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Add "Maneuvers" tab to tracking station

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 Fair enough I can agree with that but there are so many other things that I would like to see implemented before this 

  On 1/19/2016 at 1:04 PM, krisdestruction said:

If anything bad burn time estimation is another issue altogether requiring another mechanic. Eg. flagging manoeuvres that require changing after a burn. Let's focus on the issue at hand and I suggest starting another thread addressing that one.


It'd be great if Squad opened the game up to a public feature request system.


 Actually I think this is a fantastic idea to let the users decide what they want to have added. The only drawback is that not everyone who plays KSP is on the forms 

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  On 2/9/2016 at 4:15 PM, Nich said:

 Actually I think this is a fantastic idea to let the users decide what they want to have added. The only drawback is that not everyone who plays KSP is on the forms 


Yeah, but what's this forum is for.  :)

Your point about "not everyone who plays KSP is on the forums" is well taken.  What's the alternative, though?  Are you proposing something in-game?  I suppose that's a possibility, but honestly, I have trouble seeing how it would work any better than having this forum.  In some ways, it would be worse.

Either it'll be some obtrusive thing that gets in your face and clutters your UI, or else it'll be something subtle buried in a menu or settings dialog somewhere.  If they go with the former, it annoys everyone all the time.  If they go with the latter, you end up with most players not even knowing that it's there, so in terms of player participation you're not really any better off than having a forum.

And then there's the question of seeing what other people have suggested, and/or what response there is from Squad.  Can you?  Either the in-game suggestion box would just be a form and a submit button, in which case you're just shouting down a hole and have no visibility into what came of it, and also there's no opportunity to interact with and contribute to the ideas of others; or else it's surfaced with a UI and threads and what-not, in which case you're back to having a forum, it's just that it's expensively implemented in a place where nobody can use it unless they're in front of their KSP machine, instead of using this handy off-the-shelf software that anyone can post to from any device anywhere including their phone.

Personally, I like the mechanism they've come up with by having this forum here.

There's the pure-selfishness aspect of it, of course:  if only 5% of KSP players participate in the forums, and I'm one of them, then effectively my own suggestions are twenty times louder than they would have been otherwise.  :)

But also:  there's the fact that the forums really are open.  Anybody who wants to can be here.  The barrier to entry is really low.  All it takes is a web browser and a few mouse clicks.  So anybody who plays KSP, and is not on the forums, is somebody who simply can't be bothered and/or doesn't care about this stuff.  If they did, they'd be here.  So really, I don't see "not everyone is on the forums" as a drawback-- those same people are the ones who would be unlikely to participate in any kind of suggestion box anyway, whether in-game or not.

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 I won hundred percent agree although I do see KSP having 2 generations of gameplay in my life the first three months without the forms and everything after I joined the forms there was a night and day difference in the enjoyment of the game

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  On 2/10/2016 at 4:06 PM, KerbonautInTraining said:

From the latest devnote:

"Other than bugfixes, there are several small quality-of-life improvements: vessels in the tracking station can be sorted in order of when their next manoeuvre node is set to occur..."



Here's the link, to save a mouse-click or two:

...super jazzed to find out that they're doing something about this problem in stock, can't wait to try it out. :)

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  On 2/10/2016 at 6:19 PM, FullMetalMachinist said:

Looks like it won't be quite as good as we hoped. At least not in 1.1, maybe later. See arsonide's post in the dev notes thread. 



Yeah, bummer.  Clearly there was a mixup, there won't actually be any sorting at all; just some sort of visual highlight for ships that happen to have maneuver nodes set.

Admittedly, better than nothing, so I'm not complaining.  It means that if I have 40 ships out there and only 8 of them have maneuver nodes, I can skip having to manually click every single one of the 40 ships.

But I still have to visually scan the entire list of 40... and it's not clear just how visible the ones with maneuver nodes will be... and then I still have to click on every ship with a maneuver node to figure out what time it is, and remember the soonest one, and so forth.

So the problem remains, and we can't close down this thread just yet.  Oh, well.

Guess I'll just have to wait until 1.1 hits, and then see just how moddable the tracking station UI is.  Maybe this'll give me something to work on for my next mod.  :)


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  On 2/10/2016 at 11:46 PM, Snark said:

Guess I'll just have to wait until 1.1 hits, and then see just how moddable the tracking station UI is.  Maybe this'll give me something to work on for my next mod.  :)


Haystack mod could be a start

This mod is quite nicely integrated into the GUI. There is a by-name filter search and a "per SOI" optional grouping. It seems there only need to add a per node filtering and sorting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It would be nice to have the craft list completely sortable by any user chosen attribute. It is the main reason I use KAC, to see which craft has something that needs attention next.

Unfortunately Squad really seem like they implement the first thing they think of which is something I have learned leads to poor quality almost amateurish products, at least in video which is where I learned it. I apply the concept to more areas of life now, something I have found to have very positive results.

It is rare that I will release the first cut, or the second, often they just get trashed and in fact the version is usually into double digits before I`m happy with my work although the last few edits/FX passes are increasingly subtle.

Mind you, that is where the real quality comes in to the product.

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  On 2/23/2016 at 4:42 PM, John FX said:

Unfortunately Squad really seem like they implement the first thing they think of which is something I have learned leads to poor quality almost amateurish products, at least in video which is where I learned it. I apply the concept to more areas of life now, something I have found to have very positive results.

It is rare that I will release the first cut, or the second, often they just get trashed and in fact the version is usually into double digits before I`m happy with my work although the last few edits/FX passes are increasingly subtle.

Mind you, that is where the real quality comes in to the product.


This is an aside from the actual thread but idk, I found that quick prototyping gets you good early feedback on what you're working on. Everything you do can be an iterative process to know if it's trash or if there are certain areas needed for improvement.

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  On 2/23/2016 at 5:31 PM, krisdestruction said:

This is an aside from the actual thread but idk, I found that quick prototyping gets you good early feedback on what you're working on. Everything you do can be an iterative process to know if it's trash or if there are certain areas needed for improvement.


I`ll make this short so as to not derail the thread. Quick prototyping is a very effective tool. The problem arises when you make the quick prototype the final product. That was the point of my post.

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  • 6 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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