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[WIP] Robo-Kerbals (Help Wanted)


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Hello and greetings to all you wonderful Kerbal's.

Here is the W.I.P thread for the project "RoboKerbals"

"Hey! Why do we need robot-Kerbals anyway?!"

Good question! Glad ya asked!

There are a variety of reasons: Perhaps you want more crew, but don't want to send additional crew command pods (or you don't want to upset your delicate Life Support balance.)

Perhaps you're going places where ordinary Kerbals are too important to go (Eve?), because losing a RoboKerbal doesn't damage your reputation. [We may even have a crash-dummy like experiment gained from recovering them]

If you are using a DeepFreeze or other Cryo-mod, you can do EVA stuff while your crew of Kerbals hibernate.

For those of you whom do not revert, these will make for excellent Test Pilots, and Crash Dummies!

The idea of this thread is to introduce into the game a new kind of Kerbal (Robotic), with a new profession (Crew Assist.)

Below are the goals and aspirations for this mod.

Introduce new Kerbal Names into the game. This is done, because each Kerbal Name is (currently) hard wired to their profession. So, with new names we can make them hard wired into the new profession (Crew Assistant.)

RoboKerbals are semi-disposable crew, that do not use Life Support (other than power), and are to take on simple tasks, or assist real kerbals with more complex ones.

The Crew Assistant Profession is designed to help other Kerbals during EVA activities.

The Crew Assistant profession will be able to perform some simple tasks of the other professions: repair some damaged things like an engineer (but not all) [And count AS an engineer for KIS/KAS], provide some very basic flight assistance (less than a proper pilot, but still some), and like a scientist they can multiply science discoveries (but not reset experiments.)

To be a true assistant, they work best with other Kerbals. When helping Engineers the RoboKerbal has some internal KAS storage, which will allow the Engineer to have a self-motive equipment bin (which also can carry heavier things than a regular Kerbal) When helping a scientist - not only will they both increase science yield, but the RoboKerbal can make some experiments repeatable when they would not normally be. (more goo, anyone?)

- we do not yet know how to improve pilots. Current theory is "AutoPilot Tourist Missions"

One hope we have is to also have them be very efficient for the EPL manufacturing system, perhaps more so than any living Kerbal.


- Get specifics of the RoboKerbal Class

- Create "Random Kerbal Name Generator" (Letter, Number, Letter, Number - Kerbot (last name of Kerbot)

- Assign new RoboKerbal Class to the randomly generated names.


- RoboKerbal Storage Unit

-- RoboKerbal Exclusivity = Set "Capacity" to be RoboKerbal Specific. (1, 2, 4, 8 Chassis, etc)

-- Comes with basic Command Antenna, can be upgraded with extra Antenna.

Command Antenna: How many RoboKerbals you can have in operation from this antenna.

-- Additional and more powerful antennas can increase the number of RoboKerbals that can be controlled.

-- [i am thinking that these additional antennas have a constant power use, based on the number of RoboKerbals that it commands.]

Control Antenna:

-- Dictates how far the Chassis can be from a Command Antenna, before shutting down. All Chassis have one, but additional ones can be added on for increased range. (perhaps this will be replaced with a dish)

RoboKerbal Backup Unit:

-- This allows any RoboKerbals, within control range, to have their XP saved if they die or explode.

-- Great way to "recover" crash test data.

KIS/KAS Parts/Upgrades

This will allow RoboKerbals to have greater functionality.

Turn their right/left hands into specific tools:

- wrench (the EVA item, re-done to be an arm)

- clamps (a non-fuel transferable version the big clamp arm)

- power tools (the EVA Item, re-done to be an arm)

RCS Pack Replacements:

- Science Kit (Scientist assistant tool, helps re-set and repeat some experiments that would normally not be able to repeated. Spare goo, for experimenting)

- soil sampler (Holds a number of soil samples for collection)

- Solar-cell (makes them a small mobile power unit)

Maybe even change their legs (wheels, tracks, electric engines?)

Internal Items:

A "Black Box" which is akin to ones found on aircraft. Its "indestructible" and in our cases would be the part used to turn the RoboKerbal into its own science experiment, which is to have the RoboKerbal be a Crash Dummy (The rocket explodes, the black box is recovered, and then science is gained.)

RoboKerbal Tech Tree:

Basic Robotics > General Robotics > Advanced Robotics > Experimental Robotics

Basic Robotics: Has the simple, basic RoboKerbal that has 2 boxes of KIS space. The first Command and Control Antennas, and the basic Control Unit that houses 2 RoboKerbals (1.25)

General Robotics: This has a better RoboKerbal that has 4 boxes of KIS Space (so replace both arms, back, and legs), better Command and Control Antennas, and more control units (the solo-pod for .625), the larger pod with 5 RoboKerbals (2.5).

Advanced Robotics: This has the least expensive, disposable RoboKerbal (0 KIS space). This also has larger and more impressive Command and Control Antennas. It also has the 3.75 RoboKerbal Pod that houses a full 8 RoboKerbal Bodies.

Experimental Robotics: This has the "Big" RoboKerbal body, which will be able to lift and move very heavy items (since regular Kerbals can lift 1T via KIS/KAS, and RoboKerbals is 2, we say 5T for these big ones.) The "Big" RoboKerbal Pod that can be mouned in-line (service-bay style), or as a deploy-able KIS box. This would also have the Space-Plane sizes of RoboKerbal command pods.

Well, that's it for now.

So from Me, and my co-worker Sharkman Briton:

Thank you!

Edited by Aelixander
Checklist Update
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Note to all who view: This mod is VERY WIP, and we haven't even made any parts yet, infact all I've made is a basic resource that's not going to be used.

We need people to do texturers and models!

This is because I have no clue what I'm doing with textures, I know kind of the basics with Blender but I'm only good at the very basic stuff, textures are something I CANNOT do as I am a horrificaly bad artist, thanks!

- - - Updated - - -

My input on the mod so far:

I'm Sharkman Briton, and I'm working on this mod, too, I know a bit about making .cfg files and resources are something I'm kind of good at, but nothing compared to the 'big time' modders out there, any tips would be greatly appreciated as I want to be able to do some good modding stuff, my job on this mod is mostly making .cfg files and all that, well I WILL be doing that once the mod is ready, for now we're onto making the ideas, I have a .txt of RoboKerb names, all of them being references to movies apart from J3B3D14H Kerman, V4L3NT1N4 Kerman, B1LL Kerman, B.0.B Kerman and S1M0N Kerman. As well as a few agencies/manufacturers for the mod: MechaBot-KORPS, Not-Robot Ind and Probodobodyne + MechaBot-KORPS.

My goal for the mod is to make it as fun as possible and integrate it well with some famous mods, such as RemoteTech to expand the range of your RoboKerbs, KAS/KIS of course, DMagic and planet packs such as OPM, Sentar Expansion and Asclepius.

The reason I mentioned making it integrate well into planet packs is because I plan to add some more science experiments to the mod, such as a 'Systems Check' which is basically an EVA report for RoboKerbs, a 'Surface Composition Analysis' which requires a special tool for the RoboKerb, a 'Drill Sample' which has your RoboKerb use a special backpack to drill into a planet's surface and get data and samples from below the topsoil. More science experiments will be considered as I think of them.

Heres some more uses for RoboKerbs I thought of:

Working as a controller and 'experiment pack' for unkerballed rovers, being able to pack themselves into a small RoboKerb habitation module and provide science and utilities to the rover.

What we've settled on for the RoboKerbs IVA view is something alike Robonaut 2, a NASA project to create a robotic astronaut capable of assisting astronauts in space as well as do hazardous jobs so the humans don't have to.

When I say 'habitation module' for RoboKerbs, I mean something alot more than just a simple hitchhiker for them, as the RoboKerb suits (which contain their functions) would be positioned on the outside of the vessel, to have them function you would have to transfer a RoboKerb from their habitation module into the RoboKerb suit, at which point the suit can detatch and get to work.

Hope you're all interested in the mod so far!

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I don't have photoshop, or texturing skills, but I'm willing to run everything through Unity, and do a bunch of the configs. I will tell you though, I have a lot less time with school in session, so I can't work on this every day (partly because I'm making my own game.)

- - - Updated - - -

Some issues I see first off(don't let this degrade your hopes):

1. The storage container

- If you want this like I think you mean, you will have to despawn, and respawn robonauts(This likely could be done though)

2. Moving them around

- As I said in the General Add-on Affairs post, you would likely to have a rigged mesh with the ability to be a one part vessel like regular Kerbals. This means getting to the game at a very low level. I could be very wrong, and as I said about respawning, there is likely a workaround for it.

Please don't let this discourage you. I'm trying to help as a starting point for this as a hopefully successful mod.

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I don't have photoshop, or texturing skills, but I'm willing to run everything through Unity, and do a bunch of the configs. I will tell you though, I have a lot less time with school in session, so I can't work on this every day (partly because I'm making my own game.)

Luckily, I DO have Photoshop, and am working on an Art Degree! So, I could try my hand at texture work.

And thank you THANK YOU THANK YOU!​ for helping! ^_^

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Welcome aboard Cliftomm, now that we have a solid team worked out, I can start working on the simple parts for it. I want to also expand on unmanned technology and things that could be used with Robo-Kerbs, I think I'll make a probe thing.

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I am working on a new part, the PB-1 Probe Body, designed for probes close enough to Kerbol to get solar power, it has built-in solar panels, a low-gain antennae, slightly better reaction wheels than other Probe Cores, higher battery capacity and it's own science experiment, so far things have gone swimmingly, for now it uses the Probodobodyne OCTO model, in the future I need someone to model and animate this thing with it's low-gain antennae (if we decide to have it deployable and not static.) and the static solar panels surrounding the body. Thanks for reading, all!

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I am working on a new part, the PB-1 Probe Body, designed for probes close enough to Kerbol to get solar power, it has built-in solar panels, a low-gain antennae, slightly better reaction wheels than other Probe Cores, higher battery capacity and it's own science experiment, so far things have gone swimmingly, for now it uses the Probodobodyne OCTO model, in the future I need someone to model and animate this thing with it's low-gain antennae (if we decide to have it deployable and not static.) and the static solar panels surrounding the body. Thanks for reading, all!

What is the probe Body for?

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Welcome aboard Cliftomm, now that we have a solid team worked out, I can start working on the simple parts for it. I want to also expand on unmanned technology and things that could be used with Robo-Kerbs, I think I'll make a probe thing.

- - - Updated - - -



I am working on a new part, the PB-1 Probe Body, designed for probes close enough to Kerbol to get solar power, it has built-in solar panels, a low-gain antennae, slightly better reaction wheels than other Probe Cores, higher battery capacity and it's own science experiment, so far things have gone swimmingly, for now it uses the Probodobodyne OCTO model, in the future I need someone to model and animate this thing with it's low-gain antennae (if we decide to have it deployable and not static.) and the static solar panels surrounding the body. Thanks for reading, all!

Want to put that into the misspell the username game? Just kidding (it's Cliftonm*)

Thats besides the point though. Do you know if this 'robonaut' will be able to move like a verbal and preform operations? I think I understand it now though. What do you propose for movement on a planes's surface? Maybe a tread-like section? I'm also thinking we could make a 'head' as a probe core.

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Do you know if this 'robonaut' will be able to move like a verbal and preform operations? I think I understand it now though. What do you propose for movement on a planes's surface? Maybe a tread-like section? I'm also thinking we could make a 'head' as a probe core.

Right now since Kerbals are single-piece units in the game, we'll be using a re-skinned Kerbal as the main body. I was thinking we use the KIS system to put 'attachments' onto our KerBots (as they have successfully put wrenches and power screw-drivers into the hands of real Kerbals.)

We can have these KIS "upgrade parts" have duties... a grabbing claw that acts like the big claw, a welding tool to reinforce structures, tread-legs to replace the feet, add a 'sensor pack' to replace the helmet (which these guy would not need in the first place.)

The variant ones (the crash-test one "Rusty" (found on the side of the road), and the "Big Guy") will be more difficult, as they will require some changes.

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Just edited this as there was a weird technical glitch making it post twice.

- - - Updated - - -

Right now since Kerbals are single-piece units in the game, we'll be using a re-skinned Kerbal as the main body. I was thinking we use the KIS system to put 'attachments' onto our KerBots (as they have successfully put wrenches and power screw-drivers into the hands of real Kerbals.)

We can have these KIS "upgrade parts" have duties... a grabbing claw that acts like the big claw, a welding tool to reinforce structures, tread-legs to replace the feet, add a 'sensor pack' to replace the helmet (which these guy would not need in the first place.)

The variant ones (the crash-test one "Rusty" (found on the side of the road), and the "Big Guy") will be more difficult, as they will require some changes.

The only issue I can see with this would be the attachments and the classes. I know TextureReplacer is fine for the reskin. The classes are a part of the name, and i'm not sure if creating a new one would work.

I do like this concept though.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh, autocorrect messed up Kerbal again...

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That is actually a pretty easy thing. The job of a Kerbal is hard-wired to its name. So, when we insert the new name, all we have to do is make sure it has the RoboKerbal job class.

You would have to create a vast number of names, as having two Kerbals with the same nave in a vessel kills one of them. The entire config for Kerbals is based on the name:

name = Jedediah Kerman //Name
gender = Male //Duhhhh...
type = Crew //Not their specialty. This might be able to be used for RoboKerbals
brave = 0.5
dumb = 0.5
badS = True
tour = False //Defines whether Kerbal is a tourist or not. This is the part I'm worried about. It is something KSP itself parses for. This likely won't work for RoboKerbals
state = Assigned //Whether the Kerbal is an applicant or a hired crew member.
ToD = 0
idx = 0
flight = 0
flight = 0
0 = Flight,Kerbin
0 = Suborbit,Kerbin
0 = ExitVessel,Kerbin
0 = BoardVessel,Kerbin
0 = Orbit,Kerbin

If you mess with my mod "Kustom Kerbals" you will know what I'm talking about.

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These Robo-Kerbals would make perfect expandable nuclear refuels. A kerbal engineer would get a fatal dossage afer a few second exposure but these Robo Kerbals would be suited for the job no one want. Of cource you have to leave them in space after usage as the become a nuclear hazzard for your living kerbals.

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These Robo-Kerbals would make perfect expandable nuclear refuels. A kerbal engineer would get a fatal dossage afer a few second exposure but these Robo Kerbals would be suited for the job no one want. Of cource you have to leave them in space after usage as the become a nuclear hazzard for your living kerbals.

Wow! Thanks for the idea! =D

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Hey, I have an Idea. Poor SkyRender lost his home due to a fire (click the picture in the signature) and I'm thinking we could dedicate the development of this mod to him. It would be really good to raise money for the Go Fund Me thing, and could make him through the tough time.

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Hey, I have an Idea. Poor SkyRender lost his home due to a fire (click the picture in the signature) and I'm thinking we could dedicate the development of this mod to him. It would be really good to raise money for the Go Fund Me thing, and could make him through the tough time.

Dedication: 100% behind.

GoFundMe: .... not sure if want. I have no idea about this thing.

But I do not mind offering to help in a way I can.

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