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[1.12.x] 'Project Orion' Nuclear Pulse Engine


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I buildt a medusa driven tug for 8.5 millions (including chemical giant launcher) in my alternate modded careerplay...

As long as its in testing it remains in Kerbin Orbit for tugging tasks... attaching here a nuclear Laythe transfer tug with a giant mobile miner/ mining rig for Laythe landing...

Its real expensive... Thrust limited to 10% is sufficient for this freight.

But it is just "the thing"!

I should have make a bigger LFO tank for the Vernor engines...:D


Let me know how it works with the new release

Okay now I feel like an idiot. It just says ablative material. Not pulse cartridges?

- - - Updated - - -

NVM It worked. Though I wish it had some pile driving sounds.

Sounds are not done yet ;)

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If you're going to do the whole "SRB's to get the Orion off the pad" thing, SpaceY heavy lifters pack has a really good variety of SRBs. Or you could try using a bunch of Karbonite SRBs', but that's probably not going to do your part count any favors.

Also, if you're not already using KJR, you probably should be. It gets rid of the whole "wobbly rocket" thing, and also makes connections between parts more resistant to shock loads (so the Medusa drive won't pop off the front of your ship). Might make it possible to use slightly higher throttle settings, but it will certainly make it easier to build launchers for these things that won't fly apart for no reason.

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It isn't working for me.

I have the same problem posted a while ago, I have thrust (0.1 kN incredibly powerful!) but no effects, no lift, nothing.

Yes I have installed USItools, I've disinstalled and reinstalled it like 5 times but nothing.

While trying to make it work I have created a new folder of the game with just the Squad folder and the folders in the zip but no signs.

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It isn't working for me.

I have the same problem posted a while ago, I have thrust (0.1 kN incredibly powerful!) but no effects, no lift, nothing.

Yes I have installed USItools, I've disinstalled and reinstalled it like 5 times but nothing.

While trying to make it work I have created a new folder of the game with just the Squad folder and the folders in the zip but no signs.

Are you trying to use the Medusa? That one can't operate in atmosphere.

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No CTT patch yet, I have to decide on that.

Yeah, they don't really fit with the other nuke engines. And there's no existing bomb nodes allthough the extra large landing gear (I forget the node name) could be a precursor to giant suspension.

The tech tree leading to Orions is a bit in the field of weaponry, not space flight. That just don't fit in KSP. So it's quandary where to put it.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm trying to use both, but they doesn't work neither in atmosphere nor in space.

What OS and version of KSP? It may be rellephant. I'm not sure who's testing with what OSs. I've tested on Win7 KSP1.0.4, and it seems to work fine (aka rips apart my craft with satisfactory explosions). I expect many of us are Windows users, so testing on Mac or Linux may not have been done. It *should* work the same, isn't exactly the same as it *does*.

Also, in the KSP folder, in the KSP_Data folder, there's a log file, output_log.txt that may have details that make sense. I'd recommend killing or moving the existing file, then loading up KSP, testing nothing but the Orion or Medusa, then exiting. The info often helps immensly, sometimes it's verbose enough to work it out even if you have no idea about the internals of KSP.

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Yeah, they don't really fit with the other nuke engines. And there's no existing bomb nodes allthough the extra large landing gear (I forget the node name) could be a precursor to giant suspension.

The tech tree leading to Orions is a bit in the field of weaponry, not space flight. That just don't fit in KSP. So it's quandary where to put it.

tbh there will likely be the suggested node of experimental nuclear propulsion, and a follow-up for the Medusa.

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I'm trying to use both, but they doesn't work neither in atmosphere nor in space.

Well, you now have to configure the engine to the cartridge type you're using, so check that if you haven't already.

If you're still having problems, maybe post the output log?

What OS and version of KSP? It may be rellephant. I'm not sure who's testing with what OSs. I've tested on Win7 KSP1.0.4, and it seems to work fine (aka rips apart my craft with satisfactory explosions). I expect many of us are Windows users, so testing on Mac or Linux may not have been done. It *should* work the same, isn't exactly the same as it *does*.

Also, in the KSP folder, in the KSP_Data folder, there's a log file, output_log.txt that may have details that make sense. I'd recommend killing or moving the existing file, then loading up KSP, testing nothing but the Orion or Medusa, then exiting. The info often helps immensly, sometimes it's verbose enough to work it out even if you have no idea about the internals of KSP.

Roverdude does his testing and development on Linux Mint. Also, you don't need to kill or move (unless you want to keep it for whatever reason) the existing output log file, it overwrites itself every time you launch KSP.

Edited by smjjames
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First: Love the gimbal on the Mk2. Much appreciated!

Second: MechJeb has stopped calculating the dV. Is this due to the new resources in the Mk2?

Third: I hope you don't mind, but I incorporated your resource code into a couple of stock tanks to make refuelling pods:


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Yeah, MJ will not work with these. And anything under 100t (payload, not engines or charges) will probably go poof.

James - I only dev on Windows, I play on Linux.

Oh, I misunderstood then, sorry. :)

These things have such huge amounts of deltaV that it really doesn't matter anyway, unless perhaps you're planning an interstellar journey.

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There will be a way to make these at UKS colonies that goes along with advanced manufacturing.

I don't see how nuke could be produced without a giant industry behind it. I understand that it doesn't have to be realistic. But still, nuke could be the thing that justify regular resupply fight to colony.

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These things have such huge amounts of deltaV that it really doesn't matter anyway, unless perhaps you're planning an interstellar journey.

Having invested so much money on a ship I would want to give it as long a life as possible by sending it on different missions, so knowing what dV I have remaining before it needs to return to Kerbin for refuelling would be a big help.

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Its Awsome!

With the medusa, playing with trottle don't seem to change much in term of G force. On the other hand, it does consume more nuke.


You know what would be realy cool? If "round" would be stored in a Kontainer, and it would not feed directly the engine. The engine itself would have a "clip" of X number of "round". But thats just a suggestion. Its just that the rounded tanks suggest some kind of gas.

Edit #2:

I tried it with the Kontainer Pod. The one that have fixed kontainer with a central mass. It realy look cool

Edited by RedParadize
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I love how Jerky the flight is! Hah! so fun

Obviously the first vehicle I tried was a medusa-Reaction wheel- fuel- orion. Pretty quick with the bigger pellets!

One bug I've hit is the Medusa on max charge size (2500) spins wildly. Oh so does the 1000 calibre. 250 and 500 are smooth though.

The Orion with max sized charges just bends a lot, but 21 peak Gs might be the real culprit...

Also; is there any difference in ISP between the two? or are they both the posted 15000?

Edited by Admac
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I don't see how nuke could be produced without a giant industry behind it. I understand that it doesn't have to be realistic. But still, nuke could be the thing that justify regular resupply fight to colony.

Well nuclear bombs are not complex in the traditional sense. If you can build a NERVA on site, reprocess spent fuel, and run a nuclear reactor on a short cycle than you probably can create a nuclear bomb, rather the problem lies in design. You see, designing a nuclear bomb is really quite hard, the information regarding plutonium is quite classified, explosives and how they effect it is also quite classified. Therefore expensive and complex tests must be conducted to create the bomb itself. Thus actually building a plutonium implosion type bomb is quite easy for such a colony, the design is very hard.

Now, you may be wondering, what about uranium gun type bombs? Well I am assuming that you would be unable to process the massive quantities of uranium needed to make a much simpler uranium gun bomb. A plutonium implosion bomb would be more practical than a uranium gun bomb and far easier to build assuming you had the required plutonium production reactor (which is different than a power reactor in the respect that it is refueled every month to prevent buildup of Pu-240 and other undesirable isotopes) and reprocessing equipment along with the actual design for one.

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I scaled down the kontainer_03 to 3.75 meter, it now fit perfectly behind the Medusa. It have much less nuke than the original tank. 600 NPU-250, 400 NPU-500, 200 NPU-1000 or 100 NPU-2500.

Added a sheild to protect against radiation. Only the alcor pod can see ahead, but don't look at the flash!


Well nuclear bombs are not complex in the traditional sense. If you can build a NERVA on site, reprocess spent fuel, and run a nuclear reactor on a short cycle than you probably can create a nuclear bomb, rather the problem lies in design. You see, designing a nuclear bomb is really quite hard, the information regarding plutonium is quite classified, explosives and how they effect it is also quite classified. Therefore expensive and complex tests must be conducted to create the bomb itself. Thus actually building a plutonium implosion type bomb is quite easy for such a colony, the design is very hard.

Now, you may be wondering, what about uranium gun type bombs? Well I am assuming that you would be unable to process the massive quantities of uranium needed to make a much simpler uranium gun bomb. A plutonium implosion bomb would be more practical than a uranium gun bomb and far easier to build assuming you had the required plutonium production reactor (which is different than a power reactor in the respect that it is refueled every month to prevent buildup of Pu-240 and other undesirable isotopes) and reprocessing equipment along with the actual design for one.

I don't want to be harsh, but my english kinda bad... Sorry if my answer is a bit blunt.

Producing a NERVA would be "easy" compared to building a nuclear weapon. The level of precision for machined part doesn't need to that high. To produce a modern bomb, you need high precision for everything, cable, electronics etc. These thing require other rare material, some of them are even less common than high quality uranium. Reprocessing fuel is also "easy" compared to geting new fuel, because it doesn't require to dig literaly thousand of tons of rocks to just to get few Kilo of Uranium. And you will still need to enrich it... and that take allot of energy to do. All these operation require huge infrastructure, manpower and time.

Barrel bomb would indeed be the easiest solution, that we agree on. But you won't get anything stronger than few dozens of kilotons, and its a heavy, unefficient and a unsafe design.

I think that if we ever colonise Mars, nuke will be one of the last thing that we can produce localy.

Edited by RedParadize
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Pity. It worked with the Mk1. Will try it with KER.

(Edit) Nope. Same result with KER.

Having invested so much money on a ship I would want to give it as long a life as possible by sending it on different missions, so knowing what dV I have remaining before it needs to return to Kerbin for refuelling would be a big help.

Yeah, given these are direct thrust there's just no way for those tools to get a real reading, and the DV will vary greatly based on the payload.

Its Awsome!

With the medusa, playing with trottle don't seem to change much in term of G force. On the other hand, it does consume more nuke.


You know what would be realy cool? If "round" would be stored in a Kontainer, and it would not feed directly the engine. The engine itself would have a "clip" of X number of "round". But thats just a suggestion. Its just that the rounded tanks suggest some kind of gas.

Edit #2:

I tried it with the Kontainer Pod. The one that have fixed kontainer with a central mass. It realy look cool

The Medusa levels out the G-Force a bit more than the Orion. Consumption should be precisely the same.

I love how Jerky the flight is! Hah! so fun

Obviously the first vehicle I tried was a medusa-Reaction wheel- fuel- orion. Pretty quick with the bigger pellets!

One bug I've hit is the Medusa on max charge size (2500) spins wildly. Oh so does the 1000 calibre. 250 and 500 are smooth though.

The Orion with max sized charges just bends a lot, but 21 peak Gs might be the real culprit...

Also; is there any difference in ISP between the two? or are they both the posted 15000?

Not a bug, your spinning is because your payload is too small. and there is no real ISP for these things - so you can ignore those numbers, it's all about the size of the charge as they impart thrust directly.

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The Medusa levels out the G-Force a bit more than the Orion. Consumption should be precisely the same.

Sorry, thats not what i meant. I am saying that 10% trottle produce more trust than 100%. Consumption is higher, but trust is lower.

If I understand correctly, pulses trust is not cumulative, it might have something to do with the powercurve. I think that if a pulse happen at the peak of the curve of the previous one, it will simply interrupt it and start from 0.

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