches like 4 or 5 bang, you're out, time for a three-minute re-load.

Luckily it saves on scene changes so thats not too harsh, but there is obviously something "building up", that gets added to on or around the events surrounding scene changes, and when it reaches some critical value, it causes a crash. It doesn't seem to be tied to how long you are in one particular scene or what you do there (as long as you arn't doing something too cray-cray like trying to dock 60 things together or something).

Srsly, what up with that? The sim can clearly sim when it wants to - what is going on during scene changes?

I never had that problem. Maybe a problem with one of the mods you use ?

I never had memory leaks since they fixed the "temp gauge" problem.

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Random overheats. And predictable but plainly WRONG overheats, like things exploding when sat on the launchpad. And game performance taking a nosedive compare to .90 because of the sh...oddy thermal system wasting CPU cycles. Honestly, as a long-time FAR user I consider KSP 1.0 the worst major release since I bought the game at 0.23.

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Its the memory "leaks" (whatever that really means)

Memory leaks are when a program doesn't release memory properly when it's finished with it, so next time it needs some memory it grabs a whole new chunk instead of reusing stuff. If every time there's a scene-change 10Mb isn't released, for example, then after 10 scene-changes the program is using 100Mb more than it needs. That only gets worse, until the computer just can't assign any more memory - then bye-bye. Knowing this doesn't always make it easy to find exactly where the leak is or to fix it.

Although I do get crashes because of the memory leak it's a lot better than in early versions. The most annoying thing for me now is the lack of design information like dV and TWR. Of course, there's a mod for that ...

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a memory leak occurs when a programmer foolishly allocates chunk(s) of memory and doesn't release the memory back to the system when it's no longer being used.

best analogy I can think of, is imagine computer memory as an office whiteboard. you can write information on it, wipe it off, re-write as many times as you want.

now imagine that office idiot, (everyone has one) who writes stuff on the whiteboard, and when the board gets full, goes out and buys a new whiteboard instead of wiping it off. do this a few times and now your office is covered in used whiteboards. eventually, you run out of office space to store the whiteboards and a crash occurs.

in KSP, changing a scene will allocate the memory, but will never release the previously used blocks back to the system.

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I've never seen a memory leak when changing scenes. Memory leaks in C# are quite rare. While they do happen, as with the temperature gauge, C# is a garbage collected language so any allocated memory is automatically released and recovered by the garbage collector whenever the allocation falls out of scope. Unlike C++ where we had to manage our memory usage, it typically isn't necessary in C#. In non-GC languages like C++ we had dangling pointers and unreachable variables, but in languages like C#, Visual Basic, and Java, they get recovered the moment (technically, the next time GC is run) you lose track of them. The times when leaks do happen is when you have a loop running in a thread that doesn't end, as with the flashing temperature gauge. In that case the allocation never runs out of scope and rather than reusing what it had, it kept allocating new.

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Most annoying: laggy physics starting at 180 parts and never fixed bugs like the claw related bugs, mirrored part group action restore bug, mining not suspended when tank full bug, everything explodes bug and your savegame is then unusable (which is most likely claw related), and so on and so forth

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I've never seen a memory leak when changing scenes. Memory leaks in C# are quite rare. While they do happen, as with the temperature gauge, C# is a garbage collected language so any allocated memory is automatically released and recovered by the garbage collector whenever the allocation falls out of scope. Unlike C++ where we had to manage our memory usage, it typically isn't necessary in C#. In non-GC languages like C++ we had dangling pointers and unreachable variables, but in languages like C#, Visual Basic, and Java, they get recovered the moment (technically, the next time GC is run) you lose track of them. The times when leaks do happen is when you have a loop running in a thread that doesn't end, as with the flashing temperature gauge. In that case the allocation never runs out of scope and rather than reusing what it had, it kept allocating new.

KSP for windows may be C#, I'm pretty sure Linux or Unity itself isn't, and most likely, Squad isn't using Unity's API properly between scene changes.

Edited by Xyphos
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KSP for windows may be C#, I'm pretty sure Linux or Unity itself isn't, and most likely, Squad isn't using Unity's API properly between scene changes.

First, KSP Linux is still C#. Don't confuse C# with C#.NET.

Second, Unity uses a combination of C, C++, and C#. However the C and C++ is irrelevant when coding in C# because even if you allocate an object in C# with a C++ library, that library is self contained, it is up to the library to manage it's own memory and C# will manage the memory of the object itself and dispose of it when the scope ends. So, assuming the Unity library is doing its job properly, it still falls to the garbage collector.

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