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Greetings From A Wide Eyed Kerbonaut Cadet!...


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Hi all,

Recently stumbled onto KSP by chance (I'd heard of it mentioned in passing) and I have to say I'm absolutely blown away. What a little gem of a game, it's completely enchanting and takes me right back to when I was younger and really into building and figuring out how 'stuff' works! - I wish I'd discovered it sooner!

Anyhow, been having a little lurk about on the forums of late, seems like a really chilled and approachable community so I thought I'd sign up. Figured this'd be the best place for a 1st post...So, hello to all :)

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Hello and welcome to the forums. I can atleast guarantee this community is A LOT better than most others. If Im not mistaken, SQUAD was rewarded the best community award in the UNITY event that occurred. I'd be glad to see what you will make and publish as you begin your forum browsing experience. 1.0.5 Hype Train is soon to come too. Welcome aboard!

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Thanks for the welcome man, glad to be on the park - Yeah I've been having a look about at a few interesting threads and it's pretty cool...learning new stuff as I go which is great.

I'm currently on my 3rd restart of career mode - Such a learning experience/curve with each go that I had to start again armed with the new knowledge. Awesome! A game's never done that to me before!

See you about dude...

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Welcome aboard!

You might want to go with Science Mode to start out with. It's a bit more forgiving than Career and you can learn by failing without having to worry about money.

Plus, you can just mess about with no penalties, which is always nice.

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Thanks again for the warm welcome guys :) Yeah, I'm already finding the community pretty cool, and that's just after a few days...Thumbs up!

Welcome aboard!

You might want to go with Science Mode to start out with. It's a bit more forgiving than Career and you can learn by failing without having to worry about money.

Plus, you can just mess about with no penalties, which is always nice.

Messing about with no penalties? Try Sandbox!


Thanks for the suggestions, guys - I did give those a shot but to be fair I found them a bit overwhelming when coming straight off the bat. It was a bit intimidating and confusing with all that gear, no manual whatsoever, no exposure to the forum or wiki and the vast expanse of the game in front of me.

I had a run or two of the tutorial scenarios but in the end I went for the spoon feeding and structure that career mode offers - it might well be harder, but I'm taking it at a more wise pace - I understand now that this game is not of the pick-up-and-consume-then-throw-away variety...more of a genuine investment in effortless man hours! - awesomely rare these days!

...I've only recently started to investigate some of the totally cool mods around - I'm quite cautious as I don't want to blur my experience before I get a good understanding of the vanilla game. But the more I get to grip with the games mechanics and systems I've started to cherry pick a few that are really cool...Kerbal Alarm being one that's really helped with the multitasking!

Edited by Fubarbrickdust
spelling mistakes :/
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KAC is a good one. I'd also suggest Kerbal Engineer Redux (KER), an info mod. If you want to learn the game first, I'd suggest staying away from part mods and physics overhauls, like Ferram Aerospace Research (FAR), until you've learned stock. It will be a change to learn them, but hey- more challenge!

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Thanks for the suggestions, guys - I did give those a shot but to be fair I found them a bit overwhelming when coming straight off the bat. It was a bit intimidating and confusing with all that gear, no manual whatsoever, no exposure to the forum or wiki and the vast expanse of the game in front of me.

Scott Manley's videos help a lot(at least for me) when you are starting. If you have any questions I suggest the Gameplay Questions section of the forum.

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You will soon find out that almost every single mod in the database is going to greatly enhance your gameplay experience on the long run. However, that does not mean you should get them all. First off, getting mods before learning to play the stock version is going to overwhelm you a lot for the ones who require expertise, and distract you for the ones who don't . Also, you should probably be really working on a budget when downloading mods, for - in contrast to games like Minecraft- KSP mods can put a real strain to your computer. And finally, just because there are not really bad mods, that doesn't mean you'll like then all in the long run. Even though quality is not a concern, your criteria should be realism- as there are many mods out there that do the same thing, but at varying levels of realism, ease of use and gameplay balance. Your personal view on how much of each you want is the only real judge when you choose mods.

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Thanks again for the warm welcome guys :) Yeah, I'm already finding the community pretty cool, and that's just after a few days...Thumbs up!

Thanks for the suggestions, guys - I did give those a shot but to be fair I found them a bit overwhelming when coming straight off the bat. It was a bit intimidating and confusing with all that gear, no manual whatsoever, no exposure to the forum or wiki and the vast expanse of the game in front of me.

I had a run or two of the tutorial scenarios but in the end I went for the spoon feeding and structure that career mode offers - it might well be harder, but I'm taking it at a more wise pace - I understand now that this game is not of the pick-up-and-consume-then-throw-away variety...more of a genuine investment in effortless man hours! - awesomely rare these days!

...I've only recently started to investigate some of the totally cool mods around - I'm quite cautious as I don't want to blur my experience before I get a good understanding of the vanilla game. But the more I get to grip with the games mechanics and systems I've started to cherry pick a few that are really cool...Kerbal Alarm being one that's really helped with the multitasking!

As long as you're having fun! :)

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