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[1.12.x] 'Project Orion' Nuclear Pulse Engine


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6 hours ago, eberkain said:

Yeah, i must be missing something cause it doens't work for me.  

I am using the constellation beta you released, but I also tried it a week ago from CKAN and had the same results. 

Rule number one.... please don't do videos in the dark,  I can't see the parts :)  

Second - in your video you're moving all over the place with your fuel - you start with NPU-2500's (big bombs!) but your fuel cartridge is for NPU-250's (little bombs!)  Your fuel has to match the engine unless there's a fuel tank I can't see.  

Even with that mismatch, I still got my Orion to go boom (a simple three part ship - pod, NPU-250 cartridge, and an Orion engine) once I had the right fuel.  BUT... you also have stuff in your PAW I do not.  That's suspicious.  It means something is messing with the parts - and I have spent a chunk of this week dealing with invasive mods.  So I would also suggest getting a clean KSP install, dropping in that constellation zip, and giving it a go.  If it suddenly works, then we can figure out what's conflicting.


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this is what my config cache looks like for the orion engine. 



	parentUrl = UmbraSpaceIndustries/Orion/Parts/Orion.cfg
		name = USI_ORION
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0,0,0.0 , 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0,-12.2319,0.0 , 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		mass = 50
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		breakingForce = 4200
		breakingTorque = 4200
		crashTolerance = 20
		maxTemp = 2000
		TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry
		entryCost = 115000
		cost = 2390000
		category = Propulsion
		subcategory = 0
		title = 'Orion' Nuclear Pulse Engine
		manufacturer = Umbra Space Industries
		description = The 'Orion' pulse drive was an idea hatched by an intern over at USI. Bombs in space?! That can't be a good idea. After the intern sent a concept image to Jebediah and told him he could go faster than he ever imagined possible, calls were made and the Orion was greenlighted for field-testing. Note: USI is not responsible for any damages caused by the Orion.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		bulkheadProfiles = size3
			model = UmbraSpaceIndustries/Orion/Assets/OrionDrive
			name = USI_PulseDrive
			transformName = thrustTransform
			shockAnimationName = shockAnimation
			cartridgeYield = 10000
			powerFactor = 2.75
			densityMultiplier = 250
			maxPulseTime = 0.025
			minPulseTime = 0.025
			particleLife = 0.03
			heatMultiplier = 0.01
			powerCurve = 0.4
			animationSpeed = 6
			FuelRate = 0.25
			fuelList = NPU-250;NPU-500;NPU-1000;NPU-2500
					clip = UmbraSpaceIndustries/FX/NukeBlast
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.01 2.0
					volume = 1.0 2.0
					pitch = 0.0 1.0
					pitch = 1.0 1.0
					loop = true
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			runningEffectName = nukeEffect
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 0.1
			heatProduction = 0
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0
				name = AblativeOil
				ratio = 1.0
				DrawGauge = True
				resourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
				key = 0 15000
				key = 7 15000
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = thrustTransform
			gimbalRange = 5
			name = AblativeOil
			amount = 1000
			maxAmount = 1000
			name = ModuleEngineGimbal
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 250000
			stackableQuantity = 1
			name = SensiblePumps
			name = USI_ModuleRecycleablePart
			Menu = Disassemble Part
			ResourceName = MaterialKits
			Efficiency = .5
			name = HotSpotModule
			name = ShipEffectsCollisions
			num1 = 18
			num2 = 9
			num3 = 4.5
			num4 = 0.45
					name = Hull_Impact-Low
					audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancement/Sounds/Physics/Impacts/Hull_Impact-Low-1
					audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancement/Sounds/Physics/Impacts/Hull_Impact-Low-2
					audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancement/Sounds/Physics/Impacts/Hull_Impact-Low-3
					loop = false
					spread = 0.1
					channel = ShipBoth
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.45 0.0
					volume = 4.5 1.0
					volume = 9 0.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.8
					pitch = 0.45 0.95
					pitch = 9 1.05
					massToVolume = 0.0 0.5
					massToVolume = 15.0 0.8
					massToVolume = 30.0 1.0
					massToPitch = 0.0 1.2
					massToPitch = 15.0 1.0
					massToPitch = 30.0 0.8
					name = Hull_Impact-High
					audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancement/Sounds/Physics/Impacts/Hull_Impact-High-1
					audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancement/Sounds/Physics/Impacts/Hull_Impact-High-2
					audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancement/Sounds/Physics/Impacts/Hull_Impact-High-3
					loop = false
					spread = 0.1
					channel = ShipBoth
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 9 0.0
					volume = 18 1.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.8
					pitch = 9 0.95
					pitch = 18 1.05
					massToVolume = 0.0 0.5
					massToVolume = 15.0 0.8
					massToVolume = 30.0 1.0
					massToPitch = 0.0 1.2
					massToPitch = 15.0 1.0
					massToPitch = 30.0 0.8
					name = Ground_Impact-Low
					data = concrete-dirt
					audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancement/Sounds/Physics/Impacts/Ground_Impact-Low-1
					audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancement/Sounds/Physics/Impacts/Ground_Impact-Low-2
					audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancement/Sounds/Physics/Impacts/Ground_Impact-Low-3
					loop = false
					spread = 0.25
					channel = ShipBoth
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.1 0.0
					volume = 15 1.0
					volume = 30 0.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.8
					pitch = 0.1 0.8
					pitch = 15 1.2
					name = Ground_Impact-High
					data = concrete-dirt
					audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancement/Sounds/Physics/Impacts/Ground_Impact-High-1
					audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancement/Sounds/Physics/Impacts/Ground_Impact-High-2
					audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancement/Sounds/Physics/Impacts/Ground_Impact-High-3
					loop = false
					spread = 0.25
					channel = ShipBoth
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 15 0.0
					volume = 30 1.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.8
					pitch = 15 0.8
					pitch = 30 1.2
					name = Hull_CollisionScrape-concrete
					audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancement/Sounds/Physics/Hull_Scrape-1
					data = concrete
					loop = true
					loopAtRandom = true
					spread = 0.12
					channel = ShipBoth
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 0.0
					volume = 15.0 0.8
					volume = 30.0 1.0
					massToVolume = 0.0 0.5
					massToVolume = 25 0.8
					massToVolume = 50 1.0
					massToPitch = 0.0 1.2
					massToPitch = 25 1.0
					massToPitch = 50 0.8
					name = Hull_CollisionScrape-dirt
					audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancement/Sounds/Physics/Hull_Scrape-2
					data = dirt
					loop = true
					loopAtRandom = true
					spread = 0.12
					channel = ShipBoth
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 0.0
					volume = 15.0 0.8
					volume = 30.0 1.0
					massToVolume = 0.0 0.5
					massToVolume = 25 0.8
					massToVolume = 50 1.0
					massToPitch = 0.0 1.2
					massToPitch = 25 1.0
					massToPitch = 50 0.8
					name = Hull_CollisionScrape-Metal
					audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancement/Sounds/Physics/Hull_Scrape-3
					data = concrete-vessel
					loop = true
					loopAtRandom = true
					spread = 0.12
					channel = ShipBoth
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 0.0
					volume = 30.0 1.0
					massToVolume = 0.0 0.5
					massToVolume = 25 0.8
					massToVolume = 50 1.0
					massToPitch = 0.0 1.1
					massToPitch = 25 1.0
					massToPitch = 50 0.9





ok so I copied my game to a new folder and removed everything but the constellation. 


Same result... 


The plot thickens... 

So, I have installed firespitter via CKAN because I don't like all the parts that come with the one bundled, so let me swap that over. 

Fuduzhamuca, still not working.... so must be a problem with my core game, something corrupted or something....  Hmm, back to steam for a brand new clean copy. 

Ok, so I brand new clean copy of 1.11, I launch it once and quit.  I install the USI constellation, go slap together an craft with the orion.  Still not working.  I dont know what else to do at this point. 







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Just now, RoverDude said:

To be 100% clear.

New KSP install.

New save.

Constellation Zip only.  No touching any of it's contents.  No CKAN involvement whatsoever.

Because I am seeing absolutely no reason why that vessel should not work.

Yes on all counts. 

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Just now, eberkain said:

Yes on all counts. 

Then I am officially at a loss - there's something being missed here and I have absolutely no idea what it is.  You are using a default KSP install - meaning no settings either correct?

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1 minute ago, RoverDude said:

Then I am officially at a loss - there's something being missed here and I have absolutely no idea what it is.  You are using a default KSP install - meaning no settings either correct?

I deleted KSP, reinstalled via steam, launched the game to the main menu, quit out. copied over everything in the constellation beta folder, restarted the game, changed the resolution to be 1080p fullscreen, started a new sandbox game, made the vessel in the video, used cheat menu to put it in orbit. 

Does ksp save/load any settings outside of the main directory that could be mucking things up? 

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Just now, KawaiiLucy said:


I hope this isn't a feature o.O

Btw regarding @eberkain's problem, I think it's due to altitude restrictions, as raising my orbit allowed the use of the 2500 fuel, whereas lower down, the engine didn't ignite.

Use the smaller bombs for yours :)  250's are ample for that vessel.. 2500's will blow it up.  250's can be used from the launchpad.


Just now, eberkain said:

I deleted KSP, reinstalled via steam, launched the game to the main menu, quit out. copied over everything in the constellation beta folder, restarted the game, changed the resolution to be 1080p fullscreen, started a new sandbox game, made the vessel in the video, used cheat menu to put it in orbit. 

Does ksp save/load any settings outside of the main directory that could be mucking things up? 

Copied constellation from the zip or from your old save?

Also turn CKAN off when you do this.

I would do this (in case CKAN had it's way with your install).

-CKAN off.

- Install KSP from Steam in a clean location.

-Manually unzip that constellation folder again into GameData - only use that 12/31 zip.

-Run KSP and start a new sandbox game

- Create your pod - use all defaults for the orion parts (it starts at 250's), plunk it on the launchpad, then throttle to full, then hit space.  Should just work.


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4 minutes ago, RoverDude said:


-Manually unzip that constellation folder again into GameData - only use that 12/31 zip.


This is what I did, I did not use anything from my regular modded install and did not launch CKAN after the fresh download from steam. 

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29 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

Use the smaller bombs for yours :)  250's are ample for that vessel.. 2500's will blow it up.  250's can be used from the launchpad.


Copied constellation from the zip or from your old save?

Also turn CKAN off when you do this.

I would do this (in case CKAN had it's way with your install).

-CKAN off.

- Install KSP from Steam in a clean location.

-Manually unzip that constellation folder again into GameData - only use that 12/31 zip.

-Run KSP and start a new sandbox game

- Create your pod - use all defaults for the orion parts (it starts at 250's), plunk it on the launchpad, then throttle to full, then hit space.  Should just work.


Just for grins I tested my current install.  Other than probably irradiating the KSC it launched fine.



Edited by goldenpsp
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23 hours ago, RoverDude said:

Then we've exhausted everything I can think of.

Thanks for the help anyhow.  It is a boring ass video, but here, I recorded doing a clean install and showing that it does not work. Maybe something is missing from the constellation download? 

And here are the log files from the recording



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6 minutes ago, eberkain said:

Maybe something is missing from the constellation download? 

My video right above yours is from a fresh 1.11 and the latest constellation and a few other mods.


Edit- Why not just try firing from the launchpad, as recommended by @RoverDude in one of his previous replies?

Edited by goldenpsp
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@eberkain  FYI I just went back in (I didn't bother recording) and did exactly what you did, using the same 3 parts and cheating into orbit and the engine fired up fine.


Another edit, sorry. I keep rewatching your video.  Now it shouldn't matter, but I generally unzip the file first and then copy the files into the gamedata folder, vs what it looks like you are doing is just opening the zip file and copying out of there.

Edited by goldenpsp
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11 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

Also another thought... maybe re-download the ZIP?


I have tried that thinking that maybe I got a partly corrupted download the first time.  And I also downloaded it a 3rd time when making the video. 

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58 minutes ago, eberkain said:

And I also downloaded it a 3rd time when making the video. 

The only thing that stands out in the logs is a fsfuelswitch error about parsing a resource amount, and i believe that shouldnt be there.

Could you maybe just replace the bundled firespitter with a fresh version from the individual mks download?

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