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Capt'n Skunky

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Continuation of the previous mission's images:


Another pic, this time you can see the time in the corner. Only took nine minutes to get down.


Meanwhile, the lander Chandlan separated from has also touched down, albeit a good distance away.


Beginning the long trek back to be reunited with his crewmates.


Unfortunately, we hit a slight snag as the ground approached rather quickly and sent him into a minute-long flail across the surface of the Mun. Submission to America's Funniest Home Videos pending.

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After an unfortunate accident on touchdown, the lander tipped over and lost it's main engine and crew pod from the impact. With it's life support system (the blue/grey thing under the capsule) No longer connected to the solar panels and batteries of the service module (blue things), the crew pod is no longer able to produce zoxygene for Jeb, so he had to open the vent of the reserve tank. This will get him a few more hours to deliberate how to improvise a solution for his life threatening situation.

Here we see him searching his wrench, which slipped out of his hands due to the thick gloves and fell to the ground, while he was about to unscrew the protection plating from the top of the lying service module.

But, of course, as a hero like he is, this won't hold him off from ripping out a few no longer needed cables and building a new powerline from the solar panels to the life support on his capsule! :D


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Here are a few more from my tiny library:

In the first image you see what is left of my rondevouz craft after accidently jetesoning it's engine (including the RCS maneuvering system)in the foreground, stranding the capsule in space. Fortunately, it was semi close to the craft it was trying meet, and it was pretty much holding position, so I was able to bring the much larger craft it was supposed to meet (which can complete a half turn in maybe 5 seconds, and has no RCS system at all) into range, holding position just inside the distance where the numbers vanish. I Then EVA'd the stranded kerbal, and rather than perform the originally planned small crew swap where one of the 3 piolets would swap out, I instead sent this brave kerbal to go hang onto the ladder for dear life where he would ride back down to the surface. This was fun because the descent burns cause him to slide down the ladder. So I would burn for a couple seconds then kill the engines and switch control and move him back up so I could burn again. Once the chute was fully deployed (and I had to slow to a crawl for that to avoid knocking him off), I was able to set the engines to get me to the correct speed and then switch the kerbal right up until touch down (yes, it landed itself). The second picture is what remained of the rocket, after first getting the kerbal to climb back on board. Third is an identical lander to the big one which performed the rescue.




And here is a Kerbal being totally insignificant next to the Mun arch I found totally on accident (I was coming down and was like, hey look, I bet that's the arch). The rocket is 5km away, which I learned is the exact limit for distance you can fly (a kerbal), then fly up to the top of the arch, then head back (actually landed about 100m short). Arch is about 160m high for anyone wondering.


Edited by Randox
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After going to minmus, landing there and taking off again i flew back to kerbal,

though when returning i got the crazy idea to just land with the little fuel i had left instead of just jettisoning the command module.

The landing went fine, but then it tipped over...


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Minimus Base has been setup and a rover has been delivered. Here is a group photo of the existing Minimus Base crew welcoming the delivery ship with their new rover.



Oh man that's awesome. What mods do I need to have a working rover?

I made a small mun base, with the help of the orbital construction mod:


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Ahhh, can't recall off the top of my head which mod it was that has the cart in it. If you search the mod forums you outta see it (might be a plug-in? not sure.) in the title somewhere. I just put a crew pod on top of the cart and presto chango, Rover!! :)

ETA: BTW, nice Munbase!

ETA #2: I think this was the mod that has that particular cart in it: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/7854-PLUGIN-PART-0-14-Carts-v1-32-M%C3%BCn-Rover-RCS

Edited by KingAirDriver
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This was an unexpected catastrophic failure resulting from an incorrect stage setup. Luckily I had the presence of mind to quickly remove the HUD and take a screenshot.


I was rather surprised to see the Mun ahead of me during a night launch.


I was even more surprised a moment later when this happened. Momentarily stunned by the unexpected beauty, I missed my staging mark.


Edited by Ziff
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I finally managed to get my new lander design on the Mun, here the pic of my Kerbal next to it, while it recharges it's batteries (munar nights are dangerous with the Zoxygene-AddOn! O.o)

I actually landed on the dark side and had to make a rush heading east to get to the first rays of sunlight before the batteries ran out... -on Katarpillar wheels! (~4.8m/s YEAH)

If there had been some problem (tipped over craft for example), I would have decoupled my crew capsule and drove away! ;D

I strapped a ZO2 Main System + 2 small EPS batteries + 2 DynaVolt Solar Panels (edited to work with EPS and ZO2) + 12 Propane-Tank-Powered thrusters + 6 Propane Tanks + Rotatron with a fixed camera + chute + a rover + on it...

It's capable of driving and flying on all planets, as well as surviving a landing on the wheels when using just the chute for breaking on Kerbin without any damage. Moreover it has got enough fuel to return to Kerbin from the Mun/Minmus on it's own!


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