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Show off your awesome KSP Pictures

Capt'n Skunky

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It's just a bug that makes the sun's disk look weird, he's just trolling pretending that it's 0.18.

Actually, I just selected a circle where the sun was and added a filter.

I feel proud for correcting Nova.

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It's been a while since the last time I played ksp, it didn't have any planets or satellites. I forgot how incredibly rewarding this game feels! I've successfully landed on the mun and on Minmun.



Very fun to fly around at Minmun with the astronaut's backpack :D I have to find some use for the astronauts... it's too much fun to leave the ship when in orbit and fly around.

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My first Jool encounter! :D Just Moho left. And all of Jool's moons.

This is exciting stuff for me.

From this image alone, you can tell I don't really like to take a mathematical approach to the game.


They look like silhouettes

EDIT: While making a transparent Vall for my signature, I finished it, and then ONLY THEN did I notice...


Time warp: 1

Hopefully I have other pictures. Yeah, I do. I hope.

Edited by SNapple
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I thought i would post just a few of my latest creations and .. failures :)

I have been experimenting with different styles of ships with varying sizes.

The Monster


This was another attempt of mine to create a big ship, looked ok but due to the size it wasnt very manuverable and was prone to sudden bouts of lag.



Tried to create a type of Space Freighter (bit like the film space truckers)


Side view of the Freighter.

Star Grazer 1


This was my attempt to build a Starship which resembles something from star trek for a challenge but had to halt construction due to amount of parts needed to complete( it is currently on 500 parts) and the lag it caused.


The ship while under construction, before i added more bits then decided to abandon the build.

Hope you guys liked these pics, as always its great to see everyone elses pics also :D

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Gilly is REALLY dangerous, for all sorts of reasons. For example, my guy ran into the ship and fell down. When I had him stand up, he was under the ship and accidentally headbutted it. This resulted:

Fortunately, I had a recent quicksave.
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