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Steam Workshop

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i have been out of the loop about the game for months . mostly because i normally enjoy the mods of the game and the hasszle of having to delete my whole addon folder and redownload all mods when an update comes or when the mod is updated has been quite a pain . So i wonder if maybe adding steam workshop for it could help a lot . dunno if this is acceptable by all here but for me many games having workshop have been quite useful.

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Steam Workshop is not an option as the game is for sale on many platforms other than Steam. This has been discussed in the past. Here are 4 I found on a quick Google search:





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Steam Workshop is not an option as the game is for sale on many platforms other than Steam.

WNTS and existing threads aside, that is not why there is no workshop support. Other games support workshop and are sold elsewhere (without workshop support). That rumor comes from misunderstandings about how Workshop works, and though integration (such as Cities Skylines) seems a lot fancier, Workshop is capable of simply downloading files to the GameData folder just like CKAN if they wanted to do it.

It is more likely they don't want it because they have a partnership with Curse, even though that has been mostly rejected by the community.

Edited by Alshain
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