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Kerbal Gender Options

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I just thought that it would be nice to select which Kerbal genders(male and female) the player can hire. I personally like using male Kerbals more than female ones.

I want an option to turn male/female Kerbals off or a bar to slide determining how many Kerbals are up for hire. What do you guys think?

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I think instead of all the kerbal's genders being created randomly* , they should have it so there are two lists; one for males and one for females. That would be better because if you want pure male/female team, you can have that. If you want a mixed gender team you could also have that as well.

(*where you can have all male/female kerbals in the recruitment center)

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I just thought that it would be nice to select which Kerbal genders(male and female) the player can hire. I personally like using male Kerbals more than female ones.

I want an option to turn male/female Kerbals off or a bar to slide determining how many Kerbals are up for hire. What do you guys think?

There have been times where my space program would suddenly be populated by a majority of females because RNGesus decided that the next four batches of hired kerbals should only have one male each. This would be nice.

- snipped -

Edited by diomedea
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I think rather than having a toggle for male/female or both, maybe we could have a button that refreshes the list of applicants? So if you want just males or females, you choose your kerbals and then just press the refresh button to bring in a new batch of kerbals. This would also allow for getting kerbals with other attributes that you want (like stupidity and courage or class type) and also make it so that you don't have to exit, wait and come back for a new list of kerbals. It's not quite full customisability, but it does allow for some more choice and with more convenience.

Edited by TyrannoFan
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I don't like the idea of limiting the gender of applicants, just hire the ones you want.

A button to create a new batch of applicants would be a nice idea though. Maybe the quantity could be linked to reputation, if you're rubbish no one wants to work for you.

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