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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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I can confirm the roll control oddness during ascent with the latest dev version. Vehicles that have been stable on ascent to date have begun rolling, usually just before start of the gravity turn.

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Sarbian have you managed to identify why mechjeb decouples some side boosters and not others as the new KSO mod suffers from this as well wont detach the liquid boosters from the main tank and the soyuz stuff still refuses to decouple automatically

Maybe MJ doesn't know what a 'ModuleAnchoredDecoupler' is.

Hell, *I* don't know what that is. I think it's a new stock module in 0.23 but I see no stock parts that use it. Maybe they (Helldiver / Nazari) should have stuck with ModuleDecoupler.

Bah, that's my bout of idiocy for the day. Resume your regularly scheduled rocket launches.

Edited by Starwaster
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No. If you're in a higher orbit it's catching up to you. (it has less distance to travel for one thing)

Orbital Mechanics are confusing, in any case, it does the same thing regardless of the difference in orbital altitude, aren't there still situations where it should lower it rather then raise it?

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It would seem that some instances would dictate that a lower catching orbit would be preferential to a higher one. I am guessing that the choice could be made depending on choice of min delta V (fuel) expenditure versus higher delta V for faster rendezvous.

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Hi guys,

I have an issue with MechJeb massively overcompensating when trying to correct my direction using Autopilot. For example, when I try to enter orbit around the Mun and tell MechJeb to execute the next node to circularize my orbit, it will "overshoot" the node EVERY time, and then try to swing back, "overshoot," try to swing back, "overshoot" repeatedly. The only way it will execute is if I manually point the ship in the right direction, and even then, after I hit execute, MechJeb will (for no reason) start "over-rolling" my ship left, then right, then left, then right repeatedly.....it's incredibly frustrating!

This happens on multiple and completely different ship designs with a fresh install of the absolute latest build of MechJeb and a fresh install of the game. They are old ship designs I copied over from my old save before I update, but everything else is fresh.....any ideas? :(

I tried the trick of disabling some of the Reaction Wheels and locking engine gimbals too, but to no avail....

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Orbital Mechanics are confusing, in any case, it does the same thing regardless of the difference in orbital altitude, aren't there still situations where it should lower it rather then raise it?

Possibly. 90% of the time, I'm happy withs its decisions.

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Sarbian have you managed to identify why mechjeb decouples some side boosters and not others as the new KSO mod suffers from this as well wont detach the liquid boosters from the main tank and the soyuz stuff still refuses to decouple automatically

When I had a look at the soyuz it was a problem with small amount of oxidiser left in the tank, and the current code somehow think the engine can get more fuel. I'll have an other look at it when I'm done with the docking AP.

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I noticed what seems to be a bug with Build #169 (Feb 3, 2014 9:17:23 PM). The Accent AP doesn't want to disengage. When it either disengages automatically or manually it keeps turning on thrust to a very small amount and tumbles the rocket. No matter how many times I hit X to kill thrust it gets turned back on even with the accent ap disengaged. This does not happen with the previous version.


Don't look at this yet. I just had the same problem with Build #168 (Jan 17, 2014 2:12:24 AM) so something else may be going on. I'll drop back to Build #167 (Jan 11, 2014 6:53:11 PM) and see what happens. Hold on. I have to bring the dog out for a walk.

Ignore all of that. The problem wasn't MJ related.

Edited by dr_jt
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This happens to me when I use engines with a very high TWR. If you use the thrust limiter the problem goes away, and in any case unless you need rapid acceleration you should try to use the engine with the lowest TWR that will do the job - more powerful engines tend to also be heavier, so you need more fuel to loft them up.

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So, has anyone else been having problems with the translatron? I have attempted building a simple test craft with just an engine, rcs, and probe core. I would try to hover over KSC. Before, it worked perfectly and I could land vertically right on to the engine bell. Now, the translatron over corrects and I go into bigger and bigger Oscillations Is it just me or is something wrong?

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So, has anyone else been having problems with the translatron? I have attempted building a simple test craft with just an engine, rcs, and probe core. I would try to hover over KSC. Before, it worked perfectly and I could land vertically right on to the engine bell. Now, the translatron over corrects and I go into bigger and bigger Oscillations Is it just me or is something wrong?

Does not work anymore.

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^What was it?

For some reason my joystick throttle went out of calibration or KSP was detecting it incorrectly. It's a Saitek X52 and I've never seen it do that before but when I disabled the stick in KSP the problem went away. It seemed to be random because sometimes MJ worked fine and other times not.

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Does somebody know if there's an (easy) way to add something to the "Misc" items of the Custom Window Mode?

I'd like to have something that's just like "---" or doesn't display text at all, just a Seperator (the item "Seperator" does display exactly that, which is text that kinda confuses me, because I read it before noticing "ah, just a seperator").

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I just recently installed the latest dev version. Every thing I tried seems to work perfectly. Nice work fellas.

Some advice for people having problems. Make sure you clear out the old files. I decided to clear out all the old stuff this go around just to be sure I had no conflicting problems from older builds. I normally just clean out the craft related settings and keep all the globals but this this time I cleared the whole lot.

It may or may not help you, but it certainly can't hurt. I haven't had any of the hunting problems that others have been reporting. Just rock solid control. YMMV.

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I've been having troubles with the smartass and manover planer/editor with probes that were radially attached to a lifter or the KSO shuttle. Neither smartass or the planners would work. I found a temporary workaround for that by turning off the attitude adjustment to using the stock ASAS, for others having trouble with this bug.

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