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Kerbal Space Program Fanart


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  Ascensiam said:

Knowing myself, this will probably never get finished, so i\'ll post a preview.


It\'s obviously not finished! The meteor doesn\'t even have any rockets on it!

You could also put the Voyager ship stuck to the side of it ;)

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  Ascensiam said:

Knowing myself, this will probably never get finished, so i\'ll post a preview.


I was planning some artwork for the RP reboot apocalypse, but never really got too far ahead with it.


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an image that\'s been in my head forever, you know how your ship like to roll on it\'s long axis for no reason whatsoever (too slow to be kracken)?

i guess the hamster in that gyro falls asleep, but an image came to me of the crew jogging around the inside of the CM, and the ship rolling in the opposite direction because of that.

as i havent drawn anything in years and my scanners of the fritz anyway, i thought i\'d try and see what i could do in DoGA (a simple free 3d program)


it\'s a lot roomier and much longer than the ingame CM, but you get the idea. it\'s also ugly, if anybody with some artistic talent could do another version that\'d be nice


i wanted to have the background image have the horizon at some crazy angle, but i couldn\'t rotate the image nor the camera, so i had to rotate the model. jeb stays where he is while the rest of the CM rotates under him. was even able to do it without any cliping through the exterior of the model.


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  VincentMcConnell said:

Wow! Reading the first few posts on this thread is really interesting! Especially seeing that image that is currently the loading screen... Before it was the loading screen. What was the loading screen like before that?

If I recall correctly (from reading the thread earlier) it was simply blank.

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  diatone said:

I know Harv just released a new icon with the last update, but I thought other Kerbonauts might like to see my custom icon.


I don\'t know...It\'s using the old kerbin, the rocket design looks vaguely like a corn cob, and the drop shadow behind kerbin is crazy huge.

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I don\'t know...It\'s using the old kerbin, the rocket design looks vaguely like a corn cob, and the drop shadow behind kerbin is crazy huge.

All true, but then again, it\'s usually seen at 200x200 max.

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Very nice - you\'ve gone to a lot of work there.

However, most icons are viewed at 64x64 in windows, so it might be worth reducing it to that size to see what it looks like: you might not like it quite so much when reduced that far.

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A design for a 'Kerbot' autopilot portrait.


The idea is that a model of this would stand in for the Kerbal heads when you launch unmanned missions. Like the Kerman brothers, it would animate and make faces - the little light on its head changing color and/or flashing based on how dangerous the situation is.

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  Timmon26 said:

A design for a 'Kerbot' autopilot portrait.


I rather like that idea. It\'s somehow very Kerbal.

  what-the said:

Just a little something I made. I\'m not very good at graphics.


OK, that\'s worthy of 'It\'s Hardly Rocket Science'.
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  diatone said:

I know Harv just released a new icon with the last update, but I thought other Kerbonauts might like to see my custom icon.

I spy someone who just downloaded Photoshop. ;)

  NovaSilisko said:

I don\'t know...It\'s using the old kerbin, the rocket design looks vaguely like a corn cob, and the drop shadow behind kerbin is crazy huge.

I\'ll add to that the perhaps slightly poor choice of typeface and default styles. I see what you\'re going for with the text background being the planet, but I think it\'s a bit noisy. Resize this to icon size and I bet you won\'t be able to tell what it\'s meant to be.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  ping111 said:

You spelled \'science\' wrong.

F*ck i khew smth was wrong. My English spelling is big bad thing. However translating is my best side )

I will change all in five min. thanks to dropbox.

Edit: Now all clean. I have matched with google.

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  Timmon26 said:

A design for a 'Kerbot' autopilot portrait.


The idea is that a model of this would stand in for the Kerbal heads when you launch unmanned missions. Like the Kerman brothers, it would animate and make faces - the little light on its head changing color and/or flashing based on how dangerous the situation is.

God that\'s gorgeous. You even got the lighting around the eye just right. It reminds me of the Advisors from Starcraft.
  je_day said:

When i first time found Monolith, the inspiration comed to me.

This is the poster about that mysterious thing.


-Jd (signs are looking cool nowdays :))

Cool. Now you just need some insectoid Jebs crawling all over it and my nightmares will be totally disabling.
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  N3X15 said:

Cool. Now you just need some insectoid Jebs crawling all over it and my nightmares will be totally disabling.

Thx. Maybe if you want, I can make some drawings about your request and upload them.

I\'ve been thinking of draw kerman but i have some problems with their eyes\'s positions.

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