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Kerbal book of World Records

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Record Title: Most Steam Punk Plane

Record Statistics - 7 engines, shoulder wings, 50-odd chutes for emergency landings, weird wing layout, huge in general, can easily navigate hills, mountains, long range and huge fuel capacity, working on a transport version. CAUTION: LAGGY WITH OTHER PLANES, DEBRIS, ETC.

Game Version When Achieved: 0.15.2

Mods Used: none

Screenshots Below

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Record Title: Most Steam Punk Plane

Record Statistics - 7 engines, shoulder wings, 50-odd chutes for emergency landings, weird wing layout, huge in general, can easily navigate hills, mountains, long range and huge fuel capacity, working on a transport version. CAUTION: LAGGY WITH OTHER PLANES, DEBRIS, ETC.

Game Version When Achieved: 0.15.2

Mods Used: none

Screenshots Below

Ehhh... not sure whether to accept that one. It\'s not exactly something that can exactly be measured...

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I believe this will throw all the doors open.

Record Title: Airspeed

Record Statistics - 1292.0m/s

Game Version When Achieved: 0.15.2

Mods Used: none

Screenshots Below

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Do these count?

Record title: World\'s Tallest Tower Camera Truck

Record Statistic: Approxomately 10-15 meters taller than the launch tower. (Anyone know how to set a number to this?)

Game version when record achieved: 0.15.2



Mods used: MechJeb http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=14066.0

Fixed Camera http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=14009.0

Damned Robotics http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10662.0

Tosh\'s Cart http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=8431.0

Record title: World\'s Longest Boom Camera Truck

Record Statistic: I need help measuring this.

Game version when record achieved: 0.15.2



Mods used: Same as above

Edit: I made a larger boom camera truck.

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I believe this will throw all the doors open.

Record Title: Airspeed

Record Statistics - 1292.0m/s

Game Version When Achieved: 0.15.2

Mods Used: none

Screenshots Below

I contest this. Not level flight and high vertical descent rate. Above the working height for air-breathing engines.

I think we need the OP to clarify the rules for the World Airspeed Record a little. I suggest level flight with zero vertical velocity (plus or minus 5m/s say) and air-breathing engines only considering the context. Ensures no power dives from space that way.

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I do have to say I was only 2,000 feet higher than the previous world record holder, and mie is simpler and without mods.

Heres one (higher) but going straight.

I also contest this, seeing as it\'s basically a rocket with wings. Aerospike engines are designed for rockets, not planes. Essentially you\'re flying a rocket through thin atmosphere and calling it a fast plane.

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Ah well then.

One last thing. It does have fully working control surfaces, uses a first stage to get to altitude, and can parachute down to a safe landing, so would it not be a space shuttle?

Its still cool.

Anyway, I want the water speed record.

(it uses aerospike engines with a top speed of 50 m/s.)

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Record Title: Airspeed

Record Statistics - 833.3m/s

Game Version When Achieved: 0.15.2

Mods Used: none

Screenshots: see spoilers


No, I didn\'t even bother trying to land this beast. It got out of control soon after the engines went out. Jettisoned and chuted crew successfully, but they didn\'t survive the impact.


And obviously, constructed specially for this contest.

Landing gear was dropped somewhere in mid-air.

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Oh boy, another jet speed record challenge! Here\'s the latest test flight of my Ulan-E4 that I have screenshots of. Unfortunately, the ejection system didn\'t work on this flight, and so we have three dead kerbonauts. Still, 932 m/s! Or 938. I\'ve gone faster in this plane, but I forgot to take a shot.

Record title: World Airspeed Record

Record Stastic: 938 m/s

Version: 0.15

Screenshots: Attached.

Mods used: None, like a normal lazy person.

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Four hours after glider took off, still gaining altitude. And no, no magic turbines. I\'m up to 5000 meters and 50 m/s. What is going on? At this rate, I\'ll glide around the world (granted, I\'ll be done in another twenty hours).

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Four hours after glider took off, still gaining altitude. And no, no magic turbines. I\'m up to 5000 meters and 50 m/s. What is going on? At this rate, I\'ll glide around the world (granted, I\'ll be done in another twenty hours).

Use MechJeb in surface mode and leave it on whatever angle you want to hold and go do something else until a: you crash or b: the game crashes?

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Use MechJeb in surface mode and leave it on whatever angle you want to hold and go do something else until a: you crash or b: the game crashes?

I saw Prometheus... and left the game running.

Two hours later, I was across the ocean, and two thousand meters higher than before I left. Also, I was doing an extra 20 m/s, and was still pointing up at twenty degrees.

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I\'m getting close on the airspeed. My peek so far is 920m/s.....6 minutes of fuel really isn\'t very much for this, but it seems to work. It\'s kinda fun levelling out an aircraft going this fast. 11 turbojets really pack a punch.

Edit: 4m/s below it. I\'ll try again later...this laptop HATES me....and these planes, while insanely fast, are not the most controllable beasts when they\'re below ~250m/s

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Record title:Fastest time to the Mun & Biggest Munbase

Record Statistic: 7 Hrs, 59 Min, and 49 Seconds/ 1 Lander

Game version when record achieved: 0.15.2



Mods used:MechJeb

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Record title:Fastest time to the Mun & Biggest Munbase

Record Statistic: 7 Hrs, 59 Min, and 49 Seconds/ 1 Lander

Game version when record achieved: 0.15.2



Mods used:MechJeb

Record Title: Airspeed

Record Statistics - 833.3m/s

Game Version When Achieved: 0.15.2

Mods Used: none

Screenshots: see spoilers


No, I didn\'t even bother trying to land this beast. It got out of control soon after the engines went out. Jettisoned and chuted crew successfully, but they didn\'t survive the impact.


And obviously, constructed specially for this contest.

Landing gear was dropped somewhere in mid-air.

Both accepted.

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Finally, after some redesigns.....I present, the Lancer 10!

Record: Airspeed

Statistic: 952 m/s (Level flight. My screenshot is from a few seconds before then)

Version: 1.15.2

Mods used: Mechjeb



Just a few seconds before engine cutoff (which is exactly at the point of max speed)


Max speed and stats. I lost control while trying to glide in for a water landing....there\'s just too much weight behind the wings, and not enough control from the canards. Ah well. It CAN glide to a landing, just not very well. I\'ve managed it once out of about 15 test flights.

Aircraft of this design are SERIOUSLY fast, but they\'re pretty hard to handle, since they basically use the engines for pitch control.

Edit: Added version. Also, according to Wolfram Alpha, that\'s very nearly the speed of a bullet. I\'m pretty sure someone can go faster than this though....the Lancer is limited by fuel (6 minutes of fuel, then you\'re gone).

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Record title:Fastest time to the Mun

Record time: 03:58:08

Game version when record achieved: 0.15.2



Mods used: only MechJeb (It did the first full successful mun landing for me - this one, the others are at best lonely command pods that lost their spaceships...)

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Record title: World airspeed record

Record Statistic: 2458 m/s (I have a screenshot after that...)

Game version when record achieved: 0.15.2


Attached... I don\'t know how to add them here and imgur is not agreeing with me

Mods used: Camera plugin (didn\'t use it for screenshots though)

Notes: way of transport: Exploding into the ground.

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Here is my submission into Longest Glider Distance:

Name: Eagle Mk1

Record: Distance via Glider

Statistic: 3,804,449 meters in total.

Version: 0.15.2

Mods Used: N/A

Screenshots are attachments since imgur won\'t work...

Also, the trip did go around the entire world. I started it 6/9/2012 at 5pm and finished 6/10/2012 at approx. 10 am. I left it to glide overnight while I slept, and everything went fine. Sorry I didn\'t get any pictures in flight, but I assure you that there were no 'magic turbines'. However, I glided out away from KSC for a third of the ocean\'s distance, pulled up to twenty degrees, climbed up to 6000 meters, and stayed there until landing (which I botched because I forgot to go to warp X1).

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