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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Pathfinder - Space Camping & Geoscience

Angelo Kerman

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  On 10/14/2018 at 3:16 PM, Angel-125 said:

No incompatibility that I am aware of. I updated Pathfinder and Wild Blue Tools a couple days ago, and the latest is working with MOLE as far as I can see. What play mode are you using? If it is CRP, try this:

Remove all Wild Blue mods, and in the GameData folder, remove the PlayMode file as well.

Install all the Wild Blue mods you are interested in, saving Pathfinder for last since it also has the latest WildBlueTools. Don’t start the game until you install Pathfinder.

Now go ahead and start the game.

It should auto detect that you are running CRP and rename your files. If not, restart once more, and see if that helps.


Okay, I can see two places where it could've one wrong for me. One is that I think I forgot to remove the PlayMode file, two is that I think I ended up installing Buffalo last, not pathfinder. I'll reinstall and see if that fixes things.

In the meantime, I've compiled a list of the parts that still have convertible storage or reconfigurable habitats:

  Reveal hidden contents

I can't figure out what they have in common, so I'm just gonna hope that another reinstall is enough to fix things.

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  On 10/14/2018 at 2:56 AM, RocketSquid said:

Fair point, I'll see if it persists in a clean install. Is there any way I can download the whole set at once?


Um ok.  I was more meaning if you wanted to post a screenshot of your gamedata folder, in case something was in the wrong place.  That is one of the most common install issues.

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  On 10/14/2018 at 6:36 PM, Angel-125 said:

@RocketSquid Thanks for helping me troubleshoot this. :) It looks like you're using CRP, can you open WBIPlayMode and confirm that name = CRP ? Also, you appear to have several versions of ModuleManager installed. I suggest you remove all but ModuleManager.3.0.7. That might be an issue.


The play mode is indeed CRP, I'll try the Module Manager thing now.

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I'm going to delete the mods from the otherwise stock install one by one, starting with KFS, ending when the issue disappears or with MOLE. If I delete all of them before that happens, I'll reinstall them one by one, starting with MOLE and ending with KFS (and the latest WBT). With any luck this will allow me to conclusively determine the source of the issue.

Deleting KFS: No change
Deleting Buffalo: No change
Deleting DSEV: No change
Deleting Heisenberg: No change
Deleting Pathfinder: No change

Therefore, since MOLE on its own worked when freshly installed, I have to conclude that the problem is in one of the dependencies or assorted WBI mods: WildBlueTools, KerbalKISItems, KAS, KIS, NearFutureProps, or one of the assorted ASET mods.

The next step is to install the WBI mods, fresh, one at a time, starting with MOLE and ending with KFS or when the issues start.

MOLE, Pathfinder, and Buffalo, with KIS and KAS: No issues at all, everything works fine

Adding Heisenberg: Pathfinder and MOLE both break in the same way as before, but Heisenberg parts work as normal

I've got stuff to do before bed tonight, so I'm going to stop for now. Right now it seems like Heisenberg breaks MOLE and Pathfinder, then something else breaks Heisenberg. Removing Heisenberg doesn't seem to change anything; the MOLE and Pathfinder parts stay broken. Frankly, I'm more confused than I was when I started.

Adding DSEV:
Adding KFS:

Edited by RocketSquid
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  On 10/14/2018 at 11:38 PM, Angel-125 said:

Yes. As the directions say, you need to restart if you change play modes.


I was thinking that maybe if I choose a different play mode, the containers would self correct like what happened with the WBT update a few weeks ago. Sadly that wasn't the case. All play modes except CRP work as expected.

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My next test: I'm replacing the files in the corrupted(?) pathfinder install, one by one, with files from a clean download. When it starts working I know the last file I replaced was the bad one.

Update: Evidently the problem is not WildBlueTools, replacing it has no effect.

Edited by RocketSquid
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Hi, I've found what I suspect may be a bug in PathFinder (with repro steps and some analysis of possible root cause), running against KSP 1.4.5.  However, I notice that KSP has recently released the 1.5 update, and this mod is still listed as only 1.4.5.

Is it worth mentioning any KSP 1.4.5, PathFinder issues at this time?  Or would it be better to wait until this mod releases a KSP 1.5 compatible version, and then test against that?

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  On 10/16/2018 at 6:07 PM, Apaseall said:

Hi, I've found what I suspect may be a bug in PathFinder (with repro steps and some analysis of possible root cause), running against KSP 1.4.5.  However, I notice that KSP has recently released the 1.5 update, and this mod is still listed as only 1.4.5.

Is it worth mentioning any KSP 1.4.5, PathFinder issues at this time?  Or would it be better to wait until this mod releases a KSP 1.5 compatible version, and then test against that?


First, I thank you for realizing what affect your constant posting of issues does to modders. Second, with KSP 1.5 out, everything is suspect. I haven't had any time to look at 1.5, let alone handle issues with it. But some good news is that I've completed my goals for updating the omni converters. Next update will let you run the Snacks converters in the background (other converters could also be run in the background, but that's for others to make). "Background" in this case means that your Snacks life support chain, such as the Snacks Grinder, Haber Process, Composter, and new upcoming Greenhouse, will run even when the vessel is in physics range. You'll also get emails for situations like running out of input resources, containers filling up, and the like. Here's an example:


Anyway, with that done, I can look into the CRP issues. I won't be going on an endless bug hunt for the next release, but will be fixing the major issues..

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Buckboards working again with CRP:


Once I do some more testing, I'll kick out the next release. It will be the last release for KSP 1.4.5 before I try to sort through KSP 1.5.

NOTE: Omni Storage is not available for CRP.

Edited by Angel-125
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  On 10/17/2018 at 3:38 AM, Angel-125 said:

NOTE: Omni Storage is not available for CRP.


I would like to be clear in understanding exactly what that statement means. Does it mean:

1. Omni Storage is currently not working for CRP and that is just a heads up to stave off any comments about it not working,
2. Currently not working for CRP but it intended to make it work for CRP in the future,
3. Currently not working for CRP and that is by design meaning that it will never be an option for CRP.

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  On 10/17/2018 at 9:45 AM, Apaseall said:

I would like to be clear in understanding exactly what that statement means. Does it mean:

1. Omni Storage is currently not working for CRP and that is just a heads up to stave off any comments about it not working,
2. Currently not working for CRP but it intended to make it work for CRP in the future,
3. Currently not working for CRP and that is by design meaning that it will never be an option for CRP.


The Omni Storage system will store any resource identified by KSP. The Omni Storage template only exists for Classic Stock. No Omni Storage template exists for CRP. No Omni Converter templates exist for CRP. At this point, CRP is considered legacy, which means I'm not making any further developments to the CRP templates, future mods won't even include CRP support, and I'm only ensuring that they continue to work properly in my existing mods. Speaking of which:

Pathfinder is now available.
GitHub URL: https://github.com/Angel-125/Pathfinder/releases/tag/v1.30.0.0
Last release for KSP 1.4.5!

Classic Stock
- Added new Greenhouse OmniCoverter template. It's only available if Snacks is installed. It will produce Snacks after 180 hours. There's a chance that the yield will be higher than normal, lower than normal, or fail completely. It also runs in the background (runs even when the vessel isn't in physics range).
- The Haber Process, Composter, Snack Grinder, and Organic Chips Omni Converters will all now convert their resources even when the vessel is unloaded and out of physics range.

Bug Fixes & Enhancements
- Fixed issue where switching Play Modes would cause some files to not be renamed and cause all kinds of "fun" for players...
NOTE: For the changes to take effect, you'll need to switch your Play Mode to some mode other than the current one, then switch it to the desired mode. Be sure to restart your game when you switch modes.

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  On 10/17/2018 at 3:30 PM, Angel-125 said:

The Omni Storage system will store any resource identified by KSP. The Omni Storage template only exists for Classic Stock. No Omni Storage template exists for CRP. No Omni Converter templates exist for CRP. At this point, CRP is considered legacy, which means I'm not making any further developments to the CRP templates, future mods won't even include CRP support, and I'm only ensuring that they continue to work properly in my existing mods.


Thank you greatly for the clarification.
From what I understand of your post you will be progressing development of WBI mods without CRP support in the future, which rather makes sense due to the massive amount of recent work you have done in the Classic Stock play experience.

Would you mind if others were to post patches here that allowed them to continue to use CRP mode?
They may wish to continue with CRP for a number of reasons; how they like playing, other mods they are using or even until they gain confidence to change to Classic Stock.

Thank you for the update, I look forward to using it.
Although I do not use any life support at the moment I like the idea that Snacks will run in the background. Same for the other convertors mention. I feel sure folks will be very happy about that.

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  On 10/17/2018 at 5:26 PM, Apaseall said:

Thank you greatly for the clarification.
From what I understand of your post you will be progressing development of WBI mods without CRP support in the future, which rather makes sense due to the massive amount of recent work you have done in the Classic Stock play experience.

Would you mind if others were to post patches here that allowed them to continue to use CRP mode?
They may wish to continue with CRP for a number of reasons; how they like playing, other mods they are using or even until they gain confidence to change to Classic Stock.

Thank you for the update, I look forward to using it.
Although I do not use any life support at the moment I like the idea that Snacks will run in the background. Same for the other convertors mention. I feel sure folks will be very happy about that.


No problem :) I have no issues with people who want to post patches for CRP. Legacy users will be happy too. Given my limited time, my focus is on Classic Stock. That and hitting feature complete for Pathfinder. Sandcastle will be Pathfinder’s last major parts update.

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  On 10/17/2018 at 7:16 PM, BRAAAP_STUTUTU said:

@Angel-125 so i got the new version of MOLE and pathfinder but now i can't swap the resources for titan tanks or buckboards at all, the option just isn't there anymore


Did you select a play mode, restart, then select say CRP and restart? I verified that last night

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  On 10/17/2018 at 8:26 PM, Angel-125 said:

Did you select a play mode, restart, then select say CRP and restart? I verified that last night


i'll try it again, but i'm getting a serious headache with the amount of re-installs i've tried already :/


and it doesn't help that my install takes at least 10 minutes to load on an m.2 NVMe SSD (pretty much the fastest non optane SSD series on the market) oof

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