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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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  bdito said:
My suggestion would be to add parachutes and landing legs. It'll save you a bunch of delta v and make landings far easier.

How high is your orbit when you click the autoland button? If you're too high it will give you a very steep reentry angle which will need a lot of delta V. You should preferably be in a 100km orbit which will put you on a shallower angle and use a lot of aerobraking. But if you have parachutes and landing gear you can survive a much steeper angle.

I did a lots of test landings from 100km-200km. I can land all of them just fine using Trajectories mode and manually landing, the gears are quite sturdy too and I make sure all my landers can withstand 12m/s drop and 5-8 degrees tilt while on the ground.

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You can also see, in the 3rd image, the trajectories mod prediction cross(which stayed stationary) vs MJ's blue marker prediction (that moved with the spacecraft).:D Also at the 3rd image, the autoland lost it and just does a prograde burn without making any sense.

Basically, all my test landings with MJ Autoland at kerbin was like that, much much worse for higher orbit and eccentric orbits.

Edited by dharmdevil
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  Apollo13 said:
Can't. As shown in my images in previous post, I have a single tank and a single engine. Tank has lots of fuel, so there should be TWR of 2.6. this was the value reported previously on that same flight. Also mentioned, TWR shows as 0.08 and 0.02. It's random. The Delta-V window report is not an MJ problem; it'a a KSP problem. MJ is reporting/calculating on values erroneously provided by KSP to it.

As an experiment, I built that exact same vessel with same three components. It showed the correct delta-V in the MJ Delta-V window (in VAB, on the launchpad, and in flight)

I still think it's reporting your RCS TWR, for whatever reason. It will definitely do that if no other engine is attached and activated. (in Flight mode. Don't think it does it in VAB)

So in theory, a bug is possible in MJ whereby if it doesn't see an engine for a given stage then it only reports the RCS TWR.

It logically would also do it if the engine is from an unrecognized plugin. (i.e. not stock Module or something else that MJ is coded to recognize)

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  Tahib said:
You are trying to orbit at 11000m, thats ok when starting from a moon or something, but a very bad idea if you are at kerbin. Try 80000 instead.

It would be nice if the author had put off key fashion reaching orbit in the atmosphere. The more perfect fashion , the better!

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  sarbian said:
You use FAR. MJ landing sim does not work with FAR.

I always knew it was wonky, I just target the space port and I usally land within a few kilometers of the launch pad so it's not horrible, it's just not accurate. Are there plans to get MJ auto land working correctly with FAR? (or NEAR for that matter)

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Plan yes. Trajectories showed how to do it, so I can reuse that. But it takes time to adapt it to MJ code and it's not my priority ATM (even if it annoys me since I also play with FAR).

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  sarbian said:
Plan yes. Trajectories showed how to do it, so I can reuse that. But it takes time to adapt it to MJ code and it's not my priority ATM (even if it annoys me since I also play with FAR).

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to sarbian again.

Oh well, I tried :)

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  Starwaster said:
I still think it's reporting your RCS TWR, for whatever reason. It will definitely do that if no other engine is attached and activated. (in Flight mode. Don't think it does it in VAB)

So in theory, a bug is possible in MJ whereby if it doesn't see an engine for a given stage then it only reports the RCS TWR.

It logically would also do it if the engine is from an unrecognized plugin. (i.e. not stock Module or something else that MJ is coded to recognize)

The engine was attached and active. i ensured that. I was not in Docking mode, nor did I even have RCS activated. engine and tank are stock. As I mentioned above, I built the exact same vessel with the same parts, and MJ reported the correct TWR.

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  Starwaster said:
I Quicksaved at that point just in case I fouled things up, which I did, partly because I got impatient with the small amount of thrust I'd given it and partly because I passed into shadow and nighttime dockings and I do not get along well.

Aviation Lights on both craft and Illuminators Mk 1 on the active craft help those darkness dockings. And then there's Ambient Light Adjustment as well.

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"You can display the current value by adding it to a window with the window editor."

What do you mean by this? I would like to display "it" but I do not know what you mean by "window editor"

I am using FAR and my rockets are turning far to slowly. I am practically still going straight up by the time I reach apo. I have tried setting the value to zero and to 100000 and it seems to have absolutely no effect??? I would think 100000 would effectively say turn hard all the way to orbit if I am understanding what this value does???

I am using FAR.

Is this the equivalent of Q - max dynamic pressure?

Yerah this does not seem to be working. I set DPF to 15000 which I reach at around 24k and the rocket still seems to be restricted to 5deg of AoA

Edited by ctbram
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  ctbram said:
"You can display the current value by adding it to a window with the window editor."

What do you mean by this? I would like to display "it" but I do not know what you mean by "window editor"

MJ2 has a window editor built into it. You can access it from the main menu and certain of the default windows can be edited by clicking on the E near the tops of the window. (E for Edit)


I am using FAR and my rockets are turning far to slowly. I am practically still going straight up by the time I reach apo. I have tried setting the value to zero and to 100000 and it seems to have absolutely no effect??? I would think 100000 would effectively say turn hard all the way to orbit if I am understanding what this value does???

You don't even really have to do anything with that value. Something is wrong somewhere else in your ascent profile.

Make sure that you do NOT have Corrective Steering enabled.

Set your turn start to an altitude at which your rocket will reach 100 m/s

For stock Kerbin set turn end to 50 km

For RSS I like to play around with a turn end of 120km. (the RSS Wiki recommends a different turn end but I forget what...)

Final angle 5%

Turn shape 50%

That works for me.

Depending on my rocket and how much control authority it has I might let it have a 15deg AoA. You can get away with that even in FAR as long as you set it before launch and then don't touch it after you've launched. (for instance if you decide in the middle of your ascent to switch from 5deg to 15deg you're going to DIE)

Edited by Starwaster
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MechJeb seems to have removed the ability to set inclination and heading in the advanced section of Smart A.S.S. Can anyone confirm? If so, is there a method to set your heading and inclination? I find the 6 axis directional setting based on a select-able frame of reference to be insufficient.

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Here is an option idea the I would push my mother off a bridge to get!

A hotkey to show/hide all the MJ gui's.

If you could add user customizable buttons (like action extended stype) to show/hide individual or groups of MJ gui's I'd even set her on fire first then push her off the bridge! (smile).

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  Intrepidrd said:
MechJeb seems to have removed the ability to set inclination and heading in the advanced section of Smart A.S.S. Can anyone confirm? If so, is there a method to set your heading and inclination? I find the 6 axis directional setting based on a select-able frame of reference to be insufficient.

Smart A.S.S. then SURF then SURF then HDG:, PIT:, ROL:, EXECUTE...


Away you go.

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  drtedastro said:
Smart A.S.S. then SURF then SURF then HDG:, PIT:, ROL:, EXECUTE...


Away you go.

Couldn't find the profit...

  CatastrophicFailure said:
Small feature request here... Could we get a custom window entry for G forces, ala the same thing the seismometer displays? Unless it's there and I can't find it. There's current acceleration, but thats only from thrust not aero forces, Gravity, etc.

If you only need reentry g-forces then you can use drag. For the landing window there's also projected max drag forces. That's good enough unless you explicitly need non-drag g-forces.

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I am interested in the use of the Dynamic Pressure Fade out parameter used with the "Limit AoA to" function. inside the Ascent guidance window.

I am assuming it is to do with either two possibilities.

But I am Such a noob, I don't want to embarrass myself just yet ;)

Thanks In advance


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  Starwaster said:

If you only need reentry g-forces then you can use drag. For the landing window there's also projected max drag forces. That's good enough unless you explicitly need non-drag g-forces.

Will take a look, but don't think it'll play well with FAR. A simple G readout for all phases of the flight would really be best, the code is already there in the seismometer so I (ignorantly) assuming tapping into that for an MJ display would be fairly simple?

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  CatastrophicFailure said:
Will take a look, but don't think it'll play well with FAR. A simple G readout for all phases of the flight would really be best, the code is already there in the seismometer so I (ignorantly) assuming tapping into that for an MJ display would be fairly simple?

Not unless you're talking about writing your own plugin. If that's the case then just use vessel.geeForce_immediate

But I thought you were talking about what was already available in MechJeb's existing windows or windows you create with the MJ windows editor.

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I added the GeeForce display in my version yesterday, it was quite fun to test it with one of the other feature I m working on ;)

I m note sure I used geeForce_immediate however, and I found the value quite low while my crew was in my infernal centrifuge testing ship. I'll test immediate, and may just implement my own calculation if I don't like the result.

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  dharmdevil said:
I did a lots of test landings from 100km-200km. I can land all of them just fine using Trajectories mode and manually landing, the gears are quite sturdy too and I make sure all my landers can withstand 12m/s drop and 5-8 degrees tilt while on the ground.


You can also see, in the 3rd image, the trajectories mod prediction cross(which stayed stationary) vs MJ's blue marker prediction (that moved with the spacecraft).:D Also at the 3rd image, the autoland lost it and just does a prograde burn without making any sense.

Basically, all my test landings with MJ Autoland at kerbin was like that, much much worse for higher orbit and eccentric orbits.

are your landers using lvl909s? I have the same problem but not all my landers are effected just the ones that use lvl909's they are bugging out some how and mech jeb can't calculate their max accelleration

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I am at my wits end. I have scoured the internet for an answer ever since KSP 0.25 came out and got nothing. In previous versions of this mod and KSP I was able to edit the part.cfg file for the mod to get all the modules of Mechjeb at the start of career mode, but now when I do this Mechjeb is not there except for basic information tabs. Please, please, please tell me that I am just doing something wrong and not the edits are being blocked somehow. I don't want to lose my favorite mod for this game. You people are my last hope.

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  meltedplasticarmyguy said:
I am at my wits end. I have scoured the internet for an answer ever since KSP 0.25 came out and got nothing. In previous versions of this mod and KSP I was able to edit the part.cfg file for the mod to get all the modules of Mechjeb at the start of career mode, but now when I do this Mechjeb is not there except for basic information tabs. Please, please, please tell me that I am just doing something wrong and not the edits are being blocked somehow. I don't want to lose my favorite mod for this game. You people are my last hope.

Here's a ModuleManager file to modify command pod parts to include a MechJebCore module as well as adjust the tech nodes that unlock the functions to be available at start. You just install the ModuleMananger dll and save the stuff below in a file "MMJ-MechJeb-ModuleCommand.cfg" and put it in the MechJeb2 directory. I don't use the MechJeb2 parts as they cause problems with BTSM.

(Note: the RemoteTech code should work but has never been tested.)

// MMJ-MechJeb-ModuleCommand.cfg
// ModuleManager coding by Jacke
// Include this file with mod MechJeb2
// for MechJeb2 >= 2.1.1
// add MechJeb2 functions to all ModuleCommand
// 2014 Feb 20 Thu MM coding by Jacke
// 2014 Aug 30 Sat changed order of HAS tests
// where mod MechJeb2
// what MechJeb2
// file all ModuleCommand files
// part all ModuleCommand parts
// Standard Command Modules
name = MechJebCore
MechJebLocalSettings {
MechJebModuleCustomWindowEditor { unlockTechs = start } // flightControl
MechJebModuleSmartASS { unlockTechs = start } // flightControl
MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner { unlockTechs = start } // advFlightControl
MechJebModuleNodeEditor { unlockTechs = start } // advFlightControl
MechJebModuleTranslatron { unlockTechs = start } // advFlightControl
MechJebModuleWarpHelper { unlockTechs = start } // advFlightControl
MechJebModuleAttitudeAdjustment { unlockTechs = start } // advFlightControl
MechJebModuleThrustWindow { unlockTechs = start } // advFlightControl
MechJebModuleRCSBalancerWindow { unlockTechs = start } // advFlightControl
MechJebModuleRoverWindow { unlockTechs = start } // fieldScience
MechJebModuleAscentGuidance { unlockTechs = start } // unmannedTech
MechJebModuleLandingGuidance { unlockTechs = start } // unmannedTech
MechJebModuleSpaceplaneGuidance { unlockTechs = start } // unmannedTech
MechJebModuleDockingGuidance { unlockTechs = start } // avUnmannedTech
MechJebModuleRendezvousAutopilotWindow { unlockTechs = start } // advUnmannedTech
MechJebModuleRendezvousGuidance { unlockTechs = start } // advUnmannedTech

// RT2 Probe Command Modules
name = MechJebCore
MechJebLocalSettings {
MechJebModuleCustomWindowEditor { unlockTechs = start } // flightControl
MechJebModuleSmartASS { unlockTechs = start } // flightControl
MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner { unlockTechs = start } // advFlightControl
MechJebModuleNodeEditor { unlockTechs = start } // advFlightControl
MechJebModuleTranslatron { unlockTechs = start } // advFlightControl
MechJebModuleWarpHelper { unlockTechs = start } // advFlightControl
MechJebModuleAttitudeAdjustment { unlockTechs = start } // advFlightControl
MechJebModuleThrustWindow { unlockTechs = start } // advFlightControl
MechJebModuleRCSBalancerWindow { unlockTechs = start } // advFlightControl
MechJebModuleRoverWindow { unlockTechs = start } // fieldScience
MechJebModuleAscentGuidance { unlockTechs = start } // unmannedTech
MechJebModuleLandingGuidance { unlockTechs = start } // unmannedTech
MechJebModuleSpaceplaneGuidance { unlockTechs = start } // unmannedTech
MechJebModuleDockingGuidance { unlockTechs = start } // avUnmannedTech
MechJebModuleRendezvousAutopilotWindow { unlockTechs = start } // advUnmannedTech
MechJebModuleRendezvousGuidance { unlockTechs = start } // advUnmannedTech
// END OF MMJ-MechJeb-ModuleCommand.cfg

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