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Engine Failure on Takeoff (V1 Cut) (1.0.4)

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Ok, just updated the leaderboard. Please bear with me, this is the first challenge I've hosted.

Lego8_bit was the first to post a completed challenge with Lizzard. Nice! Lego8_bit is the current distance record holder, limping 19.469km on one engine. Actually limping is a poor choice of words, you guys are making this look easy.

FlipNascar had a several entries, including a couple that were actually valid! I believe FlipNascar currently holds a couple of records, 199m/s with Twister II and 2,127m altitude with Mik-29. FlipNascar, the F3 shot from Twister II was a little hard to read, so let me know if I got the numbers wrong.

Azimech had a beautiful entry with V1 Challenge, and was notably the first to use the 'have the engine fall clean off the airplane' technique. Azimech, I couldn't find a F3 screenshot, but your entry certainly looks valid for records if you have one. Nice!

noname117 also had a sporty looking entry with NAFA-4-J2. From the screenshots, it looks like the pilot was having a blast, even on one engine. Again, I couldn't find a F3 screenshot, but near as I can tell your entry would be eligible for records if you have one.

Finally, today's thinking outside the box award has to go to FlipNascar with Twister I. Sorry Flip, I had to pull the rulebook out and nix your very creative solution to the problem. Even better was FlipNascar's solution to my rulebook pickiness, with Twister II. Nice!

My sincere thanks to everyone who has expressed an interest in this challenge.

Edited by RexKramer
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  RexKramer said:

noname117 also had a sporty looking entry with NAFA-4-J2. From the screenshots, it looks like the pilot was having a blast, even on one engine. Again, I couldn't find a F3 screenshot, but near as I can tell your entry would be eligible for records if you have one.

Picture 46 shows the F3 picture. You can also see from the log that some parts were damaged by seperatron exhaust. That was done before takeoff, as the cockpit which held the pilots (before they climbed into their seats) was launched away from the aircraft.

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  noname117 said:
Picture 46 shows the F3 picture. You can also see from the log that some parts were damaged by seperatron exhaust. That was done before takeoff, as the cockpit which held the pilots (before they climbed into their seats) was launched away from the aircraft.

Found it, thanks noname117.

Aaaaannnddd...noname117 is the current leader in all the atmospheric categories, with altitude 8,242, speed 248m/s, and distance 128.749km!

Edited by RexKramer
I need glasses.
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  RexKramer said:
Found it, thanks noname117.

Aaaaannnddd...noname117 is the current leader in all the atmospheric categories, with altitude 6,242, speed 248m/s, and distance 128.749km!

That altitude was 8,242 by the way, and I probably have the award for the toughest landing spot as well!

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Okay, I know this probably breaks the rules, but how about flying a VTOL with only one engine? I mean, it has to count for something.

I figured I would try to complete this challenge with a VTOL I've been developing. I primarily wanted to see whether I could successfully land vertically on only one engine. I canted my two Wheesley jet engines a little more than normal, so that the thing wouldn't begin to flip uncontrollably as soon as I shut down an engine. Then, it was time to take it into the air!



Immediately after liftoff, I shut down one of the engines. This picture was taken as it was just beginning to spool down.


After that, I just had to tap the 'a' key like mad to keep the thing balanced during its absolutely ridiculous ascent! (I probably could have used trim here, but the ascent still worked out fine.)


The landing was... well... draw your own conclusions. At the very least, it remained intact and landed on the runway!


No records were broken today, but I'm quite happy that this little vehicle is capable of doing this at all.


Again, I was mostly just doing this for fun. I probably messed up some rules (the one about there being a 'yaw' moment in particular) but hey, I had a good time! Oh, and if anyone wants more screenshots, I'd be more than happy to provide them.

Thanks for creating this fun little challenge :)


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Decided to do a second run with a NAFA-26-B2 Kinglet; a lighter and far faster aircraft than the NAFA-4. As the end F3 screenshot shows, I managed to beat both my maximum altitude and maximum speed records, though no impressive landing on K2 this time sadly. The NAFA-26 was definitely a lot harder to control than the NAFA-4 in this challenge, eventually spinning out of control at high altitude. On the vertical dive to reach max speed it actually spun out a couple more times, which highly limited the speed it was able to achieve (A NAFA-26 on 2 engines flying straight at sea level was faster than I managed to get this one in a dive).

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Now I'm thinking about trying this in a NAFA-1, which behaves in-between the NAFA-4 and the NAFA-26.

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  OV-099 said:
You don't need to land Columbia...

That's correct. This challenge isn't grading you on your landings, you can grab your F3 shot at any point during the flight. Even after a catastrophic crash-landing if needed.

The rules specify a horizontal takeoff from the KSC runway is required. The rules do specify that the aircraft must be capable of landing on the runway, but that an actual landing is not required. That means that you can't decouple or stage away your landing gear during the flight.

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  RexKramer said:
That's correct. This challenge isn't grading you on your landings, you can grab your F3 shot at any point during the flight. Even after a catastrophic crash-landing if needed.

The rules specify a horizontal takeoff from the KSC runway is required. The rules do specify that the aircraft must be capable of landing on the runway, but that an actual landing is not required. That means that you can't decouple or stage away your landing gear during the flight.

Damnit, I wasted so many times trying..

I could have completed the challenge more than three times already..

Ah well, I'll organize a mission report soon. Thanks.

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Going to be trying to get the most distance traveled and probably longest time in the air. I'm going to be livestreaming my attempt at my twitch channel in just a couple minutes (Link here: http://www.twitch.tv/noname117spore and in my sig).

Also, can the records be updated? I know that my 8000 max altitude record and 240 m/s speed record have been broken at least twice now.

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So I decided to attempt to break the distance record for this on a Twitch livestream a couple of days ago... by doing a circumnavigation. I, of course, had to do said circumnavigation using basic jets rather than turbojets, because that's the only way I circumnavigate. To kill 2 birds with one stone, I also decided to go for the lowest recorded aerial circumnavigation; by staying under 1000 meters for the entire flight.

The route I took (roughly) is shown below:


Since this was a long flight (The stream lasted 5 and a half hours in real time, but I do know I occasionally paused the game), I took quite a lot of pictures for it. I decided to separate them into 3 albums: In flight pictures, map photos, and relevant F3s. The reason why I have more than one F3 picture is because every time I would quickload the game, the F3 flight log would be reset in every category except for time. I had learned this from my previous NAFA-4 attempt, where I had to quick-load several times to land on K2. To solve this problem, I would take a picture of the flight log the moment before I would quick-save, just in case something would go wrong and I'd have to quick-load. I once went over 1000m, crashed the plane into terrain twice and ripped the plane apart in midair by trying to maneuver at 4x timewarp twice, resulting in 5 quickloads, and thus 5 additional F3 screenshots.

Beautiful pictures of the flight (Also proves the second engine was shut off on takeoff)

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Photos of the map (To prove the flight happened)

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Relevant F3 screenshots:

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If you need any more proof that this flight actually happened, I uploaded the entire livestream to youtube. Watch it here:

I'm posting this in a hyperlink rather than embedding the video because I do occasionally use profanity in the livestream.

Just so that you don't have to spend your own time adding up all the data in the F3 screens, I did it on my own. Below is what the data in the flight log would've been if I hadn't quick-loaded.

Flight Achievements:

Total Mission Time: 1 day, 1 hour, 47 mins, 6 secs.

Highest Altitude Achieved: 897m

Highest Speed Achieved: 172 m/s

Highest Speed over Land: 175 m/s

Ground Distance Covered: 4,452,725m

Total Distance Travelled: 4,454,042

Maximum Gee Force Endured: 9.9G

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Leaderboard updated today.

noname117 managed a complete Kerbin circumnavigation with one dead engine, nice! I hate to even think how long that took. I'm curious if you can be awarded the Circumnavigator's challenge as well. That would be interesting to complete two challenges with the same vessel.

FlipNascar set some speed and altitude records with Twister II.

DrMarlboro had an interesting entry. I couldn't read the F3 screen from the YouTube video, but if you can post a F3 on imgur your entry looks eligible.

The latest entry is from rudi1291, which posted impressive stats. rudi1291 made a very bold move, spacing the engines quite a distance from the centerline. I'm guessing it was a workout keeping it going straight, but rudi1291 didn't back off the throttle and rode it out for an impressive flight.

Almost forgot about UpsilonAerospace's entry! It's a VTOL, so technically not eligible for the records. Regardless, a very impressive entry! Honestly, that looked like a good landing to me. Saves wear and tear on the landing gear..

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  noname117 said:
I just realized that my entry doesn't qualify since it never exceeded 1000 meters. Hopefully the length of the run would be akin to going above 1000m in the rules.

I'm going to make an exception for this one. There are two reasons I specified 1,000m. First was to ensure you could reach a safe altitude, and theoretically return for a landing. Secondly, I didn't want crews pulling the power back right after takeoff, thus reducing the adverse yaw and making the aircraft easier to control.

On the first issue, I think flying completely around the planet after an engine failure is a more than adequate margin of safety. On the second issue, I'm confident that at takeoff weight you were not in much of a hurry to reduce thrust- I'm guessing you needed all you could get with all that fuel on board.

I appreciate your honesty, pointing out the discrepancy, but I'm still allowing the entry. Nicely done!

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Well I've did the challenge noname style. Unfortunately I dont have any pics of it taking off the runway and me shutting down but noname knows I did it because I was talking to him while during it. Heres the album and yes their were failed attempts and as I lost more fuel the harder it was to control it!

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