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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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Yes, multiple times, from altitudes as low as 50km to as high as 200km. While the approach pattern was different, the symptoms of failure were more or less the same each time.

Do you have a .craft ? I tried landing with the stock "Heavy Lander" and had no trouble with my current version (but it does use more fuel than I think it should).

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Hi, I have some questions.

Can I have MJ 2 and 1.9 installed at the same time?

And, what exactly does the various MJ parts do? Like the landing support, or the MJ decoupler?

Ive been reading and searching on this forum before posting.

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Do you have a .craft ? I tried landing with the stock "Heavy Lander" and had no trouble with my current version (but it does use more fuel than I think it should).

It's a mishmash of parts from lots of sources, but I seriously doubt it's that, I've started the whole testing process to work out a design and rebuilt it at least ten times in wildly different configurations before concluding it's gotta be either HyperEdit making MechJeb crazy by teleporting it or MechJeb being crazy all by itself. The very same craft has problems handling in Duna orbit which look very similar to landing ones, (rendezvous maneuvers always off, chasing drifting nodes) and definitely has no such problems in Kerbin orbit.

I'm assuming he means increasing warp (time acceleration) and decreasing it again.

Does not seem to help much, it auto-warps back and forth on it's own anyway...

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Sweet thanks :D

Forgot the link to the DLL ^^

It's the roll change + the patch from Raf04 and my other pull on MJ2 Github and all dev patch.


It may display blank windows when launching a new craft from the spaceport. you need to switch back to the spaceport and back to your craft (and I need to find this one ...)

@Mihara strange, I used hyperedit to bring the lander to duna orbit too. But I use my MJ2 version maybe it has a relevant fix...

Edited by sarbian
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How is MechJeb v2.x supposed to work? Does it go on top of the 1.9 install?

I ask because I just started a new install of KSP and decided to use 2.x this time around. I tried to import my ships from the previous install, however it appears all of the MechJeb ship parts are missing from 2.x.

What do I do to make this work?

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@Mihara strange, I used hyperedit to bring the lander to duna orbit too. But I use my MJ2 version maybe it has a relevant fix...

By now I am pretty certain there is indeed a bug to fix in there somewhere, because no interaction issue should cause something like this:


I suppose the screenshot says it all.

P.S. It's unfortunately too wide. Is there a 'spoiler' tag around here or something?

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In my case: that lander used parts I'd modified myself (for instance a crew cabin with modified attachment rules, scaled structural parts, etc.) so it wouldn't help much to post a craft. When I get a chance to get back to the game (probably not today) I'll try this with a stock lander and see if I can recreate it.

Edited by Markarian421
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Can you post a screen of your ship of you can't post the craft ? ( I have a lot of mod too, so your modded craft may work for me anyway )

Well, if you think that can help finding the bug, here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/532373/offending-craft.zip It's quite a half-arsed attempt at that, made mostly to experiment with the use of solid boosters in probes taking off other planetary bodies.

Includes three custom locally made parts (A Part Generator tank, a probe core with mechjeb bolted into it (which other problematic craft did not yet have) and a resized all-in-one sensor module.) as well as a few bits which I think are from KSPX.

I very much doubt the craft's at fault though. :)

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How is MechJeb v2.x supposed to work? Does it go on top of the 1.9 install?

I ask because I just started a new install of KSP and decided to use 2.x this time around. I tried to import my ships from the previous install, however it appears all of the MechJeb ship parts are missing from 2.x.

What do I do to make this work?

Step 1: Keep mechjeb 1 installed, but don't install mechjeb 2 just yet.

Step 2: Load up game.

Step 3: Remove ALL mechjeb 1 parts from ships.

Step 4: Close game

Step 5: uninstall all MechJeb 1 stuff (parts, Plugins, Plugindata)

Step 6: Install mechjeb 2 (parts and plugin)

Step 7: Load up game

Step 8: Add the ar202 case to your ships

Step 9: Realise there's a learning curve.

Step 10: Take time to learn what each function does.

Step 11: Fall asleep at 3 in the morning.

Step 12: Wake up waffle faced on your keyboard.

Step 13: There is no step 13.

Step 14: Don't listen to Step 13, there is a step 13.

Step 15: Bears on mun.

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;.; Mechjeb isnt working in steam version i installed the parts,plugins and ships but i cant open the debug menu in it Any tips thanks -Slenderfan


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Oh, and for the record: Just as a way of doublechecking, I've performed the next round of kethane mining on the Mun. That operation involves landers very similar to the Duna lander I was testing, which mount LV-N on shoulders next to a wide body and involve some custom parts (mostly tanks) to cut down on the part count. My approach to kethane mining heavily relies on landing exactly onto the places marked by kerbals waving flares on the ground (I seriously need some method to make a landing marker you could target from the map that doesn't involve the chance, however slim, of crushing a kerbal with a landing leg. Any ideas? Rovers dropping standalone probe cores don't work terribly well and increase the part count a lot, and there's no plugin I know about that would let kerbals in EVA carry probe cores...) and lots of orbital rendezvous, both operations I tend to leave to MechJeb.

MechJeb apparently can't properly land onto the Mun straight from the hyperbolic orbit resulting from a transfer approach, but I didn't honestly expect it to. Everything else went flawlessly -- the landings, the rendezvous, a sharp contrast to what it was doing on Duna.

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How do you use the "Return from moon" option? I assumed setting the PE to 150 would put me on a return course from the Mun into a roughly 150km orbit of Kerbin. Apparently not.

Edited by tek_604
Testing to see if my ribbons show (ah, worked out how to show my ribbons)
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I'm finding a damned odd interaction here. MJ 2.0.7 is trying to control 2 ships in prox to each other when I am moving in to dock. When I get close to a ship or station that also has a Mj 2 unit on it it starts shaking or rotating in a few cases violently enough to break. The only way I have been able to get around this is to make sure that no MJ features of any kind are active when I go to approach for docking on the ship or station I'm docking to.

Is the Mj plugin still actively piloting the second ship when I'm not in direct control of it? Mj 1 never did that ... O.o

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I'm finding a damned odd interaction here. MJ 2.0.7 is trying to control 2 ships in prox to each other when I am moving in to dock. When I get close to a ship or station that also has a Mj 2 unit on it it starts shaking or rotating in a few cases violently enough to break. The only way I have been able to get around this is to make sure that no MJ features of any kind are active when I go to approach for docking on the ship or station I'm docking to.

Is the Mj plugin still actively piloting the second ship when I'm not in direct control of it? Mj 1 never did that ... O.o

I've noticed this too when docking. I think it occurs when I leave the Smart A.S.S. or the docking AP engaged when I switch to the other craft. When docking smaller ships it hasn't really been an issue, but as you said, larger crafts can suffer. Try to make sure those are switched off and see if that helps.

Edited by nebuchadnezzar
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Step 3: Remove ALL mechjeb 1 parts from ships.

Yeah... that's going to be difficult, as well as being really inconvenient. Why would they make us do this? ;.;

Also, I tried to follow step 13 and I got a certain part of my body stuck in a ceiling fan. Not sure how to proceed.

Thanks for the info.

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Yeah... that's going to be difficult, as well as being really inconvenient. Why would they make us do this? ;.;

Also, I tried to follow step 13 and I got a certain part of my body stuck in a ceiling fan. Not sure how to proceed.

Thanks for the info.

Mechjeb 2.0 is still in beta.

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Since my posts seems to need to be approved, and i can't edit it i will just follow it up with this..

I've copied everything from the latest version extract to the install folder of KSP. Straight and simple. Seems like i have the parts yeah, but the GUI is not there.

Got any idea why?

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