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[1.0.4] RSS-64k - A 64% Rescale for RSS (ignore the [Part])


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Does what it says on the tin

To install

This doesn't redistribute anything, it's just a config file

  • Download and install RSS, including textures (I'd use CKAN for this, it's pretty convenient)
  • Download this and paste the RSS64k folder into your gamedata (I'm trying to get this on CKAN)

If you want RemoteTech

  • Download and install RemoteTech
  • Download and install the RSS config for RemoteTech

If you want KSC switcher (and I really do recommend this)

  • Download and install KSC switcher - it works fine

What's changed:

  • Planet radius (obviously), area, mass
  • Height of atmospheres (scaled down to 80% - completely arbitrary, just looked nice), e.g. Earth's atmosphere goes up 104km with this config
  • Pressure & temperature curves to match atmospheric height
  • The visual element of the atmospheres, so you don't get perfectly white coronas around every atmospheric planet
  • Orbital periods of moons - they should be exactly 64% of what they were before (or in real life) - this is just as a result of trying to keep surface gravity the same with a scaled planet. Resonances should still be fine though.

What hasn't changed:

  • Orbital periods of bodies around the sun, e.g. Earth's year is still 365 ish days (depending on your definition of 'year' and 'day')
  • Rotational periods of bodies, e.g. Earth's day is still 24 ish hours (depending on your definition of 'day' and 'hour')
  • Orbital elements other than semi major axes - eccentricities, inclinations, ascending nodes, arguments of periapses, etc. have all stayed the same as 'stock' RSS
  • Surface gravity of planets, e.g. Earth's is 1g
  • Height of mountains and stuff - I don't see why I should change this, honestly
  • Compatibility with KSC switcher
  • Diameters of rings - I'll fix this

What might have changed / Might change in the future

  • Compatibility with some other mods (within reason), e.g. RVE - I haven't had an opportunity to test this one, because my internet speed is dreadful and it'd take a while to download. Most things should still work fine though - I say 'within reason' because this isn't going to break parts packs and things like that
  • RSS Planets & Moons Expanded won't work with this (for now) - you'll get some weird orbits that don't quite fit if you do install this, and the new bodies will still be real-scaled, obviously


Why not?

No, really, why?

Same reasons as the 64k for the stock solar system, most stock and stock-scaled parts are about 64% of their real life equivalents, so you won't need to spend ages fiddling with procedural parts and tweakscale to get something into space

It's also obviously going to be a bit easier than RSS, so if you've always wanted to explore the real solar system but haven't been hardcore enough for planets ten times larger than stock, you could give this a try


  • Realfuels - you won't need it to play this but it will make your life a bit easier
  • SMURFF - if you don't want realfuels but still want realistic fuel masses
  • SCANsat - who doesn't love a spot of scanning, really?
  • RealismOverhaul - again, you won't need it, but if realism's your thing, then this is great
  • KW Rocketry, SpaceY, and similar parts packs - larger parts are really going to help you
  • Tantares - because it's great
  • FASA - because re-enacting real-life rockets is pretty fun. You should be able to pull off a Moon mission in this without rescaling the parts (I haven't tested this yet though)
  • See the RSS and RealismOverhaul threads - they've got big lists of recommendations


Orbital velocity in Low Earth Orbit is about 6.2km/s, with about 250m/s coming 'for free' from the Earth's rotation, if you launch at or near the equator

You'll need about 7.5km/s to get into orbit

I'll probably prepare a delta-v map later, but if anyone wants to beat me to it, I'd really love that

X is bugged, Y is broken, Z is super janky and weird

It's probably my fault, and I'll probably fix it

License stuff

CC By-NC-SA 4.0, see this and this

If that doesn't mean anything to you, it probably won't matter. Just if you need to redistribute any of this for some reason, feel free, but I'd like it if you credited it



(again, I'll see what I can do about getting it on CKAN)

Some tangentially relevant screenshots

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An example of what you'll need to get a stock 2.5m pod to orbit


Mods: Ven's Stock Revamp, KW Rocketry, FASA (for the clamp), Procedural Fairings, KER for the delta-v, RealFuels (but this should still hold generally true with SMURFF)

Edited by k88a314
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  • 3 weeks later...

Is this in development/managed still? I have some glitches to report. There are two I've found so far while playing. Saturn's rings are extremely close to its atmosphere and there is a blinding white aura when descending onto to Mars from about 80km to 30km. Thanks for the mod, this is awesome. My PC couldn't handle full scale RSS, and it was too hard :(

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