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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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Error with build .223

[Error]: MechJeb module MechJebModuleMenu threw an exception in DrawGUI: System.InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object

at System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[Type] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate, Fallback fallback) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Linq.Enumerable.SingleOrDefault[Type] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.ToolbarTypes.getType (System.String name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.ToolbarManager.get_Instance () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.ToolbarManager.get_ToolbarAvailable () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebModuleMenu.SetupMainToolbarButton () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebModuleMenu.SetupToolBarButtons () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebModuleMenu.DrawGUI (Boolean inEditor) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebCore.OnGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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Minor questions: Why does MechJeb insist on burning to a higher-altitude phasing orbit than the target when the target is already in a higher orbit? Why can't MJ be a bit more "fuel conservative" and just wait for a transfer node to take the chase ship in two burns (transfer up to target, circularization) instead of four (transfer up to phasing, circularization, transfer down to target, circularization)?

Major issue: Now using Dev 223. If I'm approaching from the side of the target, the docking AP doesn't even want to get started. It burns the RCS briefly, then locks up. If I manually maneuver directly in line with the docking port of the target, MJ immediately starts firing the RCS to move the ship past the target instead of backing up.

I'm getting several of these in the log:

[EXC 22:31:38.040] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

I also found one of these near the end of the log:

[ERR 22:32:31.566] MechJeb module MechJebModuleMenu threw an exception in OnDestroy: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at MuMech.MechJebModuleMenu.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebCore.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

ADDENDUM: Although this shouldn't be an issue, I'm running Linux Mint 16, 64-bit. Don't think there should be any execution differences between platforms, but there might be...

Edited by BARCLONE
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I've been having a problem with mechjeb in .23.5. I been able to install it properly i think just dragged the file from the .rar to the game-data and when i load it and put the modual on a ship the tab appears but nothing is on the tab. ive disabled my anti-virus and tried the latest versions but with the latest versions the tab doesn't even appear. maybe its a mod conflict but not sure where to find that. pic should be below if anyone can help it would be very appreciated. Thanks


This game below is a newly created sandbox same thing happens when launching as well.


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I've been having a problem with mechjeb in .23.5. I been able to install it properly i think just dragged the file from the .rar to the game-data and when i load it and put the modual on a ship the tab appears but nothing is on the tab. ive disabled my anti-virus and tried the latest versions but with the latest versions the tab doesn't even appear. maybe its a mod conflict but not sure where to find that. pic should be below if anyone can help it would be very appreciated. Thanks


This game below is a newly created sandbox same thing happens when launching as well.


Use the latest dev build:


Latest toolbar:


If you bothered to read the last few pages, you'll see everyone talking about this as well as this exact advise.

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I just found out so I have to post it here, sorry if it`s been posted before.

Anatidaephobia is defined as a pervasive, irrational fear that one is being watched by a duck.

EDIT : I`ve been noticing problems with basic features that are persisting through multiple dev versions. Can I ask the code writers to slow down on changing features or putting new ones in until the core features simply function reliably again and the number of bug reports to do with core features start to decrease?

I remember when you could fire and forget with Mechjeb. These days, you almost have to fly the craft manually and watch for every thing MJ does in case it does something weird (especially docking...)

Myself I regard core features as ascent, docking, rendezvous and landing. Do others have different features they regard as `core` that currently have issues?

Apologies if I sound like I am moaning, MJ is a wonderful mod and the new features are great, I just feel like the core features are suffering a little lately and could do with a little love.

Edited by John FX
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A small request, is it possible to make "orbit altitude" & "stop at stage#" saved in cfg for individual rockets so we don't need to adjust them everytime when changing rockets.

Thank you.

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Can I ask the code writers to slow down on changing features or putting new ones in until the core features simply function reliably again and the number of bug reports to do with core features start to decrease?.

Feel free to ask.

Writing new feature are often a welcome break when you are tired of month (literally) of debugging the same part of the "old" code. As for new feature what did we add that was not contributed by someone else ? The only think I can think of is the toolbar support.

The problem with the docking AP is that it works every freaking time here. I test is with small probe and 50T fuel tanks and it docks where I want it to. I am not saying that there is no problem but it's hard to fix something when it works fine on your side.

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Feel free to ask.

Writing new feature are often a welcome break when you are tired of month (literally) of debugging the same part of the "old" code. As for new feature what did we add that was not contributed by someone else ? The only think I can think of is the toolbar support.

The problem with the docking AP is that it works every freaking time here. I test is with small probe and 50T fuel tanks and it docks where I want it to. I am not saying that there is no problem but it's hard to fix something when it works fine on your side.

In no way am I trying to sound like a smart asss (or dumb ass, for that matter), but what is different between our sides. I am running #222 (#223 came out late last night) with the latest RPM? I will try the your test (small probe and large fuel tank in Kerbin orbit w/stock parts). Could it have something to do with the solar panels? I will update to #223.

Mods: B9, Visual enhancement, texture management, final frontier, KSO, crew manifest, and TacLife.

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I think the problem people are running into is they are running multiple mods in addition to MJ. I currently am running #221 and have experienced zero problems except those that I know I caused myself. Also, I'm noticing people are asking for edits to the MJ code that will make certain features more convenient. My personal opinion, if MJ works perfectly, as it seems to in the build that I'm currently using, I would much rather make a few extra clicks and type a few numbers rather than having to wait for yet another dev build just for a feature that merely caters to convenience. Forgive me for sounding like a broken record but the MJ team works on this incredible mod during their spare time and offer this add-on to us for FREE.

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yeah, I usually manage to track MJ problems down to my own idiocy, if I post a problem here, its not me complaining that the mod is broken, its me asking if anyone else has had the issue and figured it out.

I've also noticed, that a lot of steering problems I encounter with MJ is that I've put too much torque on the craft, or not enough. Its especially noticeable if you put a reaction wheels on a craft and use RCS. Figuring out the right balance is hit and miss.

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In no way am I trying to sound like a smart asss (or dumb ass, for that matter), but what is different between our sides. I am running #222 (#223 came out late last night) with the latest RPM? I will try the your test (small probe and large fuel tank in Kerbin orbit w/stock parts). Could it have something to do with the solar panels? I will update to #223.

Mods: B9, Visual enhancement, texture management, final frontier, KSO, crew manifest, and TacLife.

Try uploading a .craft file with stock parts that fail to dock properly. Maybe that way, experimenting will be easier with sarbian?

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Loaded #223. Followed Sarbian's test, no problems with a probe and a pod in Kerbin's orbit.

Edit: Thinking the problem was solved, I sent my lander back to the Mun Fuel Depot. Cannot dock, just flies around burning propellant until it looses lock. Hit the station, too. Doe sphere of influence matter?

Edit: Nope, docking AP not working properly.

Edited by Meridius
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I'm also having numerous issues with the latest MechJeb that didn't exist in the previous version. The mods I have haven't changed. Definitely going to be rolling back the MechJeb version and waiting on a version that restores some reliability. I use MechJeb so I don't have to do fiddly stuff and right now I'm having to babysit MechJeb all the time instead.

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The problem with the docking AP is that it works every freaking time here. I test is with small probe and 50T fuel tanks and it docks where I want it to. I am not saying that there is no problem but it's hard to fix something when it works fine on your side.
I think the problem people are running into is they are running multiple mods in addition to MJ.

In principle, the number of mods a user has shouldn't change the way MJ operates. Where problems occur is when two mods change some critical common game variable in ways that are incompatible with each other.

In reality, though, I can see the possibility of the platform being run on (Mac, Linux, or Windows) having slight changes in the way code runs between them. And being one who has seen the "dark sides" of MJ's docking AP, landing AP, rendezvous AP, and ascent AP, I can also understand Sarbian's frustration when his installation runs perfectly and ours doesn't.

I'll state here that I don't use the AR-202 part on anything. I add the MODULE to a number of my parts in their CFG files to both reduce parts count, and to give some of my stages the ability to de-orbit themselves after putting a payload into orbit. This has worked out well most of the time. Also, there were builds of MJ where the docking AP worked exceptionally well, if perhaps a bit fuel-inefficient with RCS. I'll take fuel-inefficient over non-working any day.

I use almost 30 mods in my installation, and I've had good results in the past with MJ's AP modules. Right now, I'm having great results with the ascent AP, especially after modifying the thrust vector range of some critical booster engines that weren't providing enough corrective vectoring. That was the cause of some wild aerial acrobatics with a few heavier designs. Now, I'm routinely putting rockets into 200 km orbit with a starting mass of 1045 T, with ultimate destinations of Moho and Eeloo. I think this already surpasses the capabilities of the "new" parts from the ARM kit, and MJ handles them without further trouble. BTW, Sarbian, I'm using the "Auto Tf tune" feature doing this, just limiting the top-end range value to 0.3, and leaving everything else at default settings.

At least in Kerbin orbit, the rendezvous AP works in getting me to the target without crashing into it. I can even re-engage the AP to bring my chase ship in closer if I need to. The only issue I have with this AP currently is the four-step burn sequence (burn to phasing orbit, circularization, burn to target, circularization). But this is a minor thing compared to the problem with docking.

Sarbian knows I've had issues with the landing AP for some time, and in a similar way to his frustrations with the docking AP, the LGAP works virtually perfect for me at Mun and Minmus, but fails completely when the very same lander design reaches Moho. If I knew there were temperature variables changing the way equipment behaves, I might understand. This may also be a FAR issue that I'm not recognizing. What I do know is, previous LGAP modules worked perfectly at Moho, but the current code doesn't.

On my installation, the docking AP seemed to be working reasonably well about 70 or 80 builds back (somewhere between build 150 and 170), but started to degrade thereafter. There was a series of builds where the response was quick and the accuracy was within acceptable reason. I'll try Sarbian's test of a small probe in LKO to see what happens. Sarbian, I'd suggest testing a much larger craft to see if there are any issues with mass and/or balance. It's going to take a lot of testing on a variety of designs before some of these bugs are exterminated. A typical ship would be a Mk 1-2 3-seat command pod with a service module (good ole Apollo-style CSM) as a test vehicle. This would represent something more "common" among all of us, since we have an absolute need to take our Kerbals to stations or other ships. See if this produces the anomalies we're experiencing. Also try embedding the MJ MODULE into these test pods instead of using the AR-202. There may be problems with embedding the module as opposed to using the part. Don't know, don't think there should be, but could be possible...

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OK, I just went 3-for-3 with a small test probe design in LKO. One flight started from the opposite end of the target port, one from the front, and one from the side. The docking AP made the proper moves to re-position the probe for the line-up and brought the two craft together, although a bit herky-jerky. The Tf setting needs to be adjusted to a minimum of 0.3 to keep the craft steady. Anything smaller and the craft cannot point its docking port straight into the target; it circles around the outer edge due to torque (on my probe, anyway).

Sarbian, this suggests you really do need to test with a larger, heavier ship to see the effects.

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Hello everyone! I was wondering if one of you smart people could assist me I am on KSP v.23.5 and trying to install MechJeb v 23.5. I'm sure I am installing it wrong, but I can't figure out the proper way. Every why I try I get an error on KSP load screen stating that the MechJeb files were loaded improperly and that they need to be in GameData/MechJeb2/Parts/Plugins... It says nothing about the Icons folder. Do I simply move the entire mechjeb folder with everything inside into the GameDate? That is my current set up. I can see the control unit, and attach it to a ship> I can see the Mechjeb tab on the right side of the screen, however when I open it the panel pulls out and its empty.

I am currently using the iMac 27"

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone!

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OK, I just went 3-for-3 with a small test probe design in LKO. One flight started from the opposite end of the target port, one from the front, and one from the side. The docking AP made the proper moves to re-position the probe for the line-up and brought the two craft together, although a bit herky-jerky. The Tf setting needs to be adjusted to a minimum of 0.3 to keep the craft steady. Anything smaller and the craft cannot point its docking port straight into the target; it circles around the outer edge due to torque (on my probe, anyway).

Sarbian, this suggests you really do need to test with a larger, heavier ship to see the effects.

What dev build are you using? I'm still on 221 and haven't updated yet, but I would like to update and do some tests this weekend if I'm able in order to help Sarbian with these issues.

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...And just conducted a 4th test flight, this time moving the probe 100m off to one side to mimic the approach of a ship via RendAP before engaging the DAP. The DAP worked just as it should, and now I think I've verified what Sarbian said about his tests. I'm going to try a flight with a three-Kerbal ship to a station positioned at 300 km, to see if I get different results.

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What dev build are you using? I'm still on 221 and haven't updated yet, but I would like to update and do some tests this weekend if I'm able in order to help Sarbian with these issues.

I'm using the latest, 223. It came out Wednesday.

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Mentioned before -- Dev 223...

Testing a crew pod to my station...

safeDistance = 20.55

targetSize = 14.00

Oh, boy! The ship arrived to within 100m of the station, and MJ fired the RCS briefly to begin moving the ship away until it was fully 100.5 m off the side. It gave the appearance of locking up, and I almost wrote it up that way. What it didn't do immediately was rotate the ship to align with the docking port, and this is what was throwing me off before. But once outside the 100m sphere, the ship suddenly rotated correctly, and began backing up to position itself at the port end of the station.

I'm watching the docking maneuver as I type this. It's like watching grass grow, or like watching the last 15 minutes of the Falcon launch earlier today with the sound off...

The crew ship is gradually making its way nearer to the station, and it's on the correct end. It took several minutes, but the ship is now within 15m of the port and smoothly gliding into alignment. As the alignment points straight into the port, the ship is now moving forward for the connection.


My ship is now docked and things look stable. While I'll need to conduct more tests, I think what was throwing me off was the delay in aligning the ship to the docking port. I'm so used to MJ doing that in the other APs that not seeing it happen immediately here made me think something had broken. So, everyone might just need to watch their numbers on the AP dialog box before giving up. It might "correct" itself before you realize what's happening.

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I need help. I haven't been able to install and run MechJeb in 0.23.5.

I have tried downloading the stable 2.2 build and the dev build 223 (with and without replacing the .dll). On the 2.2 stable build, I can see the mechjeb tab icon but when I click it, nothing pops up. On the dev build 223, I can't even see the tab icon.

Thanks in advance.

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What i would do is remove every mod from gamedata so you only have the squad folder / Nasa mission sitting in there, then download the latest MJ 223 zip from dev and install it as the only mod and see if it shows up, if it doesnt i would re download ksp or verify files if your using steam

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