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Space Shuttle [SSP] for KSP


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  Mahone said:
Will be waiting for some news

Hello mate maybe sooner will be a patch after these test icluding a full ferram aerospace overhaul

I was working like 2 weeks in a full real scale space shuttle but that will give so much work to my partners so it will be at the current scale.

Tweaking right now some parammeters so i expect that maybe tomorrow or along this week will be an update.

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still tweaking configs to run in update, almost there.

- - - Updated - - -

for those crashing on load:


overwrite the old file at this directory:


- - - Updated - - -

this fixes the rcs issue

proper update coming soon after more tests

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  Mike-NZ said:
still tweaking configs to run in update, almost there.

- - - Updated - - -

for those crashing on load:


overwrite the old file at this directory:


- - - Updated - - -

this fixes the rcs issue

proper update coming soon after more tests

Aeros ready for 1.0.4 , i send u some procedures i establish read them and feedback any idea

Ask when you have the patch mike !

Edited by CrazyESP
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  Mike-NZ said:
still tweaking configs to run in update, almost there.

- - - Updated - - -

for those crashing on load:


overwrite the old file at this directory:


- - - Updated - - -

this fixes the rcs issue

proper update coming soon after more tests

After downloading the new config, It must be placed in:

KSP/GameData/Space_Shuttle/Parts/Onepiece Folder

You then have to edit the config with wordpad.


model = Space_Shuttle/Parts/Orbiter

scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0



{ model = Space_Shuttle/Parts/OnePiece/Orbiter

scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0


Simple fix

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That directory you are leading to is part of the older version. Directories have changed. Please be careful before editing if you have latest.

Also notice your bracket { is in wrong place? Did ksp change how it works...?

So this is how it is:



model = Space_Shuttle/Parts/Orbiter

scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0


scale = 1.0


I will fix for update if needed

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[quote name='Makers']Hey yea sorry about the brackets, I was in a rush.

but is there a newer version other than the current version.

the one I got from main page was version 1.8[/QUOTE]


All .mu are in parts folder and all cfg in cfg folder. Latest on gitgub. Soon to be updated again
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Aerdynamic test !

[QUOTE]Kerbol system Procedures( so on kerbin)If someone finds a best efficient way let me now ( for climb),( descends and reentry has a pretty low buffer area so dont exceed any value)
Check that the main engines have the gimbal OFF except the top one and the solid boosters
Count from 10
SAS-ON on ""stability"" mode
On 7 Start main engines
On 0 stage solid boosters and release from tower
Maintain a constant and steady climb until 10.000M
At 10.000m (max 12.000)start the orbital turn on 10 º and engage sas on "Prograde"Mode.
Maintain that angle until apoapsis 100km minimum
On apoapsis 100km main engines OFF let the boosters get empty ( over 50kn trush power stage you should be in space !)
At this point Stage Boosters and perform a node manouver over the 100 km apoapsis( will be a little higher due to the remaining boosters power )
Complete orbit manouver using main engines and remaining liquid fuel, when empty use orbital engines, Take Into account over a 1min 40 sec burn or more.
For return home its a little bit more tricky
Perform an stable orbit ( rounding 100 km will be fine)
Retrograde position until you get a periapsis of not higher 45 km( between 40 - 45 KM periapsis will be perfect)
Remember than optimun manouvers are done on periapsis or apoapsis position ( just before the point)
Damp All remaining fuel when periapsis achieved and prepare for reentry
With a periapsis of 45 km Sas Mode on "Prograde". and let the gravity do the rest.
Open FAR flight data.
Monitor values and stay focus
When reentry burn start SaS on "Stability"mode.Avoid inputs at all cost and try to keep a roll lvl of 0 degrees before this point.
Dont exceed a 100 m per second reentry aproach or you will burn like a chiken above that value ( Safety margin has been counted but it isnt much wider)
I repeat because its important ,When reentry burns start SAS mode on "Stability "and monitor AoA values let them increase as much as she needs .
Optimun value for deceleration at 25 º AoA ( let them climb to it but dont let him go far away)
DONT PLACE THAT AoA at start , has to be a constant increase so when stability mode enable avoid aerodynamic inputs only for very extremelly cases.

Reentry 1st stage
Critical values
60.000m Over MACH 7 is good
55.000m Over MACH 7 is good
50.000m Over MACH 7 is Bad must be under reentry burn should start over here Mach 6.9
45.000m Over MACH 6.5 is good false climb start here no worries monitor aoa if close 25 return it to 11ºCritical AoA of 20 º from here

Reentry 2nd stage
Return Sas Prgrade , when false climb end and reentry burn start again Sas on stab mode again.
Try to maintain a roll angle of 0º
45.000m Over MACH 6.2(remember false climb so decceleration has occur)

From here critical phase
40.000m Over MACH 6.0
35.000m Over MACH 5.5

Dont let she go below prograde under any circunstance!

30.000m , dont cross over MACH 5 or you will understand pitbull song, over mach 5,3 THERMAL PUSH TO THE Safety Limit
25.000M , Dont cross Above MACH4, MACH 4,4 THERMAL PUSH TO THE Safety Limit
20.000M , Dont cross Above MACH3
15.000M , Dont cross Above MACH2.4, at this point reentry heat should be gonne
10.000M , Dont cross Above MACH2 at this point some nose down position is necesaty to maintain speed keep speed as much as u can for minimums below
Monitor speed and AoA
If you are under 10.000m maintain a constant descend of 100m per second as minima MACH 0.8-0,9 .
Over this point speed its pretty much important than before.
1000m rate of descend swicht from 100m to 10 m Mach 0.6 as minima!
Final approach speed 0.450 Mach Landing gear down
Critical PHASE
Flare-Stall buffer area at MACH 0.31
Remember Main gears touch ground first and them let the nose go down
Nose gear down Brakes Apply ,chute deploy( Forbidden before).[/QUOTE] Edited by CrazyESP
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[quote name='Mike-NZ']Verry good. Is there a weight limit?[/QUOTE]
Im on that right now , the idea its have to use properlly the cargo bay and know the cg limits lets see what happen.
So if u want to add a payload you will need to know he weight of your payload , AND WHERE to place it in the cargo bay , cause each arm ( length) moves cg different.

The real one looks like that
[COLOR=#252525][FONT=sans-serif][B]General characteristics[/B][/FONT][/COLOR]

[*][B]Crew:[/B] 6-8
[*][B]Length:[/B] 122 ft 2 in (37.24 m)
[*][B][URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wingspan"]Wingspan[/URL]:[/B] 78 ft 6 in (23.79 m)
[*][B]Height:[/B] 58.58 ft (17.25 m)
[*][B][URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manufacturer%27s_empty_weight"][COLOR=#ff0000]Empty weight[/COLOR][/URL][COLOR=#ff0000]:[/COLOR][/B][COLOR=#ff0000] 151,205 lb (68,585 kg)[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ff0000][B]Useful load:[/B] 55,250 lb (25,060 kg)[/COLOR]
[*][B][URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum_takeoff_weight"]Max. takeoff weight[/URL]:[/B] 240,000 lb (109,000 kg)
[*][B][URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aircraft_engine"]Powerplant[/URL]:[/B] 3 × [URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocketdyne"]Rocketdyne[/URL] Block 2-A [URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Shuttle_Main_Engine"]SSME[/URL] [URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid-propellant_rocket"]liquid-fuelled[/URL] [URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket_engine"]rocket engines[/URL], 393,800 lbf (1.75 MN) each

There is someone that knows about making a .dll Mike ? some kind of tool for that purpose could be great .
By the way in the video i was with the shuttle almost empty ( only 400 monoproppellant each wing and i damp the most part as u can see)and use the low power solid boosters. Edited by CrazyESP
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Change log until now xD
[QUOTE]Change log For KSP 1.0.5 Mayor Overhaull
Operational values readjusted in to a more realistic way: Prepare for the party and take a deep breath

//old sas//
// PitchTorque = 150
// YawTorque = 75
// RollTorque = 50

New SaS value
PitchTorque = 50
YawTorque = 50
RollTorque = 30
Now act like a sas not iron man
Drugs removed from air control surface , the new sas gave them some weed instead of cocaine

Fuel damp system added

Module of crew report reworked
Added experiment store module
Reworked new fuel cell

Reworked SSME engine performance
Reworked Orbital engine performance ( now only have cool trush on orbit , ASL that mental skill was removed)
RCS proppelers reworked , before u can change apoasis and periapsis easy and dont have performance on surface , as it should

Reworked all control surface modules
Now works

All bugs fixed( has return from the dead)

Fuel values for External tank , orbiter wings reworked.

Procedures Updated with new data and good practices
Aerodynamics mostlly fixed with the new sizes
Target values to be obtained:
Real Speeds of nasa space shuttle
Real Nasa space shuttle lands at 226 MPH /196kts/0.29 MACH/101ms.//

Actual data:
Our beautifull girl start prone deep stall at that speed so for safety reason the landing speed shoudnt be less of mach 0.29 AoA 11.34( Below of this values on very short final approach or u are dead men)
Low speed speed stall at 0,26 MACH
A safety margin of 10 % should be added to that speed for landing smooth and sound ,over mach 0.31 will be fine( under this value u will make a beautifull hole on the ground)
Aerodynamic data
Optimun AoA its rounding the 11.34 degrees( its the point of touch between the LD ratio curve and CL with the minimun drag )
The maximun drag AoA its rounding the 21 degrees ( more or less)( its the point of touch between LD ratio curve contact the CD curve)
Hight Stall AoA its rounding the 30 33 degress , ( its the point at which the CD overlaps the CL), invadersof this value will receive a Blood Eagle punishment.

This data below on this section is for an idea to make an stall speed warning system speed above plus a 10% for stall warning notification ( legal specified buffer area for aviation):
That mean that the stall speed warning must sound at 0.31 Mach
Mass and balance Tweaks-Very specially case!-PAY ATTENTION

This seccion will need a tool for tool bar mod to adjust in live the CG manually on the main body, each payload need a differente mass and balance position.
Basics to be considered:

The reentry must be performed with 0 fuel mass on the ship.( always!)
More fuel means more vertical speed , reentry dont like overspeed
fuel jettison system has been added for this purposse.
To be aerodynamically stable , the mass an balance is pretty much important , the basis of this point are :
CG( centre of gravity)must be located FORDWARD of the CL ( within a reasonable distance between them) and located DOWN
CL must be located BACKWARDS of CG and UP from CG

With this configuration the ship is arodynamically stable but less manouverable.
If the case before was reversed ( CL ahead of CG)we have a ship aerdynamically INSTABLE but more manouverable.( we dont want that at mach 5 or 6 during reentry)

If after this information u have some doughts ive found a post in the forum idiots proof(no bad intentions on this sentence XD)
Idiot Proof link:
And the tutorial from ferram basics construction tecniques:

//mass and balance brake due to need to change some engine performance
//mass and balance sheet

No Tweaked Yet , need a study of deadlly reentry mod to apply a realistic value

[/QUOTE] Edited by CrazyESP
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For those wondering whats happening, CrazyESP has been working on a more realistic shuttle project. Working with FAR, deadly re-entry and alike.

Also a 1:1 scale shuttle system.

He will be making a new page linked from this for those willing to try out a new challenge, with all information and guides.
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Uploading the version i have right now if u want to test it mike , just dont publish it yet , its not ready for now have to adjust plenty many things
1.0.4 KSP!!
Let me know your opinion from here. Edited by CrazyESP
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[quote name='halovet125']Hey I seem to have run into some missing parts after installing the newest model of the css shuttle I am missing the the cockpit and the fuselage If any of you guys can fix this or tell me what to do that would be great.[/QUOTE]

Delete the previous version you had and perform installations , remember the mod has the next main dependencies to work propperlly.
Baha SP or Bahamuto at Ckan - Download the last version on Ckan
Firespitter core - Download the last version on Ckan
Jsi or rasterpropmonitor - Download the last version on Ckan
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Download the last version on Ckan
Klockheed_martian_gimbal - Download the last version on Ckan

Module RCSFX is obsollette since KSP 1.0.5 so dont use it
Modulle manager on the folder is out of date , use ckan to download the latest version

So basically just copy the Space_shuttle and the ETC mods u get in the download section and the other install by Ckan
Ckan link ( is a mod manager basically)

Im working on a mayor patch right now but is not ready yet.

The one piece as far as i know is no longer support and the last version published is this one with this patch file.

Download section of current version:
[SIZE=3][COLOR=#333333][FONT=comic sans ms][COLOR=#ff0000]
1.0.5 loading screen crash fix:
updates rcs issue

If the fail persist Some pics could be awesome to figure out what is going on and a log , version of Ksp you use , other mods ... etc ... Edited by CrazyESP
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[quote name='DarthVader']Hey, now that both the USSR and USA shuttles work in 1.05, someone should do a ASTP 2 thingie.
XD lets fix what we have for the momment xD

Beta test update and mayor and minor bug fixes , module update and new tweak , previus parammeters mostlly as normal
Stronglly suggest a clean installation of KSP if not using Ckan previouslly

Delete the previous version you had and perform installations , remember the mod has the next main dependencies to work propperlly.

Mods Removed
Baha SP or Bahamuto Removed Dependency
Module RCSFX is obsollette since KSP 1.0.5 so dont use it-Removed Dependency

Needed Mods
Firespitter core - Download the last version on Ckan
Jsi or rasterpropmonitor - Download the last version on Ckan
Klockheed_martian_gimbal - Download the last version on Ckan
Modulle manager - Download the last version on Ckan

Suggested Mods
AVC- Download the last version on Ckan
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Download the last version on Ckan-This one Stronglly suggested

Ckan link ( is a mod manager basically)-Place Ckan on the folder where Ksp.exe is and run it.
When update and those things go to settings , Ksp comand line and paste this

KSP.exe -force-opengl


Beta Link


This version Does Not support ferram Aerospace Yet!
Any report with pics and Log please Ksp 1.0.5 Supported , needed mods above

Edited by CrazyESP
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Since we found a more efficient way to weld the parts using simple parts models, I ve started to retexture the old version of dragon.
Here i left some pics of the Work

Its a [COLOR=#ff0000]pre-paint [/COLOR]so many things will change drastically

[FONT=arial black]STILL needing a 3d modeller[/FONT] to port that for the game




















[spoiler=Imgur Links]

Need Unity Port form ksp1.0.5 !! Colliders !
[url]https://www.dropbox.com/s/dz4fs44dsu9gsxr/ENDED.rar?dl=0[/url] Edited by CrazyESP
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[quote name='Sampa']ok, for the cargo bay, I presume the outer blue textures are supposed to be solar panels? Shuttle never had them. it had radiators.[/QUOTE]

I know i did the homerwork before painting xD some radiators have blue one , didnt found some to start in other collor, but its just a prepaint
anyway starts to look like the real one , and the textures are in 1024 x 1024


Reviews ???
Suggestions ?? Edited by CrazyESP
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[quote name='CrazyESP']I know i did the homerwork before painting xD some radiators have blue one , didnt found some to start in other collor, but its just a prepaint
anyway starts to look like the real one , and the textures are in 1024 x 1024


Reviews ???
Suggestions ??[/QUOTE]

Nice work! Maybe you should change cargobay blue, it seems too bright. Anyway, do you plan to update also ISS and Soyuz/Proton?
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[quote name='trooperMNG']Nice work! Maybe you should change cargobay blue, it seems too bright. Anyway, do you plan to update also ISS and Soyuz/Proton?[/QUOTE]
im with the sts right now ( dont know indeed if we had those stuff xD ive enter the team recentlly) , the actuall has many problems and need a complete rework .

Have to see it in game to see if the bright its right , but mike is little ausent these days and i cant test it ...... Edited by CrazyESP
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I'm new to the forum and have been looking for a space shuttle mod for quite awhile when I stumbled upon this one. Its great, just one problem: it wont get past the loading screen (I applied the orbiter.cfg file into the Space_Shuttle file and it didn't fix anything) and when I can get it to get past that (I managed to get it past that at one point, but haven't been able to since) it just says the Space Shuttle sub assembly has incompatible parts. please help I want to use this mod in 1.0.5 so much. I hate having to load up 1.0.4 to play it
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