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Space Shuttle [SSP] for KSP


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Space Shuttle Mod Release Page

updated to work with 1.1.2

now with less dependencies, required mods included


  • added reflections  to radiators (requires texture replacer - reflections version)
  • airlock docking port working (tested)

looking for feedback.

please note I know the wheels may be bugged, waiting for next ksp update







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  • Realistic simulation of the NASA Space Shuttle
  • Energy Generation requires the use of onboard fuel, making time in space limited
  • Multiple payloads and adapter points for various cargos
  • Low part count for less ram use compared to previous versions
  • a multitude of other vehicles to go along with the NASA family available

Current version: 1.1.2




updated RO patch for Space Shuttle by Winged:

not updated


(MUST DELETE the other version of this mod if you have it installed)





Want real launch sites?


Want to try out an alternitave History?

Eyes Turned Skywards Storyline by Budgie


The Popular interplanetary Farscape by Odyssey



xjvRAUs.png(coming soon)

MechJeb Launch:


*force roll 90°,

*gravity turn East starting at 1km or 100 m/s, ending at 35km on a 40.6% launch angle.

*Stage when necessary.

Landing Guidance by Mark7

1. Wait till the shuttle is on the opposite side of the KSC and its orbit is right passing over the KSC.

2. Do the re-entry burn. Make sure the final landing prediction 5400+_300km ahead from the target landing site.(The exact number is depending on the velocity of the shuttle when backing into atmosphere)

3. When re-entry, keep a 30-degree-AOA ,and roll left or right to adjust the trajectory.

4. Enjoy(or suffer haha)

Typical Launch and Return Mission


Read up on the WIKI(coming soon)

Frequently Asked Questions (and answers)

  • Do I need to download anything to make this work? NO, everything you need comes with the download
  • Will this work wit Realism Overhaul+FAR? YES, IF you download and apply the patch from the link above
  • I have some good ideas for the mod, can I have them put in? Definitely!, new ideas are welcomed and are a fun thing to work on
  • I have a lot of mods installed, will this cause me to run out of memory? POSSIBLY. this base mod will add about 140mb to your memory usage, which maxes out about 2-2.5gb with ksp
  • I found some bugs with your mod, where do I post this? We have a development page for just this issue, feel free to post there

Keen to try out the Buran? check out the development !


For a well made Caanadarm, Check out Jeast's Page



1. create shortcut of your ksp.exe in your KSP install directory

2. in the PROPERTIES of the shortcut, in the 'Target' box, add: " -force-opengl -popupwindow" without quotes.

3.run game from shortcut



================================================== ================

Notice This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin.


CC BY-SA 2.0

this mod is a continuation from that started by rocket2guns, with additions by DECQ and Dragon01

Also credit to NASA for spending billions of dollars to make the vehicles that are simulated in this, and related mods

Edited by Mike-NZ
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Great! Glad to see its finished. Do you want me to do the launch guide too? If someone can give me a good way of making one I would be more than happy!

you would make a super happy modder if you could!

if you could give me the when and hows I can make a guide out of it.

or add text to this Space_shuttle_mission_profile.jpg for an easy to follow guide

- - - Updated - - -


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Hmm I had bigger thoughts, I was thinking a much more fleshed out guide which showed shuttle stats (payload to LKO ect.) and how to dock, land, launch ect. I was also going to put in photos and diagrams ect. I'll start working on it now actually :P Anyone got the full shuttle stats?

We could of course have a quick start guide and a full in-depth guide!

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also if someone can tell me how to do a wiki...

- - - Updated - - -

Hmm I had bigger thoughts, I was thinking a much more fleshed out guide which showed shuttle stats (payload to LKO ect.) and how to dock, land, launch ect. I was also going to put in photos and diagrams ect. I'll start working on it now actually :P Anyone got the full shuttle stats?

We could of course have a quick start guide and a full in-depth guide!

you will definitely make many people happy, as well as making this pack much more complete and fancy

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how about the space shuttle owners manual. only 70mb

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only 160 pages

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so the average person can keep on top of their shuttles servicing needs!

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I've got a sort of mechjeb guide. It gets the fuel tank to orbit however.

Launch, force roll 90°, gravity turn East starting at 1km or 100 m/s, ending at 35km on a 40.6% launch angle. Stage when necessary.

thats what worked for me in the vid

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Candarm its too small in RSS.. mike


and the tail..


how to pic stuff with Candaram.. can|t figure it out..

if this is a bug report. please see the bug reporting document on page one of the dev thread here


Edited by Tristonwilson12
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how to pic stuff with Candaram.. can|t figure it out..

The End effector acts as a magnet. Move the effector to the object, turn on the magnet (right click effector and switch magnet on) and boom!

Its recommended to map the magnet switch to an action group.

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The End effector acts as a magnet. Move the effector to the object, turn on the magnet (right click effector and switch magnet on) and boom!

Its recommended to map the magnet switch to an action group.

If I get this arm to work, building the ISS will be a whole lot easier. Will try to use it tomorrow.

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I've got a sort of mechjeb guide. It gets the fuel tank to orbit however.

Launch, force roll 90°, gravity turn East starting at 1km or 100 m/s, ending at 35km on a 40.6% launch angle. Stage when necessary.

thats what worked for me in the vid

Many thanks. Will add to page one

- - - Updated - - -

Candarm its too small in RSS.. mike


and the tail..


how to pic stuff with Candaram.. can|t figure it out..

Will update the patch to fix these issues. Thanks

Edited by Mike-NZ
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