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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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Ok....not sure what is going on for me, but I have a "Jumpship" for carrying my lander to Duna. I'm having issues with Mechjeb at the moment as I am trying to use it to do the transfer.

The ship isn't THAT large, and with it docked, I end up with a maneuver node showing a 1090.5 or so m/s burn. Ok, that's fine. However, when I start the burn, it ALWAYS says it will take 3 HOURS (it always used to say like 8 minutes, max!)

I thought, "that's crazy! Maybe it's just because my jumpship is large and carries a lot of fuel." So...I undocked my Lander from the jumpship and it is ALSO saying a 1090.5 m/s burn, also for 3-ish hours.

What's going on here? Why is my node not changing and why is my burn time so much higher than it should be? The only thing I can think of is that I've updated from 0.20 to 0.20.1 and then 0.20.2, but I have all the MechJeb files where they are supposed to be as I had backed up my files for it before the updates.

Any ideas what is happening? Any help is appreciated! :confused:

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Hi, Im not sure if this has been brought up before but, when i engage landing autopilot (MJ 2.0) and attempt to land on the mun, it deorbits me, simply does nothing for an age then attempts to slow down about 10 seconds before impact. it fails and my ship is de-constructed. Im using KSP 0.2

Any words of wisdom would be appreciated.

EDIT- After some varying designs, i realised the exhaust from two of my engines was hitting another part of the ship, cancelling out any thrust i was getting from those engines. Mechjeb obviously didn't account for my petty design!

Edited by Highlad
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Highlad, what Alt are you around Mun when you first click Land? is your orbit circular?

do you know the TWR of your lander?

does nothing for an age
did you click on the Warp enable button?
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  Highlad said:
Hi, Im not sure if this has been brought up before but, when i engage landing autopilot (MJ 2.0) and attempt to land on the mun, it deorbits me, simply does nothing for an age then attempts to slow down about 10 seconds before impact. it fails and my ship is de-constructed. Im using KSP 0.2

Any words of wisdom would be appreciated.

What is your TWR around the mun?

MJ likes to have at least 2, but will work with a little less.

Also you can adjust your suicide burn time to give you a better chance of survival

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I've noticed the same problem myself. I had a rover around Duna, TWR was 2.7, orbit was circular at around 80km. It would burn for a little, then it would start yawing the ship and wouldn't stop. Then when it comes in to do the real landing burn, it would burn only while the spin faced it the right way and wouldn't try to right itself. RCS was on, but no RCS thrust was showing.

Mind you, if I just hit "Land Anywhere" it lands perfectly every time.

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I found that when I had troubles with the landing autopilot not finishing a burn did just spinning while burning, timewarping helps get past that problem and land successfully (if you count spinning like a top successful).

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  drbeanz said:
Is anyone having problem with the SURF(within smart A.S.S.) control in MJ 2.0.8? I made a large rocket that mech Jeb 1.9.8 could fly just fine using the SURF control, however when I fly it with 2.0.8 it wobbles like freaking crazy! The rocket is stable I can control it by hand and the ASAS seems to handle it just fine.

I am also having problems with the SURF control bugging out. It seems to want to try and rotate the ship at takeoff for some reason. With smaller ships it's no big deal, but with larger ships it can be disastrous.


edit : I was having some other issues so I decided to do a fresh clean install of .20.2. Mechjeb was first mod installed, and I did some tests : KILL ROT on at takeoff and everything is ok


Engage SURF and it starts bugging out



Finally settles in after a while


Like I said before, the SURF control seems to want to rotate the ship for some reason, like I was holding down the Q or E. 1.9.8 did not have this problem. I also liked the + and - controls better. But, the maneuver planner in 2.0.8. is AWESOME! So, I will just have to live with some minor issues for a while.

Edited by Otis
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I'm having an issue with MechJeb, landing, and aerobraking. If, after I've aerobraked, the craft would hit the ground before the desired landing point and I choose 'land at target', instead of making a correction burn at apoapsis (or immediately if already past apoapsis), it waits so long that, at least in my test case, it wasn't actually able to pull the ship out of the premature dive before it ran out of fuel. If the craft would hit the ground after the desired landing point, on the other hand, 'land at target' works perfectly... except it still thinks it needs to do a deorbit burn, and it spazzes out at some point in the descent, spinning the ship wildly and causing the framerate to drop significantly. At some altitude, once it switches to 'braking burn' mode, it regains its senses and does the job, but there's definitely something going awry.

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Otis, it's attempting to roll the ship so that the navball has a level horizon (The Zero in the roll field). You might try 90 or 270 for a rocket since they're rolled at a right angle from a 90 degree heading launching off the pad. You could also rotate the whole ship in the VAB so it starts out with the bottom of the ship facing east. That'll keep it from going nuts.

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It turns out the problem with the MechJeb2 tab not showing up after the .20 update is due to my firewall. So if anyone else has the problem with the tab not showing up, or any other plugins not working for that matter, check your firewall's and/or AV's settings.

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  Gabe_Ruckus said:
Otis, it's attempting to roll the ship so that the navball has a level horizon (The Zero in the roll field). You might try 90 or 270 for a rocket since they're rolled at a right angle from a 90 degree heading launching off the pad. You could also rotate the whole ship in the VAB so it starts out with the bottom of the ship facing east. That'll keep it from going nuts.

I do this for a lot of my ships, but it will still want to rotate the ship back 90' once the first maneuver node is planned.

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  Gabe_Ruckus said:
Otis, it's attempting to roll the ship so that the navball has a level horizon (The Zero in the roll field). You might try 90 or 270 for a rocket since they're rolled at a right angle from a 90 degree heading launching off the pad. You could also rotate the whole ship in the VAB so it starts out with the bottom of the ship facing east. That'll keep it from going nuts.

Ok, thanks for the heads up, I'll do some more experimenting. However, I would like to see the SURF go back to the way it was in 1.9.8. In other words, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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R4mon, I'm reposting here to tell you all my appreciation about your piece of software.

I do appreciate the way you rethinks the whole approach, the way you integrate your autopilot on the new KSP.

Ty again.

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I may have found a visual bug in the latest version of Mechjeb - I'm not sure so hoping someone can try and replicate it for me.

I had the ascent window showing and the landing window, I had made and was testing a simple lander - so would take off from KSC and then tell it to land at KSC - so far so good ; but if I then took off the bottom of the ascent window would start flashing violently trying to show another item, resizing itself, then remove the item and resize again.

If someone could validate my findings it would be appreciated and then if it is a bug as opposed to an ID10T error I can report it.


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  Dragonator said:
I can't find any mechjeb parts except for the radial one with an antenna. I'm using v2.0.8 in v20.

It's best to use this mod:


In old versions of MechJeb I always added to mod to command pods, that way there aren't parts outside of the ship. It's like having the computer build in the command pod, like in real life. This mod saves me the trouble of editing all the part files myself.

You will still need the MechJeb 2 plugin.

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  Dragonator said:
I can't find any mechjeb parts except for the radial one with an antenna. I'm using v2.0.8 in v20.

Since therealcrow999 didn't make it clear: MechJeb2 removed all MechJeb parts but that one. You can use the mod he suggested if this bothers you.

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I don't mind MechJeb2 only having the radial part. Unless you somehow build a craft where there's no place to stick it on, lol.

Still wondering if anyone else has had trouble losing control of their crafts after docking? I think the best way to describe would be as if it becomes "space junk". You can try to use roll, yaw, or pitch controls, but it won't respond. But if I escape back to the space center, then go back to the craft, everything is back to normal.

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  Innuce said:
I don't mind MechJeb2 only having the radial part. Unless you somehow build a craft where there's no place to stick it on, lol.

Still wondering if anyone else has had trouble losing control of their crafts after docking? I think the best way to describe would be as if it becomes "space junk". You can try to use roll, yaw, or pitch controls, but it won't respond. But if I escape back to the space center, then go back to the craft, everything is back to normal.

Yes, I have been having that problem since 0.2 came out, and there is no fix when that happens for me.

Edit: In the newest 0.2.2, exiting to the space center and returning to the ship SOLVES the problem, as Innuce stated! THANKS!!!

Edited by MotoRider42HC
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  MotoRider42HC said:
Yes, I have been having that problem since 0.2 came out, and there is no fix when that happens for me.

I'm about 99% sure this has nothing to do with MechJeb now.

I took the liberty of turning everything off on both vehicles just prior to docking. Even turned off SAS. Same result. Docks fine, doesn't blow up or anything. Just no roll/yaw/pitch control.

Then I tried docking to a single port instead of doing the dual ports, and I got the shaking the craft to pieces bug. Somehow I think they're related...

One thing I did find is if you hit Esc, go back to the space center, tracking center, then choose your ship from there, everything is back to normal. Kind of a workaround if you manage to get a successful docking without shaking your crafts to pieces.

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Just had a whacky docking experience myself and yes, this:

  Innuce said:
One thing I did find is if you hit Esc, go back to the space center, tracking center, then choose your ship from there, everything is back to normal. Kind of a workaround if you manage to get a successful docking without shaking your crafts to pieces.

...did fix the problem.

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Hmm, I can't get ships from 1.9, using MechJeb 1.9.8 to load into KSP .20.2. The program says that the 'mumech.mechebAR202' part is missing. I've putting the mumech folder in the GameData folder and making a separate Plugin folder, but still ships still won't load.

Any ideas what's up with that?

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