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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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Is there a way to see the marker when the target(or landing site) is on water?

It's the one bug I keep forgetting to fix...

Hey guys,

Will there be updates for 0.23, I'm having issues...

Win 7 x64 using the Steam Install.


PS: I tried installing it manually and using the KSPMODAdmin but no luck seing it anywhere ):

The usual suspect is the antivirus, try disabling it. Is your steam install in program files ? If yes then I would move it somewhere else.

So...using the latest version of mechjeb, my craft overcontrols itself when using the ascent autopilot. It uses full control surface deflection and engine gimbal to correct any deviations in trajectory, wobbling back and forth violently. This is very reminiscent of the old SAS. I know that the problems lies with mechjeb, as using simple SAS causes normal behavior. Is there any way to stop mechjeb from doing this?

If you use that latest dev then it's indeed a bit to aggressive while in atmo. Open the attitude adjustment window, uncheck the auto tune Tf and set tf by hand to 0.3 (increase it if it's still too aggressive).

I need to find a proper way to make it less aggressive with control surface but I keep getting side tracked.

mj needs definitly be fixed, i have a lot of buging things happend with it.

but it's ok, i think KSP players like challenges :D

List them with details/logs, and I may fix them. Or not :)

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Sarbian, thank you very much for all the work, care, and attention you put into this great mod. This is easily one of, if not the best and must have mods for this game. You can use as much or as little of it as you want. And every tool included is useful, simple, and easy to use.

You even read the thread and address peoples concerns to take feedback as well as help them.

AND you do all of this in conjunction with your normal life, work, and all the other responsibilities you have.

Thank you, so very much, for what you do for this mod and for KSP. You're one of my most respected persons in this community.

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My mech Jeb still not docking.

After 5 hours of stress and swearing I managed to dock manualy so the ships not the issue. But now I have the same issue and I just cant waste another 5 hours of my life on manual docking.

And before some cames along and says "Docks manualy us easy Blah Blah Blah it only takes me 10 minutes" I DONT CARE. I have a condition that affects my directional reactions perception and it that which is getting in the damed way.

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Did you take 5 min to read the last few post were I say that I have been working on the docking AP for the last 10 days ?

I don't care what your RL problem are, ranting does not improve MJ in any way.

I'd rather read more post like Fett2oo5's or detailed bug reports...

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Did you take 5 min to read the last few post were I say that I have been working on the docking AP for the last 10 days ?

I don't care what your RL problem are, ranting does not improve MJ in any way.

I'd rather read more post like Fett2oo5's or detailed bug reports...

Sorry I didnt read it my mistake missed it, what rage does. Its not at Mecjeb just docking in general! Glad to know its a bug and will be sorted. Need to know any information like ship stats to help?

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sarbian: was just a litle bit social bla bla. if you need some data for debuging, no problem. and i even know you work a lot on mj, so was no negativ meaning.

at least thanks again for your work, i'll deliver data soon ;)

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@sarbian: Not sure whether I'm in the right area, but since you are totally knowledgeable about docking: Is there a way I can discover in a plugin that my craft hast just docked? I am thinking about an auto-refueler kind of plugin which would top my tug off as soon as I dock it to my huge kerbal space fuel station...

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My mech Jeb still not docking.

After 5 hours of stress and swearing I managed to dock manualy so the ships not the issue. But now I have the same issue and I just cant waste another 5 hours of my life on manual docking.

And before some cames along and says "Docks manualy us easy Blah Blah Blah it only takes me 10 minutes" I DONT CARE. I have a condition that affects my directional reactions perception and it that which is getting in the damed way.

Does the status line (moving foward, backing up, moving to docking axis, etc) say that it is moving at 0.0 m/s?

If so, turn off the option to conserve RCS fuel, or change the threshold number to something lower.

If you don't see those options then use the custom window editor to add them to an existing window or make a new window that has them.

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When I think of it, mechjeb is the only mod that stayed in my KSP folders since I downloaded it(back in 0.16 or 0.17, it was the first mod I downloaded).

All the other mods has been removed at some point(and some has been replaced), but not mechjeb: I don't think I would continue flying my rockets without it.

Thank you mechjeb devellopers(past, present and future) this very powerfull plugin! :)

Edited by goldenpeach
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@sarbian: Not sure whether I'm in the right area, but since you are totally knowledgeable about docking: Is there a way I can discover in a plugin that my craft hast just docked? I am thinking about an auto-refueler kind of plugin which would top my tug off as soon as I dock it to my huge kerbal space fuel station...

Not an addon programmer here, but once two ships dock the game considers them one ship, I believe. You might try looking for changes in part count or to narrow that down, changes in number of fuel tanks. The addon would probably have to some how designate existing tankage as "out going" and any new tankage detected as "in coming" for the fuel values.

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Sorry I didnt read it my mistake missed it, what rage does. Its not at Mecjeb just docking in general! Glad to know its a bug and will be sorted. Need to know any information like ship stats to help?

Easy enough to do manually. Get into visual range with rendezvous in maneuver planner. Set control from here on both ships to the docking ports you'll be connecting, then set those ports as each other ship's targets by right clicking on the port of the other ship in normal space view.

Then activate Smart A.S.S., click the TGT then TGT+ buttons for each ship. Now the ports are locked onto each other.

To fly over and dock is simple. RCS control H = forward N = reverse, Q and E rotate. Keep an eye on how fast the distance number is dropping on the target pip. Too fast and you're crashing, not docking.

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@sarbian: Not sure whether I'm in the right area, but since you are totally knowledgeable about docking: Is there a way I can discover in a plugin that my craft hast just docked? I am thinking about an auto-refueler kind of plugin which would top my tug off as soon as I dock it to my huge kerbal space fuel station...

Docking port parts have the module ModuleDockingNode, which has several properties that you could track.

Look at docked craft in your save file so you can see the changes that happen when they dock.

Two properties in particular that I notice changing are:



state has 4 values that I've seen. Ready, PreAttached, Docked (dockee) and Docked (docker). The last two should be self explanatory; those values are set when the the port gets docked to another port. One of those two will be the docker and the other the dockee. As nearly as I can tell, at that time, dockUId is set to the uid of the part to which it is docked. However, dockUId is not reset to 0 when the the craft undock. (so by itself, dockUId means nothing. If state = Docked * then it's the part id that you're docked to but if state = Ready then it just means that you were docked to that part at some point in time)

PreAttached AFAIK is set if the craft is spawned from the VAB with two ports already docked to each other. dockUId is set to 0 in that case. I'm not sure for your purposes that you need to deal with PreAttached ports at all, but assuming you do then you would look at what's attached to the port part's nodes. (top node by default but that's not engraved in stone)

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I apologize of this has been asked before but has anyone else been having trouble entering the Tf value??? It's really annoying I try to type a number in and it just stick random ass numbers. Hit back space and it goes to 1, then try to hit . and it goes to 0.03, then hit backspace, and it goes to 0.1. WTF! It actually caused me to wreck today because I could not change the god damn value and it was entering crazy ass **** like 15!!!!

My friend has the game as well and he says it acts goofy for him as well. He just takes ten minutes to get a value in that he wants and then does not touch it any more. For me it seems to have a memory and keeps coming up by default to 0.03!!! As I understand it you want to be between .5 and no lower then 0.03.

Is there a known bug that is making the input box act oddly and prevent you from putting in values?

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I know someone posted about it before but I don't recall something about it being done. While using rendezvous autopilot once it is finished I am forced to increase into warp and then back out before I am able to do anything. It appears that it is not releasing warp status after it disengages. I have had this happen with a fully modded install and one with only mechjeb installed.

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I apologize of this has been asked before but has anyone else been having trouble entering the Tf value??? It's really annoying I try to type a number in and it just stick random ass numbers. Hit back space and it goes to 1, then try to hit . and it goes to 0.03, then hit backspace, and it goes to 0.1. WTF! It actually caused me to wreck today because I could not change the god damn value and it was entering crazy ass **** like 15!!!!

My friend has the game as well and he says it acts goofy for him as well. He just takes ten minutes to get a value in that he wants and then does not touch it any more. For me it seems to have a memory and keeps coming up by default to 0.03!!! As I understand it you want to be between .5 and no lower then 0.03.

Is there a known bug that is making the input box act oddly and prevent you from putting in values?

Entering numbers into that field can be a bit tricky, but honestly, it's not THAT hard. It's not 'ten minutes' hard. Or at least it shouldn't be.

If you need a value smaller than 1 when the current value is 1 or higher, then try this: click in that field and press the home key to move the cursor to the beginning. Then press . to put a decimal in front. Then type the numbers you want and press delete to remove any numbers to the right of the cursor.

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Sorry if this has been asked. but I am having trouble entering my own Tf values.

Symptom: You try to delete the existing field in the input box and it puts a value like 1 in the field. Then you try to add a decimal place and it changes the filed to 0.1 then you try to erase the 1 to make it say .3 and it fills the field with 0.01??? ,,, and then you try to change that and it puts another value in. The whole time this value is being used to control your ship and it of course is now bucking wildly out of control.

Is there a reason I am fighting to put my own value in this input box and if so can I please for the love of god make it stop?

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Sorry if this has been asked. but I am having trouble entering my own Tf values.

Symptom: You try to delete the existing field in the input box and it puts a value like 1 in the field. Then you try to add a decimal place and it changes the filed to 0.1 then you try to erase the 1 to make it say .3 and it fills the field with 0.01??? ,,, and then you try to change that and it puts another value in. The whole time this value is being used to control your ship and it of course is now bucking wildly out of control.

Is there a reason I am fighting to put my own value in this input box and if so can I please for the love of god make it stop?

You already asked that on this very page.... do you have short term memory loss? Use the arrow keys in that field to move to where you want to put a digit. It's not really that hard to do.

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i was launching a craft and about halfway to orbit my computer blue screened. some modules from mechjeb no longer show up in flight. is there a way someone can direct me to which directory the save state or whatever is so i can try to fix it. it was my career save so ill be bummed if i can't get some much needed telemetry :(

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okay thanks. I am assumming this is seriosly not the way it is intended to work. I mean it's a decimal input field. Why not just let us put the number we want in it instead of ... If it's a tues and you are facing north and want a number less then 1 but greater then .324322 then (from the keypad) move the cursor to the right of the number in the box if that number is already greater then 1 and to the right if the number is between 1 and .467, then alternating from the keypad to the number keys enter the value you want in reverse order ..... and it goes on .... lol

Edited by ctbram
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Perhaps a better idea would be to dissociate the entry field and the underlying variable, and perform the range-checking invisibly in the background - ie, allow users to enter whatever value they like, just don't copy buggy values to places where they will cause issues.

Though maybe that is exactly what would take the extra code you don't want to produce. :(

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Reminds me of a 3D modeling program I use. The object properties panel gets scanned every few seconds and if you are changing a number and haven't hit enter or clicked in another field when it hits the scan, it changes the field you're editing back to what it was. Can get quite annoying!

A "holy grail" of user interaction is software that A. waits for user input and B. applies user input immediately.

One of the worst things I've encountered (many times) is software that will run but something has gone wrong so it either soon crashes after launch or crashes when the user attempts to exit - and there's a settings change that can be made within the program which would fix the crashing - except that any such changes are only saved upon a *proper exit* of the program because no settings changes get saved until the very last thing the program does as it's quitting. Thus it's impossible to fix the problem with the in-program tools that are supposed to be able to make changes in how it works.

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