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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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I really like it, but why did you delete the photo's you had before?

Those that showed the early science parts and the antennas?

More pictures are not bad, you could add more then one emmbed album on the front page, maybe in a spoiler to make it look a bit more organized

(if you like numbers: 010010010111010000100000011010010111001100100000011000010010000001110010011001010110000101101100011011000111100100100000011001110110111101101111011001000010000001101101011011110110010000001010011010110110010101100101011100000010000001100100011011110110100101101110011001110010000001110100011010000110100101110011)


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I really like it, but why did you delete the photo's you had before?

Those that showed the early science parts and the antennas?

More pictures are not bad, you could add more then one emmbed album on the front page, maybe in a spoiler to make it look a bit more organized

At the moment, the reason is:

On another note, I probably will redo all the antenna textures in the near future. I've gotten a lot better at texturing and want to go back and apply what I've learned. Right now it's painful to look at them... and I should probably get around to finishing the Lunar Orbiter engines...

I don't really want to show them off right now. That's likely my project for tonight, then I'll feel better about them. The models are fine it is mostly just the color palette.

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Ah, yeah that makes sense

Yup. I might make just remodel some of them wholesale. I feel kind of weird leaving them in if they're not going to be up to my current standards. In particular the helical antenna feels bad to me.

Woah! This is on par with RLA Stockalike! This deserves more attention. Looking forward to seeing where it goes in the future.

Thank you! That means a lot considering RLA is one of my favorite mods :D

I've been watching this from the dark for a while! I like it, totally one of my new favourites.

If you need any help with anything, send me a PM.

Thanks Venom! I think I have a handle on things for the moment but I appreciate it.


I had some new parts I was working on the other night but it appears the most recent version of the file is missing several hours of work.

:) *twitch*

DMagic and NathanKell have given me permission to include their sciencedefs for the magnetometer and geiger counter experiments. So you will have full definitions for those experiments. Right now they are only on the N100 and N120 antennas but I would like to add standalone experiments for them that are different aesthetically to the kind that are in those mods. Magnetometers in particular are made in all different styles.

Texture refresh on the antennas is going well. I may switch the textures over to a 1k texture as the current 2k one is very overkill. So that would be something like 10 parts on one texture which I can live with. Similarly, the science experiments texture is currently 1k and used for the ion trap, micrometeoroid detector and the sienno probe parts... for, uh, reasons. I am probably going to move that to a 512 or even 256 texture sheet, depending on whether I add more science parts. The sienno probe core is probably going to be remodeled, as I don't particularly care for how it turned out. The booster is fine, just needs the texture to get cleaned up. Those will move to their own small texture sheet.

On the topic of science parts, writing flavor texts is not exactly my thing. If people would like to help suggest entries for the ion trap and micrometeroid detector, please feel free.

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I may be able to help with the science entries.

On a side note, you can't have an Atlas V without Centaur!

Centaur may come. I'm currently working on an earlier Atlas upper stage. :3

...or at least I was

EDIT: On the topic of the experiments, while they're cool, I've had trouble tracking down enough material on how they work to understand them fully. I feel like I don't understand how an ion trap works enough to accurately write entries for it. I understand it has something to do with charged particles being carried on the solar wind but not enough of an understanding to apply that in-universe to what one would find at various bodies around Kerbol.

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I have Google!

But uh... earlier Atlas upper stage? Is it Centaur-T? :P

Really though, you should check this website out for reference: http://andegraf.com/rockets

Wow I never knew there was a website with this amount of rockets. I am looking for this for a long time

Thank you

Yeah that site is awesome! Thanks for the link, I've seen it before but now I have it bookmarked.

I had a couple hours to work tonight. Any thoughts fellas (and ladies)?

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Ohh, I like those! Very nice work.

You should try making more actual probe cores. Some diversity among my satellite designs would be nice. :P

I have an idea or two for them but do you have any suggestions for designs? I always think the old probes look cool but it's hard to find pictures of a lot of them.

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I have an idea or two for them but do you have any suggestions for designs? I always think the old probes look cool but it's hard to find pictures of a lot of them.

The first things to come to mind are bits from Venera 4 and Mariner 10. That could make some interesting bits!

Something with plenty of room for science bits!

Edit- Bits

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The first things to come to mind are bits from Venera 4 and Mariner 10. That could make some interesting bits!

Something with plenty of room for science bits!

Mariner 10's camera unit is already planned as the top end camera unit. And I already modeled the thermal shield / engine several weeks ago but I would probably redo it before release. I've been considering making the magnetometer from it, which closely resembles the one on Venera incidentally. What other parts of Mariner 10 would you need?

Also, while looking for info on cameras, I found this. The whole site is an oldie but goodie for anyone interested in old Soviet stuff.

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I was just thinking the core itself, if that makes sense.

But that website looks amazing whenever you're trying to develop a mod like this!

Would you like it if I used this as reference and tried to model a couple things? I'd love to contribute but I'm rubbish at coding and texturing. Actually, I'm rubbish at modeling too but I can try.

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I was just thinking the core itself, if that makes sense.

But that website looks amazing whenever you're trying to develop a mod like this!

Would you like it if I used this as reference and tried to model a couple things? I'd love to contribute but I'm rubbish at coding and texturing. Actually, I'm rubbish at modeling too but I can try.

Yes I think I'll probably be referring to it in the future. I don't think I need much help at the moment but I appreciate it. Modeling, coding, texturing all get better with practice. I say go ahead and try, if you wind up with something cool you could release it yourself :3

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Yes I think I'll probably be referring to it in the future. I don't think I need much help at the moment but I appreciate it. Modeling, coding, texturing all get better with practice. I say go ahead and try, if you wind up with something cool you could release it yourself :3

I was hoping maybe I could try and make a model for you to texture and code... I just want to practice modeling.

On a very related note, advice on modeling tubing/wiring? I generally use Wings3D and I don't know how familiar you are with that.

This mass-spectrometre isn't going to hook it's own cables up!

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I was hoping maybe I could try and make a model for you to texture and code... I just want to practice modeling.

On a very related note, advice on modeling tubing/wiring? I generally use Wings3D and I don't know how familiar you are with that.

This mass-spectrometre isn't going to hook it's own cables up!

Well if you insist, I guess I have to :P

I used Wings a couple times for unwrapping my early KSP models before I got a better UV mapping plugin for Maya. I never used the modeling toolkit. For the wires on the MM detector I drew a CV curve in Maya and extruded a nurbs circle along it. I set it to extrude as polygons with the settings as low as I could go and have it look acceptable. That's how I did it. Otherwise, I guess you'd just have to start at one end and extrude the edges over and over.

(note to self: look up what a mass spectrometer is)

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"Mass spectrometry (MS) is an analytical chemistry technique that helps identify the amount and type of chemicals present in a sample by measuring the mass-to-charge ratio and abundance of gas-phase ions. Amass spectrum (plural spectra) is a plot of the ion signal as a function of the mass-to-charge ratio."

I wasn't actually entirely sure what it was, but that sounds incredibly useful for landers! It has a sort of air intake to see what the atmosphere is made of!

For science!

Hooray for basic geometry~


That looks... okay, doesn't it?

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I've been keeping a keen eye on this thread, its one of the best modelled i have seen.

As a sidenote i prefer older tech to the newerstuff...i get more pleasure out of flying a replica Mercury-Atlas than i would an SLS...and all this talk of old cameras has got me excited. Maybe you could add a filter so the pictures look grainy.

Eagerly looking forward to see what comes next ☺

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I really like the textures of the micrometeriod detector.

It looks as it already has been hit by something.

I have a request/ challange.

Could you maybe make it, that when you start the test, that there is a small impact on the surfuce of the detector, that would be really awsome

- - - Updated - - -


If you like old stuff, you should check this out : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/102988-1-02-MovieTime-v0-5-(May-7)-Olde-Timey-Movie-and-TV-Effects

I dont know if it still works in 1.0.4

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"Mass spectrometry (MS) is an analytical chemistry technique that helps identify the amount and type of chemicals present in a sample by measuring the mass-to-charge ratio and abundance of gas-phase ions. Amass spectrum (plural spectra) is a plot of the ion signal as a function of the mass-to-charge ratio."

I wasn't actually entirely sure what it was, but that sounds incredibly useful for landers! It has a sort of air intake to see what the atmosphere is made of!

For science!

Hooray for basic geometry~


That looks... okay, doesn't it?

Yeah it looks great! I have some feedback here but for the most part they're curiosity and not any issue. The part is supposed to be about the size of the stock science instruments, correct?


I think it would look cool if you made a loop cut on the main body at the two green lines, extruded up where you have that little cube, and move the top edges inward to form a rectangle. But looking at it again I think I prefer the smaller one that just chills there. It seems like Maya may have better tools for making the wires you want. When you're done modeling you can just send me an obj and an image of where you want the wires and I can put them in.

I've been keeping a keen eye on this thread, its one of the best modelled i have seen.

As a sidenote i prefer older tech to the newerstuff...i get more pleasure out of flying a replica Mercury-Atlas than i would an SLS...and all this talk of old cameras has got me excited. Maybe you could add a filter so the pictures look grainy.

Eagerly looking forward to see what comes next ☺

Thank you! Yeah, I generally find the older stuff a lot more interesting. Especially the periods when we were still figuring out how everything works. Now, for example, most probes look very same-y with all the gold foil and such. And there are more than enough mods that aim to recreate things like the SLS. I made an Atlas V because the only one I know of, OMSK, is somewhat dead and I didn't care for the textures. But that's probably the only modern part I'll make unless another catches my eye. :)

I think my current plan is still just to implement the cameras as normal experiments and worry about making them compatible with hullcam or something later. I have very little interest in programming which means creating a bespoke plugin is very much outside the scope of this project.

I really like the textures of the micrometeriod detector.

It looks as it already has been hit by something.

I have a request/ challange.

Could you maybe make it, that when you start the test, that there is a small impact on the surfuce of the detector, that would be really awsome

Thanks! I definitely feel wayyy better about including it now.

I just looked into it. I made a little piece of debris that is invisible until the animation starts. It starts very far away from the detector and comes in very fast, striking it. Unfortunately it is very hard to make out so probably isn't worth it. Maybe I can look into spawning sparks using one of the stock effects? Like the one that appears when an engine flames out?

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I'll get right on that, but here's some answers with my expert editing skills!


The fact that you like it means a lot! This is the third model I've ever tried to make...

For the ring around the fat cylinder, if it's going to be that subtle, I'd say just save the polys and let it be made in the texture.



I like this picture where the base plate is trapezoid shape and on the narrower part there is a box full of electronics. I don't think we have many instruments with a trapezoidal base, no?

EDIT2: Why no I'm not avoiding rigging still. BUT I FOUND THIS!


The Mars landers included a small mini rover, PROP-M, on a 15-meter tether, which ski-walked and avoided obstacles. It carried a conical penetrometer and a gamma-ray densitometer, which it was programmed to activate every 1.5 meters.


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