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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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More features unlock in career mode. You get full feature in sandbox.

I installed this for the first time today and it seems that I do not have all the modules. I only want MJ for Ascent Guidance and that Module and a few others apparently are no where to be found. Whats the deal here?
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Having some trouble understanding why you would have to start your landing burn that high. Atmosphere is thicker so terminal velocity is lower. Landing even on thruster only should be easy. Unless you're using FAR in which case, as discussed recently, MJ would have no idea what your drag is.

Of course I also know nothing about your ship, its mass or what the TWR is for a poodle and 2 909s as I don't know what other mods were used for this. (example, RSS + MFS could spell trouble for a thruster only landing)

I'm not saying there's not trouble with landings btw, just thinking this is a case where stock vs non-stock needs to be separated out.

On that subject, I noticed last night that landing (mostly stock, just MJ + KWR) using thrusters and parachute on Kerbin, that MJ2 was firing its thruster too early and constantly while descending on parachute. It shouldn't have fired at all until the final 8 seconds of descent. On parachute it was coming down about 15 m/s and the thruster wouldn't stop firing even when I set the landing speed above 15 m/s.

The landers I was testing were all stock, originally done in .21 before I had any mods other than MechJeb installed. When dropped from 50 meters (starting at zero velocity) with hyperedit, they can land but the legs sink into the surface.

After the few successful times using that to land, I refilled fuel with hyperedit and they could lift off. Wouldn't get too high before running out of fuel of course, but it showed that TWR should be high enough to land without breaking things.

If MechJeb would start the final burn high enough to slow to .5 meter/second at touchdown, and if the legs wouldn't sink, it wouldn't take higher power engines and gobs of fuel to land on Eve. Lifting off, well, that's a whole 'nother design problem.

I don't have Two-Step lander in a craft file by itself. Will remove it from a ship and post it by itself later.

Edit: Eh, whatev on posting the lander on its own. Here's the lander on top of its SSTO launcher. http://pastebin.com/EzkWZks7 Many hours of building and refining and launching went into getting that to where it'd make it to a 71KM orbit without any staging. Just set MJ's ascent guidance to 71KM, terminal velocity limit off, corrective steering on, don't change the ascent path. It'll also work in .21 with MJ 1.0.9 and its default path. That was my goal, build an all rocket SSTO that'd work on MJ's default ascent path. Launcher is easy to remove, pull one of the stack separators off a side tank, then yank off the center one. Reconfiguring this to asparagus staging is a simple job of removing some of the pipes that loop the fuel around, and altering the staging position of radial decouplers. In SSTO form the big central decoupler could be swapped for an ROC so that after staging off the lander (leaving a large core section intact) it could be used for a return from somewhere stage. 'Course it would take a big tanker to refuel this thing before going somewhere.

Edited by Galane
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This will get you started with the ar202 case this is what i did



name = MechJebCore

MechJebLocalSettings {

MechJebModuleCustomWindowEditor { unlockTechs = start}

MechJebModuleSmartASS { unlockTechs = start }

MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner { unlockTechs = start }

MechJebModuleNodeEditor { unlockTechs = start }

MechJebModuleTranslatron { unlockTechs = start }

MechJebModuleWarpHelper { unlockTechs = start }

MechJebModuleAttitudeAdjustment { unlockTechs = start }

MechJebModuleThrustWindow { unlockTechs = start }

MechJebModuleRCSBalancerWindow { unlockTechs = start }

MechJebModuleRoverWindow { unlockTechs = start }

MechJebModuleAscentGuidance { unlockTechs = start }

MechJebModuleLandingGuidance { unlockTechs = start}

MechJebModuleSpaceplaneGuidance { unlockTechs = start }

MechJebModuleDockingGuidance { unlockTechs = start }

MechJebModuleRendezvousAutopilotWindow { unlockTechs = start }

MechJebModuleRendezvousGuidance { unlockTechs = start }



were exactly does this go??

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I reverted some change to the RCS controller after drtedastro made some test with my old patch.

Can you test the Docking Controller in last dev version and tell me if it's doing better or worse in RCS usage ?

Edit : just to keep you informed. I've been really tired for the last few days, so don't expect drastic change to the "complex" part of MJ for now. Lack of sleep and math don't works well for me. However I'll work on easier feature like integration of this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60066-WIP-Toolbar-Plugin-Common-API-for-draggable-buttons and someone is working on a patch for the roverAP.

Edited by sarbian
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I reverted some change to the RCS controller after drtedastro made some test with my old patch.

Can you test the Docking Controller in last dev version and tell me if it's doing better or worse in RCS usage ?

Edit : just to keep you informed. I've been really tired for the last few days, so don't expect drastic change to the "complex" part of MJ for now. Lack of sleep and math don't works well for me. However I'll work on easier feature like integration of this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60066-WIP-Toolbar-Plugin-Common-API-for-draggable-buttons and someone is working on a patch for the roverAP.

Yeah that's better than it was. It did still go through a lot but I did accidentally leave it set at 5m/s limit. which caused a collision and a second docking attempt. the main thing is that I didn't see constant firing/counterfiring over and over which always makes me want to scuff my feet on the carpet and then touch MechJeb's core.

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How about a heavy planet landing guidance module that's a bit more aggressive with the throttle and more profligate with the fuel?

The way it lands on Eve, ships have to be insanely over-engined to slow down enough from the altitude MechJeb starts the final burn. Any ship that can lift itself even a bit off Eve's surface with full tanks should be able to land safely (even if it doesn't have the fuel capacity to get back to orbit) if it has enough fuel to start its final burn high enough. Even dropping a ship from 50 meters at 0 starting vertical velocity, it has trouble getting down to the surface without damage.

I've had a look around the forum and there's some relatively light ships which people have been able to manually land on Eve.

I put this ship minus crew into a 100 KM Eve orbit with hyperedit, kicked off the stages and MechJeb didn't start the final burn until just over 1,000 meters. Almost but not quite high enough to avoid disaster. Crew would have survived but not much else. Had lots of fuel left at lithobrake. I wanted to see how high it could ascend when full, then build on it until it could reach orbit - then figure out a way to get such a lander to Eve from Kerbin.

My next interplanetary mission is going to involve a one way lander probe to Eve and it'd be nice if MechJeb could land it without having to put a dozen engines on a small probe. Won't matter to me if it burns every drop of fuel, as long as it lands OK.

The docking autopilot in build 119 is very nice. Much less jittering about and it also looks like it can coast for a while without lots of RCS firing.

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I've used MechJeb before, so when I came back from a long hiatus to check out .22, I was excited to get MJ installed. However, I'm having a problem using the module in career mode. Several people have mentioned this issue, but I can't seem to find a satisfactory answer.

- Start a career mode save

- cheat, steal, and otherwise claw my way to researching Flight Controls (which I believe is supposed to be the first MechJeb tech)

- Enter VAB to install MechJeb but find that the module must be researched individually.

- Enter research building, and click to icon for MechJeb (within Flight Controls) and confirm that I want to research it. Yay!

- Enter VAB to install MechJeb but find it "greyed out" and it just has the same message

- Enter research building, and the dumb thing is unresearched again. Click, confirm, rinse repeat

I've gone through this on multiple saves and up to 3-5 trips between the VAB and research building. What am I missing? Am I researching it wrong? Am I just stupid? Is the answer to this problem somewhere else and I've just missed it? HALP!

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So ...

I built a replica of you lander. Sent it to Eve on a 100km orbit, and asked the landing AP to land at 0°N 24°E :

Long story short : It landed without any damage.

Galane I don't know what mods you use but something is seriously messing up with the drag. Eve atmo is so dense my ship nearly did not have to brake.

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Galane I don't know what mods you use but something is seriously messing up with the drag. Eve atmo is so dense my ship nearly did not have to brake.

Nothing that should be mucking about with drag or other aerodynamics. The only one that should be doing anything to modify how the game engine operates is Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, which *shouldn't* affect drag.

Quantum Struts

Procedural fairings

Kerbal joint reinforcement



Kommit stockalike (just one part, a truss cube the size of the two large stock trusses)


Infernal Robotics

Module Manager

DROMOMAN (robotic arm parts pack for Infernal Robotics)



Stretchy Tanks

TAC Fuel Balancer

UbioZur Welding (haven't actually used it yet)

Kerbal Alarm Clock


Custom parts

RockoOKTOClampo http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/58406-AARP-introduces-the-RockoOKTOClampo

Omni docking ports http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57323-Universal-Docking-Port?p=769596&viewfull=1#post769596

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I have to agree with sarbian. I have flown several missions to Eve with no problems landing. The ship had a TWR of approximately 1.6 at the surface of Eve. In the lower atmosphere the terminal velocity was approximately 80 m/sec. Thus it took approximately 8 seconds of full thrust to kill the descent velocity and a distance of approximately 320 meters. MJ started braking between 500 and 400 meters altitude and throttled back to less than full thrust before landing. I have only seen problems similar to the ones that you describe when landing on Kerban with a TWR less than or approximately equal to 1.


(and yes I was cheating. the ship had essentially infinite fuel, but a reasonable reported delta-V.)

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