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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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  Furious1964 said:
Is smart auto staging also research able? When 0.24.0 came out, I made a new game and everything researched.

No, there's just some designs, or perhaps more importantly, unrecognized mods like RealChute, that MJ has trouble knowing when to stage. Call it a bug or call it a limitation of logic, there's just some situations that it has trouble with. For things like RealChute, support for those has to be added in by going into the code and 'teaching' MJ what that is and when to stage it.

  Hodo said:
Is there a way I can add additional landing sites to the space plane guidance list?

Right now it just shows the island air strip and KSC.

Download MonoDevelop or Visual Studios, make a GitHub account (optional but advisable) fork the code and code it in :(

And then submit your code for inclusion so everyone benefits :P

  jduchock said:
meh...v0.24.2.559(x64) has a problem where the part doesn't advance. You get the first tier usage where it plots course but doesn't use throttle, but the part advancement disappears from the tree.

I will try a reload of 2.3.1 to see if it fixes it...

Thanks again for this fantastic mod !

Was it Career mode and did you have the Translatron upgrade researched? Seriously, this comes up a lot. When you first start playing a Career mode game, MJ is very limited. No fully automated launches, landings, no automated docking..... anyone think Auto Docking is bugged? Play on Career mode and suddenly you will find yourself BEGGING to have your Auto Dock back :P

But yeah, no auto-throttle until its researched. I forget where.... it's on the bottom branch where most of the MJ options are as opposed to the top which is engineering stuff.

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  Starwaster said:
No, there's just some designs, or perhaps more importantly, unrecognized mods like RealChute, that MJ has trouble knowing when to stage. Call it a bug or call it a limitation of logic, there's just some situations that it has trouble with. For things like RealChute, support for those has to be added in by going into the code and 'teaching' MJ what that is and what to stage it.

But it functioned perfectly in 0.23.5. Was Real Chute already in your code?

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Looked around and didn't see anything about this but see issues with the .24, .24.1, .24.2, etc.

Is the latest MJ supposed to still be compatible with .23.5? I have tried the last couple of versions (from Curse and the dev site) but KSP says MJ isn't compatible. However, the functions I've tried still seem to work in .23.5 so I'm guessing maybe it is just a "number mismatch" type issue?


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  Starwaster said:
No, there's just some designs, or perhaps more importantly, unrecognized mods like RealChute, that MJ has trouble knowing when to stage. Call it a bug or call it a limitation of logic, there's just some situations that it has trouble with. For things like RealChute, support for those has to be added in by going into the code and 'teaching' MJ what that is and when to stage it.

I wish it would "learn" to recognize stages without a decoupler in the stage as stages instead of additional delta V it can grab for the stage below. Three workarounds.

Run the staging completely manually.

Set auto staging to stop below the stage without a decoupler then trigger the decoupler-less stage manually at the appropriate time, then change the stop at number for auto staging so it can continue automatic staging.

Add a 'throwaway' radial decoupler on the rocket and put its icon in with the stage that does not need a decoupler. The decoupler has to stay with the rocket. If put on a lower stage that drops, MechJeb will fire the engines in the no-decoupler stage as soon as the lower stage gets out of physics range - when its icon goes away.

How hard can it be to make MechJeb follow the staging process the way manually hitting the spacebar works?

I often do some quite complex staging, I like to stack drop tanks on top of asparagus stacks and kick them off as they drain. That drops weight without dropping engines, keeping more thrust available longer. I also like to put probe cores on upper stages that end up in orbit, and forward facing separatrons to deorbit them. But due to this one limitation with auto staging I have to use one of the workarounds to keep ascent guidance from firing the separatrons at the same time as the engine(s) in the stage below them.

Another configuration incompatible with auto staging is radially attached fuel tanks and engines on a stage, that you do not want burning until after the core they're stuck onto is empty. Manually it works, automatic will light it all up together. To make it work with automatic there has to be something extra stuck on to pop off just so auto staging can see the radially attached parts that are in a different stage in the icon stack actually are in a different stage.

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There's really no way for an automated system to anticipate every combination of staging possible in the game. Your staging is just too unorthodox for the set pattern that mechjeb uses. As has been noted before, trying to accommodate some of the scenarios in staging you want would break staging for the majority of situations.

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  Pecan said:
Have you tried using the custom window editor to display exactly the information you want, when you want it?
Yup. But I'm pretty happy with the standard windows, there's just a lot of them I like open at once. If I could group the ones I only use one at a time, like the guidance ones, in tabbed panels then I'd save some screen space and still have them handy.
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  sojourner said:
There's really no way for an automated system to anticipate every combination of staging possible in the game. Your staging is just too unorthodox for the set pattern that mechjeb uses. As has been noted before, trying to accommodate some of the scenarios in staging you want would break staging for the majority of situations.

Why would it? It works with manual staging, one after the other up the stack, in the order the icons are arranged. MechJeb just has to 'climb the stack' in exactly the same way using the spacebar works.

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  Galane said:
Why would it? It works with manual staging, one after the other up the stack, in the order the icons are arranged. MechJeb just has to 'climb the stack' in exactly the same way using the spacebar works.

Even for the deltaV calculations it is very difficult to determine when to "hit space" and for auto-staging it is far more important that it doesn't do anything "wrong". I've been trying to fix issues in the KER deltaV calculations for quite a while and there are all sorts of tricky examples that are either difficult or impossible to simulate without more input. E.g. if you create a lander with detachable science pods with legs on, designed to be decoupled on lift-off but otherwise only having one real stage (i.e. one engine that is used for landing and ascent) then, the following your actual mission profile will use some of the fuel during the landing and then the rest on take-off once the extra weight has been dropped. There is no (easy and foolproof) way (at present) that the mod can know how much of the fuel is burnt during landing so it can account for the reduced mass during the ascent. This is only one tricky example and there are lots more...

Edited by Padishar
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  jmbailey2000 said:
Looked around and didn't see anything about this but see issues with the .24, .24.1, .24.2, etc.

Is the latest MJ supposed to still be compatible with .23.5? I have tried the last couple of versions (from Curse and the dev site) but KSP says MJ isn't compatible. However, the functions I've tried still seem to work in .23.5 so I'm guessing maybe it is just a "number mismatch" type issue?


If you're still using v23.5 of KSP, this is the compatible MechJeb: www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/220221-mechjeb/2201514

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Running Mechjeb version 2.3.1

Not sure if this is noted by other players or if I'm special :) Issue with Mechjeb I'm having is the auto pilot seems to "Over correct" a lot. It will begin to make a turn to the next way point target and over shoot wildly. On those monster rockets that turn as quickly as a beached whale it probably wouldn't be an issue, but I'm running much smaller rockets right now. I've also noticed it really rolls the vehicle at great speed as well especially during a burn.

Anyone else having this issue?

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  Galane said:
Why would it? It works with manual staging, one after the other up the stack, in the order the icons are arranged. MechJeb just has to 'climb the stack' in exactly the same way using the spacebar works.

The tough part is knowing the intent of the builder as to when the spacebar should be hit.

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  Quilt18 said:
so im guessing that career mode for mechjeb is well not working as it seems...:sealed:

Not for you apparently. If you describe the problem you're having with the version number of mechjeb and KSP that you're using, you might get a better response.

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Found a minor exploit, don't know if its been reported, if you start a sandbox game, and set all of the mechjeb functions to their own menu slots on the toolbar, then go into a carrer mode, the toolbar will remember those menu windows and give you access to mechjeb functions you haven't researched.

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  vardicd said:
Found a minor exploit, don't know if its been reported, if you start a sandbox game, and set all of the mechjeb functions to their own menu slots on the toolbar, then go into a carrer mode, the toolbar will remember those menu windows and give you access to mechjeb functions you haven't researched.

I experienced the same thing - it's a bit buggy though. For example, if (say) I do not have landing guidance researched yet, but put it into my toolbar (via sandbox mode), on some ships, it will appear. But when I switch ships, sometimes, the landing guidance button will disappear. Changing ships again sometimes brings it back.

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  Dirty said:
Running Mechjeb version 2.3.1

Not sure if this is noted by other players or if I'm special :) Issue with Mechjeb I'm having is the auto pilot seems to "Over correct" a lot. It will begin to make a turn to the next way point target and over shoot wildly. On those monster rockets that turn as quickly as a beached whale it probably wouldn't be an issue, but I'm running much smaller rockets right now. I've also noticed it really rolls the vehicle at great speed as well especially during a burn.

Anyone else having this issue?

It is possible to have *too* much control authority, but without seeing the rocket in question it's hard to accurately evaluate if the problem is MechJeb or in your booster design. But really, so long as your rocket isn't tumbling end over end it's not actually all that big a problem.

Roll is caused by vehicle design, usually a lack of struts allowing parts of the vehicle to twist out of alignment. Kerbal Joint Reinforcement helps here, as does a picture of the vehicle so we can evaluate the design.

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  Starwaster said:

Download MonoDevelop or Visual Studios, make a GitHub account (optional but advisable) fork the code and code it in :(

And then submit your code for inclusion so everyone benefits :P

So in otherwords no.

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Hey all... so I have updated to the newest KSP 0.24.2 (7/27/14) and build 270 of mechjeb. I too have had some pretty severe over-corrections.

Video: http://youtu.be/El0jwN8O3VM

Sorry for the vertical video and potato quality. Not sure whats going on... even with autopilot off and no inputs my craft still moves around on its own. I turn SAS on, and again the craft gets wonky.

Any suggestions?


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  sojourner said:
What mods are you using? What version number of mechjeb? what version of KSP?

Latest version of everything. And sorry I completely forgot. I am using Ferram's ISP scaler. Though it does say the Dv readouts with Mj or KER should be fine with it.. other then that..








Edit: Nevermind. For some reason I just had to make a new craft.

Edited by Motokid600
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right am I the only person that no mater what they do mechjeb just will not work??

list of things ive done

uninstalled and reinstalled KSP

got the latest build and dll from jenkin

updated the toolbar (which incidently dosent appear as well)

made sure its in the right folder (in game data)

and before anyone is stupid enough to ask yes iv put the module on my ships

can anyone help me hear nothing I do works!

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I can't seem to get it working at all. Clean install, with no other mods. The parts show up but there's no menus. Output log has this error in it

AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'MechJeb2': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.

at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)

at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Additional information about this exception:

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MuMech.FuelNode' from assembly 'MechJeb2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MuMech.MechJebModuleStagingController' from assembly 'MechJeb2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MuMech.PositionTarget' from assembly 'MechJeb2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MuMech.PositionTarget' from assembly 'MechJeb2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type '<SetConsumptionRates>c__AnonStorey1' from assembly 'MechJeb2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type '<CanDrawNeededResources>c__AnonStorey2' from assembly 'MechJeb2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type '<HasStayingChutes>c__AnonStorey9' from assembly 'MechJeb2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

I can't find the "attempting to replace xxxxx" error in output_log or KSP.log, but both have this message repeated a bunch of times


MechJeb caught exception in core OnLoad: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MuMech.MechJebModuleStagingController' from assembly 'MechJeb2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

at MuMech.MechJebCore.OnLoad (.ConfigNode sfsNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

I posted about this earlier but I was also running a bunch of other mods at the time and decided to retry with a clean install. It's still giving the same behavior unfortunately.

KSP .24.2, both x86 and x64 versions, with mechjeb

I did check for this but it is not anywhere in my logs.

  sarbian said:
To all who have MJ not showing up : open your KSP.log and search for :

Attempting to replace PartModule 'MechJebCore' with 'XXXXXX' (the XXX part change)

If you get that then you stumbled upon a bug in .24 and I can't do anything for you. You ll have to wait for a KSP patch.

Is anyone else having this problem, or is there a fix for it?

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  pathagen said:
right am I the only person that no mater what they do mechjeb just will not work??

list of things ive done

uninstalled and reinstalled KSP

got the latest build and dll from jenkin

updated the toolbar (which incidently dosent appear as well)

made sure its in the right folder (in game data)

and before anyone is stupid enough to ask yes iv put the module on my ships

can anyone help me hear nothing I do works!

First, if you are using Windows, make sure your KSP folder is NOT inside Program files or Program files (x86). Windows is scared of programs in program files that save data into Program files, and moves the data out to a mirror folder, where programs can't then find it properly. A good place for KSP is C:\Games\KSP. If you are using Steam, uninstall KSP, then reinstall it, but create an auxiliary Steam library outside Program fIles.

Are you playing in Career mode or Sandbox mode? If in Career, then it won't appear until you have researched the box, and features won't appear until you have researched them.

And finally - make sure you have dragged the MechJeb folder [out of the zip file and put it in GameData, and that you haven't ,anaged to put the zip file in there by mistake!

Good luck!

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  softweir said:
First, if you are using Windows, make sure your KSP folder is NOT inside Program files or Program files (x86). Windows is scared of programs in program files that save data into Program files, and moves the data out to a mirror folder, where programs can't then find it properly. A good place for KSP is C:\Games\KSP. If you are using Steam, uninstall KSP, then reinstall it, but create an auxiliary Steam library outside Program fIles.

Are you playing in Career mode or Sandbox mode? If in Career, then it won't appear until you have researched the box, and features won't appear until you have researched them.

And finally - make sure you have dragged the MechJeb folder [out of the zip file and put it in GameData, and that you haven't ,anaged to put the zip file in there by mistake!

Good luck!

For those of us with multiple-harddrive setups, does this only apply to the Program Files folder on the drive where Windows itself is installed? My steam library defaults to a different hard drive with a folder that just happens to be called Program Files

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