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Elcano Circumnavigation: Tylo Or Bust!


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  TheCardinal said:

Just wondering. How do you calculate/see how much distance you've covered?

By the way, I don't consider this a race to see who's the first to achieve the circumnavigation, so i won't be driving like mad to gain distance. I'll be driving normally.

On my Mun circumvention, I'm stopping and planting flags at 10km intervals. This gives me a rough idea how far I've traveled, and a way to estimate the distance to future targets. It's also a good place to hit quicksave

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  Just Jim said:
On my Mun circumvention, I'm stopping and planting flags at 10km intervals. This gives me a rough idea how far I've traveled, and a way to estimate the distance to future targets. It's also a good place to hit quicksave

On Tylo that would mean planting about 360 flags. I doubt my computer will enjoy that (nor me). Even a flag every 50 km would result in 72 flags. I probably will quicksave every 20-30 km and plant a flag every 10 degrees (~105 km) or make a screenprint. The BTDT scanner will provide the proof of the cicumvention.

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I would kind of recommend flags every 100km. 100km is the maximum for you to be able to "see" the flag without map view.

Also, I did NOT stop indefinatly :D I just need a break.


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  TheCardinal said:
I tried to calculate how much distance one degree of arc is on Tylo and i noticed that the circumference of Tylo is 3,769 km (and not 1,900 km!). Therefor a degree on Tylo is about 10.5 km distance.

That means I travel 10 degrees per day...

oh my.

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Then why not finish this one?????? Tylo does take more time than smaller moons (such as Dres) but you've already overcome the largest hurdle for Tylo: landing safely. 1.1 still might be months away (or do you know something i don't?)

I guestimate you've already driven somewhere between 500 km and 600 km. When you drive an average of 100 km a day, you'll only need about 30 days more (still more than a week before X-mas).

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You should read that date as "we'll try it but we promise nothing". Tylo is a heavier challenge than Dres i.m.o. but i've never driven on Dres.

Tylo is more difficult because of the distance, the hard landing and its size. You'll need a lot of perseverance for Tylo.

Frankly, i cant wait for a 64 bits KSP but even if it's released today, i won't upgrade until i've finished Tylo (same as i said about KSP 1.0.5).

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Welp, this is only checkpoint 1. I'm trying now to speed this up by aiming for an average of 200km per day I drive. Today will be an odd day where I'll aim for 300km.


Also, nothing to report today, though Valentina is getting worried about the increasing number of craters we're narrowly passing by.

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Mini report:

HOLY SHIP! I'm in a big bind now, driving into the side of a crater. Though the crater is small, MJ is having a hard time keeping things stable, especially with a high-ish CoG.

Valentina lost her lunch today to Tylo.

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Mini Edit: I appear to be entering a crater filled area. Valentina and the rest of KSA have decided to name it the "Badlands" biome.

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  SpaceplaneAddict said:
Ayup. If you're wondering why I didn;t abandon this for Dres yet, it's because I'm still in wait for a launcher for the rover. Also, when I do get one, I'm gonna be the first to circumnavigate to things at once.

How big is your rover?

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I am hating the kraken so much right now. Valentina has been struck with a command seat bug. She can move in place, but her movements now control the rover as well. She's stuck in place, standing in the middle of the seat.

Alright, time for a new rover. I'm probably going to modify the DresAwarenessCar's chassis to include a claw, so I can send a new kerbal, and not lose Valentina! This is going to be hard...

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Sorry to hear you've run into trouble. I'll be damned if i take advantage of that, so i'm placing my driving on Tylo on hold until you've sorted things out at your end. No driving today for me.

Unless i'm mistaken, you have covered a distance of about 550 km on Tylo sofar. I'll hold until you've covered 916 km (the distance i've covered until now).

When were both at a distance of 916 km, we'll recommence the friendly competition/circumnavigation again.

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  TheCardinal said:
There's no way to free her? (F9?)

Multiple tries have failed, I'm afraid. Thanks for waiting! Using the Ubio welding mod, I've rebuilt a DresAwarenessCar to have a forward Claw, 'cause I don;t want to lose a rover the the Kraken. On to phase 2! Rocket building. I'll use the same lander, and another way to transport the damn thing.

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Launching now, I'll show majestic pictures of the landing later.

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