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[Min KSP 1.12.2] Buffalo: NASA Inspired Modular Space Exploration Vehicle

Angelo Kerman

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NOTE: This mod is no longer being maintained. Instead, please check out its successor:

Download: GitHub, SpaceDock

Buffalo Source

Wild Blue Tools Source

Sample Craft


Val drummed her fingers on the Buffalo's dashboard. She loved the view out the front, but there's only so much she could take in before getting bored."Well?"

Sitting in the crew cab/lab, Bob checked his laptop's display, puzzling over the results he saw. They didn't make sense. He checked the lab's GPS coordinates. They were in the right spot.

"We're in the right place," Bob responded finally, "and I've got the soil composition for this area, so Isaxy will be happy. But these gravity reading are just... strange."

"That's descriptive," Val muttered to herself.


"Never mind. What if we set up some negative gravioli detectors up on the ridge and a bit further south? Can we triangulate the anomaly that way?

Bob tapped on the laptop for a few seconds. "Yeah, we can do that," he finally answered.

Val smiled broadly. She was finally going to fly on Duna! "Dibs on the JetWing then!"

The NASA Multimission Modular Space Exploration Vehicle (MMSEV) Is a radical new concept that uses common components for ground rovers and in-space exploration craft. This modularity opens up the possibility of a variety of different configurations. The Buffalo Modular Space Exploration Vehicle (MSEV) is the KSP equivalent from Wild Blue Industries. With the Buffalo, you can explore space in style!

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- Modular design lets you build rovers, aircraft, and spacecraft.

- Fits inside the standard 3.75m cargo bay.

- KIS/KAS friendly; you can assemble and disassemble the Buffalo out in the field.

- Crew spaces have IVAs. Optional Support for ASET.

- Designs inspired by real-world NASA MMSEV with family resemblance to ground vehicles around KSC.


NASA MMSEV: http://www.nasa.gov/exploration/technology/space_exploration_vehicle/

Recommended Mods

(you'll need RPM as well as ASET Props and ASET Avionics to use the Buffalo Command Cab's ASET IVA)






Module Manager by saribian

Portions of this codebase include source by Snjo and Swamp-IG, used under CC BY-NC SA 4.0 license

Icons by icons8: https://icons8.com/license/

Eve: Order Zero graphic courtesy of Kuzztler and used with permission.

Featuring: JetWing!



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And don't forget about Buffalo's big brother, the Bison, found in the Heisenberg Airship Parts Pack!


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  Z3R0_0NL1N3 said:
Wow! This looks really nice! I haven't a chance to try it out, yet, now, but it looks like a great start! And I do love that it looks like the KSP trucks. Are you going to make unique wheels for it, by any chance?

Yes absolutely making custom wheels for it. I've never made wheels before so it will take some time.

- - - Updated - - -

  tkw said:
best mod in the year :0.0:

Thanks! :)

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Ok, Hotfix is up:

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a collider issue with the Buckboard.

- Kerbals will now orient properly when going on EVA from the crew cabin.

- Made it easier to enter the crew cabin when climbing up the trailer hitch.

- The Chassis Decoupler will now show up properly in the parts catalog.

- The KAS Pipe ID labels now glow properly.

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Angel, just curious, but I'm guessing this will be a completely separate mod from Pathfinder, correct? Just making sure so I know how many mods I need to track (I don't use CKAN for various reasons.)

And I just realized I should probably try to use this to build a Mun/Minmus mining op for fueling... Any plans for perhaps a Buffalo Probe core? (With RemoteTech Support?) If you're considering that, giving your LightPosts from Pathfinder RemoteTech support would now make sense. (The fact Omni have such massive coverage for the power they consume kinda irks me. Mainly because it's REALLY convenient, but at the same time ruins my thoughts on giving cool mods like Pathfinder RT support on certain parts. So conflict of interests for me.)

I'm half tempted to think of refurbing the RT antennas to make more sense in justification of your mods ^_^

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  StahnAileron said:
Angel, just curious, but I'm guessing this will be a completely separate mod from Pathfinder, correct? Just making sure so I know how many mods I need to track (I don't use CKAN for various reasons.)

And I just realized I should probably try to use this to build a Mun/Minmus mining op for fueling... Any plans for perhaps a Buffalo Probe core? (With RemoteTech Support?) If you're considering that, giving your LightPosts from Pathfinder RemoteTech support would now make sense. (The fact Omni have such massive coverage for the power they consume kinda irks me. Mainly because it's REALLY convenient, but at the same time ruins my thoughts on giving cool mods like Pathfinder RT support on certain parts. So conflict of interests for me.)

I'm half tempted to think of refurbing the RT antennas to make more sense in justification of your mods ^_^

Great questions. :) There were requests to have the Buffalo separate from Pathfinder, so I gave the MSEV its own mod. I will keep it bundled with Pathfinder for the time being, so you only need to download Pathfinder if you want the Buffalo too. So if you want the MSEV without the base components, then this mod is for you. :)

Yes to the Buffalo probe core, it's on my parts list along with a bunch of other stuff. That reminds me, I have to double-check to see if the Gaslights have RT support. I know they recently got Antenna Range. If they don't, then they will in the next update. For the probe core to have RT support, I'll need a little help since I don't use RT. Do you have any quick examples of the config files?

I actually do have a deployable antenna in mind, but I was waiting for KSP 1.1's antenna tech before implementing it..

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Oh! This is coming along nicely!

I second StahnAileron´s request for a probe-core. It can be as simple cfg-hacking a probe-core module into 1u-chassi bit.

Another thing I kind of miss is a bit to add to the rear end of the vehicle for those time you dont want a cargo-flatbed but a kerbal-transport instead. An nice chamfered adaptor bit (Buffalo-profile => dockingport perhaps).

Something similar to this from the Exploration Rover System



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  Prime flux said:
Oh! This is coming along nicely!

I second StahnAileron´s request for a probe-core. It can be as simple cfg-hacking a probe-core module into 1u-chassi bit.

Another thing I kind of miss is a bit to add to the rear end of the vehicle for those time you dont want a cargo-flatbed but a kerbal-transport instead. An nice chamfered adaptor bit (Buffalo-profile => dockingport perhaps).

Something similar to this from the Exploration Rover System



Definitely will have a probe core. :) I have some ideas based on those automated Google cars that drive around town here in the Silicon Valley. So if I understand, you're looking for something like this?


That crew cabin is part of the current release. :) Only downside is you'll block the crew entryway, and you'll have to exit the vehicle via the command cab.

Edited by Angel-125
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  Angel-125 said:
Great questions. :) There were requests to have the Buffalo separate from Pathfinder, so I gave the MSEV its own mod. I will keep it bundled with Pathfinder for the time being, so you only need to download Pathfinder if you want the Buffalo too. So if you want the MSEV without the base components, then this mod is for you. :)

Yes to the Buffalo probe core, it's on my parts list along with a bunch of other stuff. That reminds me, I have to double-check to see if the Gaslights have RT support. I know they recently got Antenna Range. If they don't, then they will in the next update. For the probe core to have RT support, I'll need a little help since I don't use RT. Do you have any quick examples of the config files?

I actually do have a deployable antenna in mind, but I was waiting for KSP 1.1's antenna tech before implementing it..

Will the Pathfinder's and standalone Buffalo releases be in lock-step during that time? I imagine you won't be doing this dual release for long. Seems tedious ^_^

Last I recall, the Gaslight's did not have RT support. I was the one that mentioned RT for the Gaslight's, actually. The problem was if you had a base with RT Antennae, you'd most likely be using the 5,000km Omni model, making the Gaslights kinda redundant as relays UNLESS you don't have a space network up yet AND are using a Local Command Post. But even that's stretching it. Like I said, RT is an awesome mod, but needs a bit more diversity. I already posted some questions in the RT thread to see what I can work with given the current state of that mod.

As for RT configs, they're actually one of the more simple and straight forward configs I've seen so far. Just DL the mod (or the github repo I guess) and open one of the RT-specific antenna part configs.

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Actual gameplay question: What's a reasonable number of wheels to use? I'm thinking of making a mobile Ore/Fuel plant (rather than a permanent base for now) on the Mun. Would something like 4 drive wheels on the rear and 2 steering wheels up front suffice? I don't really make rovers and this will be my first foray into truly doing so. (I'm an SSTO type of guy.) This gonna be amusing, trying to pack the ore drills onto this. I'm also gonna have to figure out how I want to get this to the Mun, land it, and transport the fuel to Mun Orbit. (Thank goodness I'm not using TAC-LS yet in my current game. I want to, but I'm trying to get back into the basic and advance gameplay before I add another hurdle.)

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Yepp that is basicly what I want to do. Don´t you think it makes a very sharp edge going from the crew cabin to the docking port? I think a thin adaptor with some chamfer action would smooth up the transition from the square buffalo profile to the more rounded docking port.

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Hmm... For the future, can we get something like a Utility/Service frame? Same length and height as the Wagon (maybe a half-length version too), but a narrow width (still big enough to pass a Kerbal, though) so we can side mount parts, like drills, science, etc.

Any thoughts/suggestions on a power set-up for a Buffalo-based mining rig?

Oh, is it a better idea to attach the modules together directly (the cockpit, crew, and storage) and then mount the frame/wheels? I'm thinking this is how it should be done to properly allow internal crew movement/transfers.

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  SuccinctLemon said:
This looks great!

Thanks, glad you like it. :)

  StahnAileron said:
Actual gameplay question: What's a reasonable number of wheels to use? I'm thinking of making a mobile Ore/Fuel plant (rather than a permanent base for now) on the Mun. Would something like 4 drive wheels on the rear and 2 steering wheels up front suffice? I don't really make rovers and this will be my first foray into truly doing so. (I'm an SSTO type of guy.) This gonna be amusing, trying to pack the ore drills onto this. I'm also gonna have to figure out how I want to get this to the Mun, land it, and transport the fuel to Mun Orbit. (Thank goodness I'm not using TAC-LS yet in my current game. I want to, but I'm trying to get back into the basic and advance gameplay before I add another hurdle.)

Good question. You'll be ok with fewer wheels on lower gravity worlds.

  Prime flux said:
Yepp that is basicly what I want to do. Don´t you think it makes a very sharp edge going from the crew cabin to the docking port? I think a thin adaptor with some chamfer action would smooth up the transition from the square buffalo profile to the more rounded docking port.


Ah ok, I get it. :) Basically a Buffalo to 1.25m adapter. I'll have to rethink the crew cab a bit to see if I can add airlocks on the side so the kerbals can get out, but it might work..

  StahnAileron said:
Hmm... For the future, can we get something like a Utility/Service frame? Same length and height as the Wagon (maybe a half-length version too), but a narrow width (still big enough to pass a Kerbal, though) so we can side mount parts, like drills, science, etc.

Any thoughts/suggestions on a power set-up for a Buffalo-based mining rig?

Oh, is it a better idea to attach the modules together directly (the cockpit, crew, and storage) and then mount the frame/wheels? I'm thinking this is how it should be done to properly allow internal crew movement/transfers.

The service frame is a great idea, I like it. :) Maybe something as wide as a chassis?

A Buffalo mining rig. Hm.. With the current parts list, perhaps use a combination of Infernal Robotics and the stock drill-0-matic to lay the drill flat on the chassis, and have it swivel out and deploy. For power, I'd say add a trailer with some solar panels on it, and another trailer with a Wagon. It would be neat to have a Buffalo mining drill and ISRU though... :)

For mods like Connected Living Spaces, attaching the crew modules together and then attaching the chassis works best. For the stock game, it doesn't matter.

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Ì love the design. I can hardly wait for other parts (wagon) for the Buffalo. I love the nose lights, the fluorescent orange lines above the doors and the brightly lit BUFFALO marker at the top of the command module. I absolutely hate the yellow lighting of the windows, it's like looking into a lightbulb. Please make that a little less bright. I noticed that the noselights don't light up the road ahead (that's a pity). I used a 2 square from under the cab and personal module once. After loading the craft on the landingstrip, the cabin and personelmodule sank right through the frame and remained lying on the strip while the frame and tracks took off (but remained controlable nonetheless).

Might i request a short endcap which can give the craft a streamlined appearance?


I also love the small mission flag above the Wildblue marker!

Edited by TheCardinal
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  klgraham1013 said:
This is great. There aren't nearly enough lego-style rover parts.

Thanks! :)

  TheCardinal said:
Ì love the design. I can hardly wait for other parts (wagon) for the Buffalo. I love the nose lights, the fluorescent orange lines above the doors and the brightly lit BUFFALO marker at the top of the command module. I absolutely hate the yellow lighting of the windows, it's like looking into a lightbulb. Please make that a little less bright. I noticed that the noselights don't light up the road ahead (that's a pity). I used a 2 square from under the cab and personal module once. After loading the craft on the landingstrip, the cabin and personelmodule sank right through the frame and remained lying on the strip while the frame and tracks took off (but remained controlable nonetheless).

Might i request a short endcap which can give the craft a streamlined appearance?


I also love the small mission flag above the Wildblue marker!

Is the Wagon not in your parts catalog? When I moved things around to make the Buffalo independent of Pathfinder, I might have missed it. I'll take a look at the command cab lights, I'm going for the game's look for lit windows. The command cab does have headlights. Next update I'll widen their beam angle. Thanks for pointing that out. :) Not sure what you mean that the cab sat on the runway, I haven't seen that issue. And yes I do have plans for a streamlined endcap along with the 1.25m adapter. Thanks for the feedback. :)

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Some parts are missing and i think i found the cause. In the wagon2u.cfg.

The model is noted as "model = WildBlueIndustriesBuffalo/Assets/Wagon2u". I believe there should be a / between WildBlueIndustries and Buffalo.

I havent looked at the other missing parts, but i'm assuming the same could be wrong there.

Concerning the cab, if possible seperate the noselights from the internal (window) lights. (Add an extra option in the menu)

Ik will try if i can recreate the sinking of the cab onto the runway.

edit: As suspected, most of the cfg's in the utility directory are missing a / between WildBlueIndustries and Buffalo.

Edited by TheCardinal
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  TheCardinal said:
Some parts are missing and i think i found the cause. In the wagon2u.cfg.

The model is noted as "model = WildBlueIndustriesBuffalo/Assets/Wagon2u". I believe there should be a / between WildBlueIndustries and Buffalo.

I havent looked at the other missing parts, but i'm assuming the same could be wrong there.

Concerning the cab, if possible seperate the noselights from the internal (window) lights. (Add an extra option in the menu)

Ik will try if i can recreate the sinking of the cab onto the runway.

edit: As suspected, most of the cfg's in the utility directory are missing a / between WildBlueIndustries and Buffalo.

Ah, that would do it, I'll fix that in the next update. Sounds like I need another hotfix.. i'll look into a separate animation for the window lights.

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I've keyed the animations so that the command cab's cabin lights turn on separately from the headlights. Everything is still keyed to the Light action group; I personally like the window lights. :) But I think I came up with a nice toggleable compromise.

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  Angel-125 said:
Not sure what you mean that the cab sat on the runway, I haven't seen that issue.

I've experienced the same issue trying to construct the Buffalo in the SPH on my Career mode save.

Apparently, as soon as you put the wheels on a chassis piece, it will detach the chassis unit itself from the rest of the vehicle on loading. Only happens on parts connected indirectly to the command module. So chassis units connected to the command module via other chassis units, will basically detach if you attach a wheel, and act like they have no collider except for the wheels themselves. Although they still remain controllable and no 'part detached' events are logged in the F3 window. Basically, ghost parts.

EDIT: I can confirm it only happens with buffalo pieces, regardless of wheel. I constructed different rovers:

1. Buffalo wagon unit with crew cab, 2 pieces of chassis, and M1-A1 wheels.

2. Same as 1, but with Rovemax TR-2L wheels.

3. Mk1 command pod with Rovemax TR-2L wheels attached to them.

Only rovers 1 and 2, the ones with the chassis pieces, fell off and had the glitch. Rover 3 functioned normally without abnormalities.

Here are 3 screenies, featuring rovers 1 and 2. http://imgur.com/a/S2UYx

Hope this helps with bugfixing.

Edited by T-Pilot395
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