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Stock Alike Textures?

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I'm retooling my Thermal Nuclear mod to look more alike stock and in line with PorkJet's work. What is the alpha and colors that are typically used for the stock textures? I use GIMP and Blender for my models.

I just open up the stock dds files (not sure if you can do that in GIMP) and use the eye dropper tool to select colors. Looking at the stock textures also provides some insight into how the stock textures are built up.

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Alpha is usually used for specular unless it's an alphatransparent shader ( most parts won't use that ). GIMP will read alpha channel data as transparency, not sure if there's a way to fix that other than extracting the channel to a seperate image somehow.

Any chance you can leave the old textures as an option? I'm sick of stockalike, I never liked stock in the first place.

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Sometimes if I need to look at a specific stock texture, I'll run it through this online converter:


Just be aware that it doesn't vertically flip the texture back to being upright (they're stored upside-down in DDS), if you want to do any modeling in which you use UV maps for the actual stock texture.

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Alpha is usually used for specular unless it's an alphatransparent shader ( most parts won't use that ). GIMP will read alpha channel data as transparency, not sure if there's a way to fix that other than extracting the channel to a seperate image somehow.

Any chance you can leave the old textures as an option? I'm sick of stockalike, I never liked stock in the first place.

Oh I certainly will leave the old textures and models and configs! I'll make my old version an option or perhaps my new version as an option, either way I'll set it up for both play styles. How about that?

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Lack has figured out a way to treat the stock textures as texture atlases for use on his parts. You might want to look at his notes on how this is done.

Yes but I don't think that's what we want here. The idea isn't to use the stock textures but to create new ones that match the style.

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