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CKAN reports current version is 1.0.0R... definately not what your posts in here keep up with. I'll take a look at Stuff and see what it says about version. Thanks for the rest.


EDIT: KerbalStuff shows the correct version. I wonder if the CKAN automation sees a version number less than the one it already has and ignores it?

Edited by Shadriss
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35 minutes ago, Shadriss said:

CKAN reports current version is 1.0.0R... definately not what your posts in here keep up with. I'll take a look at Stuff and see what it says about version. Thanks for the rest.


EDIT: KerbalStuff shows the correct version. I wonder if the CKAN automation sees a version number less than the one it already has and ignores it?

Hmmm maybe. I'll poke the CKAN guys about it tomorrow.

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2 hours ago, The Bob Marley said:

I have a suggestion for this: I think a thicker cloud layer on Eve would be cool. Like, barely able to see any sun, and if you could, make Eve's surface seem a tiny bit darker.


Hope you take this into consideration.

I had this at first but in my own testing (with a GTX 970 and an i7-4770k) there was a considerable amount of lag caused by the volumetric clouds when there were super thick cloud layers present. Giving the fact that if you're bringing a return craft to Eve it'll likely have a high part count, I don't want to add graphical lag on top of the physics lag that will be occurring from a high part count ship. Thanks for the feedback but for the sake of a majority of the users I don't think I can do this :(

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As it might be awhile before I can put out the release version (waiting on updates from Scatterer and EVE) I thought I'd share the current roadmap I have set up for SVE and what I plan to do with this in the future! If you have any questions let me know!


1.0.0: (dependent on stable(ish) version of Scatterer and EVE available)

  • Textures finalized
  • Configuration files finalized


  • Jool rings redone
  • Additional features such as dust storms and snow storms added


  • RSS colored version released (based on RVE development)
  • CityLight map redone


  • Textures change to grayscale (for the most part) and colors are transitioned to EVE config control



That's all I have for now and will serve as the basis for what I work on at the time. Once 1.0.0 hits I will be moving this to the Release forums and development will continue from there. If you have any suggestions or feedback please let me know! Thanks for being patient and I hope I can finally get a new version out to everyone soon.

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@Nhawks17 I am looking to add clouds compatibility to my rescale mod. I am wondering which parameters I should resize.


        name = Kerbin-MainClouds
        body = Kerbin

        altitude = 4000
        detailSpeed = 0,6,0
        speed = 0,20,0

            _Color = 255,255,255,250

            _DetailScale = 2
            _DetailDist = 0.0000003
            _DistFade = 0.0003
            _DistFadeVert = 0.000008

                value = StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1
                value = StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/DetailLow

                _ShadowFactor = 0.60

                _DetailDist = 2E-06
                _FalloffPow = 5
                _FalloffScale = 10
                _MinLight = 1

            maxTranslation = 0,100,0
            size = 4000,2
            area = 20000,4
            rotationSpeed = 0.0002

                _TopTex = StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
                _LeftTex = StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
                _FrontTex = StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
                _LightScatter = 0.55
                _MinLight = 0.5
                _InvFade = 0.004

I am sure I need to resize the green bit, what about the red ones?

Edited by Sigma88
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4 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

@Nhawks17 I am looking to add clouds compatibility to my rescale mod. I am wondering which parameters I should resize.

  Reveal hidden contents

        name = Kerbin-MainClouds
        body = Kerbin

        altitude = 4000
        detailSpeed = 0,6,0
        speed = 0,20,0

            _Color = 255,255,255,250

            _DetailScale = 2
            _DetailDist = 0.0000003
            _DistFade = 0.0003
            _DistFadeVert = 0.000008

                value = StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1
                value = StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/DetailLow

                _ShadowFactor = 0.60

                _DetailDist = 2E-06
                _FalloffPow = 5
                _FalloffScale = 10
                _MinLight = 1

            maxTranslation = 0,100,0
            size = 4000,2
            area = 20000,4
            rotationSpeed = 0.0002

                _TopTex = StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
                _LeftTex = StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
                _FrontTex = StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
                _LightScatter = 0.55
                _MinLight = 0.5
                _InvFade = 0.004

I am sure I need to resize the green bit, what about the red ones?

As far as I'm aware you shouldn't need to change anything, it'll adapt to how big the planet is on its own... Then again I've never messed with anything outside of stock Kerbin to know for sure but I think EVE works like that.... But if it doesn't the only thing you should need to change is the altitude and possibly the first number under size (so change 4000 not the 2)

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8 hours ago, Nhawks17 said:

As far as I'm aware you shouldn't need to change anything, it'll adapt to how big the planet is on its own... Then again I've never messed with anything outside of stock Kerbin to know for sure but I think EVE works like that.... But if it doesn't the only thing you should need to change is the altitude and possibly the first number under size (so change 4000 not the 2)

Thanks :)

I'll try that


btw, there are some parameters that need to be resized, for example if you don't scale the altitude of clouds, when playing with 6.4k you'll get the clouds clipping through the mountains. or if shrink a planet (eg. 0.01x size) you'll get the clouds rendered very far from the planet making it look weird :D

I think that for volumetric clouds changing the size and area should be enough, I'll let you know


do you know what the second number of "size" and "area" do?

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6 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

Thanks :)

I'll try that


btw, there are some parameters that need to be resized, for example if you don't scale the altitude of clouds, when playing with 6.4k you'll get the clouds clipping through the mountains. or if shrink a planet (eg. 0.01x size) you'll get the clouds rendered very far from the planet making it look weird :D

I think that for volumetric clouds changing the size and area should be enough, I'll let you know


do you know what the second number of "size" and "area" do?

Ahh ok ok, wasn't sure on that. And the second number of size changes the size of its height and I believe does the same for area as well.

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1 hour ago, Nhawks17 said:

Ahh ok ok, wasn't sure on that. And the second number of size changes the size of its height and I believe does the same for area as well.

wait, so if I have

size = 4000,2

it's the "2" that controls the thickness of the layer? then what does the "4000" do?

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6 minutes ago, Sigma88 said:

wait, so if I have

size = 4000,2

it's the "2" that controls the thickness of the layer? then what does the "4000" do?

It's been so long since I've messed with those... If I'm remembering correctly 4000 sets the... I guess spread.... of the volumetric clouds... so how often there is a new cloud rendered inside of the given 2D cloud texture. So a lower number in a given space would render 2 different volumetric clouds but a higher number in the same given space would render 20 different volumetric clouds (this is exaggerated obviously). I don't know how to really describe it in writing very well haha. If that doesn't make sense to you I can grab you a screenshot of the difference later on in the day. Just let me know :P 

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2 minutes ago, Nhawks17 said:

It's been so long since I've messed with those... If I'm remembering correctly 4000 sets the... I guess spread.... of the volumetric clouds... so how often there is a new cloud rendered inside of the given 2D cloud texture. So a lower number in a given space would render 2 different volumetric clouds but a higher number in the same given space would render 20 different volumetric clouds (this is exaggerated obviously). I don't know how to really describe it in writing very well haha. If that doesn't make sense to you I can grab you a screenshot of the difference later on in the day. Just let me know :P 

makes sense, 4000 is the "density" of clouds. 2 is the thickness of the layer

I guess I'll need to play around with different rescale parameters and see what comes up :)

If I have more issues I'll ask you ;) thanks!

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5 minutes ago, Sigma88 said:

makes sense, 4000 is the "density" of clouds. 2 is the thickness of the layer

I guess I'll need to play around with different rescale parameters and see what comes up :)

If I have more issues I'll ask you ;) thanks!

Yes! That's what I was trying to get across :sticktongue: Glad to be of help :P 

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9 minutes ago, Poodmund said:

You know that if you open up the EVE GUI and hover over the parameter text, it displays a tool tip to describe what the variable you enter does (in most cases)?

I remember it did that in the past, but last time I tried it didn't show any... 

that's why I asked :D

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3 hours ago, Poodmund said:

You know that if you open up the EVE GUI and hover over the parameter text, it displays a tool tip to describe what the variable you enter does (in most cases)?


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15 minutes ago, Nhawks17 said:


the tooltip didn't help much, but when I tried doubling the second number, the game crashed hopelessly so I'm going out on a limb and say "only first number needs to be rescaled"


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4 minutes ago, Sigma88 said:

the tooltip didn't help much, but when I tried doubling the second number, the game crashed hopelessly so I'm going out on a limb and say "only first number needs to be rescaled"


Interesting... I know that whenever the second value was changed on my end the frames would drop because of the increased cloud height and it needing to render that, but it never crashed.

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15 minutes ago, Nhawks17 said:

Interesting... I know that whenever the second value was changed on my end the frames would drop because of the increased cloud height and it needing to render that, but it never crashed.

too much ram probably, I don't have linuz :)

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6 minutes ago, Delta_8930 said:

Is it possible to get rain, fog, or thick clouds for this mod? If so, how can you toggle them?

Rain, no. Fog, kinda but you'd have to make the configs for them. Thick clouds, yes, if you read up a few posts you'll see me and Sigma88 talking about something similar and messing with those values can give you thick clouds.

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44 minutes ago, Delta_8930 said:

All right. Fog is what I need the most. Now which CFG files should I edit to increase the thickness of the fog or clouds? 

Fog you'd have to know how to create a new cloud layer and edit the variables accordingly. The thickness of the clouds, like I said, if you read the past posts between me and Sigma88 show what you need to change for that.

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2 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

thanks for you help @Nhawks17

worked pretty good with your tips :D


:D Yay! Glad it helped!! I honestly can't wait to play with your mod after 1.1 (hopefully you'll update it for that :P) Really looking forward to having my 2x scaled solar system back.

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