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How did the obsession with "snacks" become a part of the KSP lore?


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I get that "snacks" and snack-references are a running gag and part of the cutesy kerbal-ish parody that is so endearing about this game.

But, where did it come from? Was it a mod, or a viral forum post / reddit thread / YouTube cinematic? Was it something mentioned nonchalantly in a comment by NathanKell in the discussion thread below a devblog back in v0.17 and it just got dragged along by the Hype Train? (That's an oddly specific but totes random example I can think of.)

Where did the Lore of the Tasty originate??

Edited by MisterFister
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That's a good question I kept asking myself as well. Being rather new to the game I'd say it comes from the interior views of the command modules and crew / science containers where they have compartments labelled "snacks". So maybe this inspired that running gag? Just guessing though

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First instance of 'Snacks' that I recall is a cabinet in the Hitchhiker IVA. I think it ballooned out of control from there, so now we're all doomed to a lifetime of snack-induced diabetes... Well, our Kerbals are, anyway :P

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Yep. It began with new IVA for Hitchhiker Module. Then it snowballed, trickled into AAR section, sneaked into mods to finally entrench itself firmly into community's hive mind.

I'm sure that "PS: I ate all the snacks" on some sticker somewhere existed way before HM has got the IVA. Not sure if it was stock or some mod.

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The snacks thing started with some fan art, IIRC, back around 0.10, and was further cemented into KSP lore in a few posts from HarvesteR on the Orbiter forums - mostly to do with some off the cuff replies, though... hmm... I could be wrong... I might be misremembering one of the IRC chat things. Anyways, that was back in 2011 when I was just a forum lurker, and the snacks meme had yet to take off. IIRC, it really didn't hit full steam until 0.17ish, where it didn't come from any single source... I think people just heard "snacks" and ran with it. Amusingly enough, if you search for my old posts in the suggestion forums back in 2012, you'll see me arguing that life support should just consist of "snacks" rather than "Life support should require a 200 page manual"... which was about the time that "snacks" as a meme really started to take off. I'm not taking credit for starting it, just saying it wasn't prevalent until about that time, as I had seen someone else post it so I glommed onto the idea for an argument about life support. And of course, a year or two later, someone made a mod that did just that. :D

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