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Explain that to the insurance agency


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Change the name of the KSA to KSP and hide all evidence of the old name and the clauses in the insurance papers that say the coverage can be revoked because of 'terrorism'. Then call it an 'Unprovoked attack'

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It was take your kids to work day, and they were all quite thirsty! We had to remove much of the juice from the satellite so they would stop hassling us about it!

You close the bomb bay of your aircraft, then hear a couple explosions and see that your wings are no longer attached to your airplane (Stupid cargo bay heating bug, grounding my NAFB-12...).

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The trajectory called for an Eve aerogravity assist. At the time of launch this was well-understood as harmless, but since then the anomaly known as "KSP 1.0" occurred and resulted in the destruction of the lander.

At the conclusion of an otherwise perfect mission, an erroneous activation of the landing jets less than a second after touchdown on Kerbin lead to the capsule skidding along the ground and crushing its crew.

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All part of our ingenious new design to save weight on fairings. After all, if the crew is flat you just pop a nose cone on and voilla!

Your alcubierre drive prototype ended up getting your kerbalnauts stranded at ksc. That is, Kennedy Space Center

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Congratulations on discovering a revolutionary new propulsion technology! So ehh, what was the problem again?

Your revolutionary new propulsion technology accelerates kerbals faster than they can handle.

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