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[0.25] Lionhead Aerospace Inc. - Icarus v0.4 updated


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Bonjour ! J\'ai utilisé ce mod un peu, et malade dire son grand !

I don\'t understand anything, even if it\'s my language ???. May be it\'s a google translate or brain damages due to too many time spend in zero-gravity ;D. I appreciate your effort but it\'s easier for me to understand you in english.

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I don\'t understand anything, even if it\'s my language ???. May be it\'s a google translate or brain damages due to too many time spend in zero-gravity ;D. I appreciate your effort but it\'s easier for me to understand you in english.

Yes, I\'m french too, and you\'re right that\'s google translate. If you translate it again, it means :

Hello! I used this mod a bit, and ill say its great!
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Is the headlight from the video in the download? I can\'t find it anywhere, and it\'s not on the .craft for the rover.

The headlight was missing in the V1.0. You can download now the V1.1 rover, the headlight is stock part of the rover wheels.

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I\'ve just taken the Rover for a spin and i must say it\'s truely awesome!

The only thing i feel is really incorrect about the Rover is the crew of three. (How do you cram three kerbalnauts in a solarpanel????!!!!!)

If you don\'t mind two suggestions from my side:

1) Change the module of the roverpod from commandpod (which always has the three kerbalnauts) into MuMechJebPod.

Plugin wise it doesn\'t make a difference as you use the mumech plugin already.

2) Al the parts are now category 5, however category 3 seems more apropriate as all the drivable vehicles are category 3.

*Edit - corrected the category*

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The Rover\'s speed is quite low (about 13 m/s) but it is incredibly stabil. Even a tight turn at top speed won\'t make it topple over. And it\'s survivability is quite high. I bumped into the landingstrip at top speed and only a side solarpanel exploded. (I had to do it three more times before i finally got the complete rover to explode). The onboard camera is a nice addition,a pity it isn\'t placed on the 'head' of the rover.

I expect that many of your parts will find their way into other 'Kerbal' endavours. The folding solar panel, the uprising head, the extending LGA antenna (which i find a bit short), the rotating parabole and the vehicle itself add a lot of possibilities in the game.

My compliments for a great addition! (hard to believe that it\'s your first mod!)

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