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[1.0.4] Generic Inline Cockpits


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A pack that includes eight inline cockpits. This project started because inline command pods are rather useful since they can be placed basically anywhere on a plane, which gives more options in terms of functionality and looks. KSP comes with two but they don't always look right for all kinds of planes, and there are plenty of awesome cockpit mods out there, but hardly any include inline cockpits. The folks over at N5 Aerodynamics saw a market oportunity right there.

The pack includes the possible combinations of Mk1 and Mk2 cockpits for either one or two pilots, plus two extra:

Mk1 inline

Mk2 inline

Mk2 to Mk1 adapter

Mk3 inline (crew of four)

Mk1 to 0.625m (crew of 1)

The two pilots cockpits use the Thunderbolt IVA model from QuizTech Aero, which looks amazing (Kudos to Quiznos323 fur such nice interiors!), and a lot of people already have it so it will save memory space for some folks. The rest use stock IVAs.

Quiztech IVAs used under the provisions of the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license


KERBAL STUFF: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/1225/Generic%20Inline%20Cockpits

CURSE: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/generic-inline-cockpits


Possible updates:

- Better decals on the cockpits

- Mk3 inline hollow cargo cockpit (C-5 Galaxy style)

- Two-seater Mk1 to 0.625m

- Custom IVAs

- 2.5m inline cockpits


- Also, I'm very much open to suggestions as long as they're consistent with the general idea of the mod

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Edited by nestor_d
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  ckirky said:
looks good here! try to add something like an f22 cockpit for the MK2's

BahamutoD's excellent Mk2 Lightning Cockpit is an option there.

  DownHereInChile said:
Awesome! KSP needed some of this! What about a more "elevated" Mk2 to 1.25 like the Su-35 (single pilot) & Su-30 (double)? I would LOVE to see that. Keep up the great work!

SXT has a SU-27 Mk2 to Mk1 'neckpiece'

Quite liking these, been looking for new cockpits to crash in. I like building fighter aircraft (for strictly peaceful scientific purposes only!), and found the selection of MK2 cockpits with good visibility lacking.

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  Twurtz said:
BahamutoD's excellent Mk2 Lightning Cockpit is an option there.

SXT has a SU-27 Mk2 to Mk1 'neckpiece'

Quite liking these, been looking for new cockpits to crash in. I like building fighter aircraft (for strictly peaceful scientific purposes only!), and found the selection of MK2 cockpits with good visibility lacking.

i like the idea for that but its color scheme would look a bit out of place. and i meant for it to have an attach node on front for the BD Armory radar modules.

P.s: don't know how the guy did it, but he made the mod pack i have been searching for, and i didn't find it for a year until now

Edited by ckirky
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  Warq said:
I would love a nice stock alike WW2 bubble cockpit.

I originally thought the small Mk1 would be enough, I even mada a Fw-190 with that cockpit and the KAX Radial engine, and it looks good, I think, but I've been thinking lately that it might be nice to have a purpose built WWII cockpit. I'm thinking a bubbly Mustang/Typhoon/Tempest/Some-Spitfires ind of cockpit

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  Twurtz said:
BahamutoD's excellent Mk2 Lightning Cockpit is an option there.

SXT has a SU-27 Mk2 to Mk1 'neckpiece'

Quite liking these, been looking for new cockpits to crash in. I like building fighter aircraft (for strictly peaceful scientific purposes only!), and found the selection of MK2 cockpits with good visibility lacking.

I saw the Su-27 neckpiece, but it's just plain weird. It raises the profile (and COM) of the aircraft too much. I'm looking for something that attaches to the body of the aircraft with a Mk2 joint, but has the raised portion of the part, emerging from the back of the part all the way to the front, looking as a Mk1 shape, with a Mk1 frontal attachment point for placing radar radomes. Here's a profile picture of a Su-27 to show what I'm talking about: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/43/Su-27_Red_36.jpg

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  ckirky said:
i like the idea for that but its color scheme would look a bit out of place. and i meant for it to have an attach node on front for the BD Armory radar modules.

Myeah, it doesn't help that this is the 'wrong' Mk2; The profile used by B9 is not the same as the stock one (though the stock one came later?), and the different cross section means those parts don't play well with stock. You'd need at least the fuselage parts from B9 to use this cockpit properly. The colour scheme I find is easily fixed with Gimp, but that is another matter.

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Possible cokpits:

Super Fortress/Peacemaker, Flying Fortress, B-26, B-25, Fw 190, BF109, ME410 Hornisse, Me262, P90, P-51, Spitfire/Hurricane, F-16/F-15/F-14/F-18, Mig-29/Su-27/Su-34 (with mk2 attachment!), X-2 Starbuster, X-15

Love your Mods amd I support every choice you make with this mod! Keep up the good work!

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  lowman said:
I was thinking a Mk3 cargo pass-through cockpit would be cool, i.e. hollow in the middle with the crew cabin on top, maybe only a two seater?

That's a pretty good idea, actually, I like it. I'll even add add it to the possible updates section :D

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  ckirky said:
looks good here! try to add something like an f22 cockpit for the MK2's

Master Tech Aerospace has the 22 cockpit that you desire my friend!

- - - Updated - - -

  DownHereInChile said:
Awesome! KSP needed some of this! What about a more "elevated" Mk2 to 1.25 like the Su-35 (single pilot) & Su-30 (double)? I would LOVE to see that. Keep up the great work!

Mastertech Aerospace has the exact cockpit you are looking for!

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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote name='TMasterson5']Master Tech Aerospace has the 22 cockpit that you desire my friend![/QUOTE]

It's normally much more helpful to link to the mod you're pimping in your sig, then people will just click it out of random curiosity.

To the OP: Oh thank you thank you thank you! Can you update it to 1.0.5? No functionality would need to be added, just a quick recompile. I'm looking to use this mod in some sort of challenge.... thing that I'm not terribly sure how to explain, but this would keep me from having to use entire mods just for their cockpits.
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