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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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Hey I don't have a problem getting Mechjeb to work per se...I installed the latest dev build for KSP v.23 and it shows up and works in career mode. However, Smart ASS seems to be a bit wonky. I remember earlier versions I had installed were able to orient rockets and such like very smoothly, even if they were big and unwieldy. That's not the case anymore, any rocket that has Mechjeb that I try to use Smart ASS with (to point at nodes or prograde ect. ) all just start spinning everywhere, and soon makes the rocket uncontrollable.

Has anyone encountered anything similar? This is in career mode with mechjeb I also only have the very first Mechjeb tech in the tree unlocked, and my rocket had reactions wheels on it (not sure if that matters or not). Thanks in advance!

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Starting a new rocket (with probe as root) seemed to work. Still not working on my already-existing manned rockets.

EDIT: Nevermind. false alarm. only the very first stage reports delta-V.

Edited by FlexGunship
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Ditto. Ironically, dV stats were working fine with the 210 build I had been using prior.

Delta-V seems to work for me until I attach one of the new gas tanks. Then all but the first stage go to 0. If I reload the ship without the new gas tank, everything is back to normal.

Would kinda like to use the new gas tanks, though.


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Is anyone having a problem with MechJeb2- in KSP 23.5 in which the Docking Guidance is burning through RCS at a wild rate? It also appears that MJ isn't able to locate the docking port correctly and seems to be about 20 meters off on where it thinks the port is? The port has five nodes, one is occupied, and the ones that are open are radial from the main ship.

Watching the RCS bursts, MJ seems to be trying to fire all of the jets around the circumference of the ship over and over again in sequence as if it is searching for the target and missing it. Watching the navball while this goes on, MJ seems to be aiming for a point on the outer edge of the target icon.

Any thoughts?

Edited by KeithS
forgot KSP version
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PERSISTENT BUG: Ever since build #197 ascent guidance has not responded to "limit to terminal velocity". Tested again in #207. This is true with or without FAR installed.

You may have a conflict with another mod, I'm not seeing this, my mechjeb throttles my rockets back just fine to keep me under terminal velocity.

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Well, I thought everything was working fine. Downloaded MJ from the first page of this thread (the main download compatible with KSP .23.5, not a dev build) and I did one test flight, with a landing on Mun and returned. Got ready to start a new launch and Delta-V is missing now from the same craft that I had previously tested. Any thoughts?

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More on the dv bug. Mine seems to work with the new tanks but as soon as I attach one of the new engines, it fails to read its dv and then fails to update the dv when I take the engine off and replace it with an older one. Removing and replacing the MJ module causes it to start updating the dv values again as long as one of the new engines isn't attached. MJ does read the engine's thrust, mass, TWR and acceleration from vessel info, so it definitely knows the engine is there. The problem looks to be somewhere in solely the dv stats.

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I'm writing a bit of code that needs to check the state of the throttle. It works fine with manual control, but for some reason when mechjeb throttles up, the conditional doesn't read true.

if (FlightInputHandler.state.mainThrottle > 0.0f) blah blah;

If tap the throttle, suddenly the conditional starts working correctly.

I tried other ways of doing it, thinking it was a float comparison problem, but the behavior is the same.

Is there another way to reference the current throttle state or is mechjeb doing something weird.

Edited by WaveFunctionP
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I'm writing a bit of code that needs to check the state of the throttle. It works fine with manual control, but for some reason when mechjeb throttles up, the conditional doesn't read true.

if (FlightInputHandler.state.mainThrottle > 0.0f) blah blah;

If tap the throttle, suddenly the conditional starts working correctly.

I tried other ways of doing it, thinking it was a float comparison problem, but the behavior is the same.

Is there another way to reference the current throttle state or is mechjeb doing something weird.

What you're referencing is the player's input throttle.

What MJ's doing is take that, or rather outright ignore it most of the time, and modify the vessel's throttle input.

FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.CtrlState.mainThrottle or so was the one for that.

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Furthermore, while the docking window is open, an attempt to use any commands from the keyboard is ignored. If I hit F9 to restore, I am given the text in the upper right corner that the quick save is being restored but it goes away and nothing happens. Hitting R to disbale RCS with the docking window open does not do anything as well.

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What you're referencing is the player's input throttle.

What MJ's doing is take that, or rather outright ignore it most of the time, and modify the vessel's throttle input.

FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.CtrlState.mainThrottle or so was the one for that.

You, Sir, Are a Gentleman and a Scholar.

Thank you.

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Is anyone having a problem with MechJeb2- in KSP 23.5 in which the Docking Guidance is burning through RCS at a wild rate? It also appears that MJ isn't able to locate the docking port correctly and seems to be about 20 meters off on where it thinks the port is? The port has five nodes, one is occupied, and the ones that are open are radial from the main ship.

Watching the RCS bursts, MJ seems to be trying to fire all of the jets around the circumference of the ship over and over again in sequence as if it is searching for the target and missing it. Watching the navball while this goes on, MJ seems to be aiming for a point on the outer edge of the target icon.

Any thoughts?

Prior to the ARM release, I would occasionally update MechJeb, try docking, and revert back to build 168, which was the last version I downloaded that had a decently working docking AP. Alas, since the ARM release that's no longer an option. I'm not sure what needed fixing with the docking AP in build 168, but I sorely miss it. It sipped RCS quite efficiently and docked much more quickly and safely for me, 100% of the time. If nothing else, I'd love to see a checkbox in the new one to disable to horrid "backing up" behavior, or a box where I can enter the number for what should be considered a "safe distance" -- the auto-calculated values are absurd for the space stations I usually build, and make it take literally over five minutes to do a docking that it could do perfectly safely in build 168 in a few seconds.

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Docking AP definitely broken, im not seeing the wild rcs use that others are reporting, but even for the smallest craft I make, the docking AP backs me out to more than 1km away and I lose the target on the docking port. In one test it still made the docking, but it did it extremely slow, over the course of like 4 orbits. Fortunately I never use MJ for dockings, but for anyone who does you have my condolences. :(

EDIT: Still can't get this to work with toolbar, unless I add the optional toolbar support. I swear I read that toolbar support was intergrated into MJ standard now, or have I blown a gasket??

ReEDIT: I saw a post earlier about someone running into a mod conflict with crew manifest and MJ. It seems that any mod that includes toolbar support, breaks MJ's included toolbar support. I'm not sure why. maybe I have a mod that has some older version of toolbar data? If anyone else has gotten MJ's toolbar support to work with other toolbar mods, I'd appreciate any help.

Edited by vardicd
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Not really seeing too much of an issue with D/V outside of the new boosters, and even then it corrects itsself after I decouple the stage that has them. That said, docking autopilot has developed a nasty habit of ramming into the station, then grinding its way towards the docking port. It docks every time, but I don't really like my ships crashing into my refueling station. Sounds a bit too much like what the soviets would do.

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same display shows in VAB, stage 0 dV, total 0 dV


the rocket has the new nasa boosters as well as KWRocketry engines, none of them seem to work with MJ, however stock parts/engines from before 0.23.5 are okay

in KSP.log mechjeb gives me this error when ship is deployed on launch pad, don't know if it helps though

[ERR 14:43:26.186] MechJeb module MechJebModuleStageStats threw an exception in OnFixedUpdate: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at MuMech.FuelNode..ctor (.Part part, Boolean dVLinearThrust) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.FuelFlowSimulation+<FuelFlowSimulation>c__AnonStorey3.<>m__E (.Part p) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[Part,Part,FuelNode] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 keySelector, System.Func`2 elementSelector, IEqualityComparer`1 comparer) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[Part,Part,FuelNode] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 keySelector, System.Func`2 elementSelector) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.FuelFlowSimulation..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 parts, Boolean dVLinearThrust) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebModuleStageStats.StartSimulation () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebModuleStageStats.TryStartSimulation () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebModuleStageStats.OnFixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebCore.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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In addition to the dV problems everyone else has been having, I'm also still having issues with MJ and Blizzy's toolbar. The MJ tab is still showing, but now the MJ icons in the toolbar are all blank, and sometimes the MJ icons fail to appear at all.

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