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Show off your awesome KSP Pictures

Capt'n Skunky

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I'm LOVING the fixed cameras mod, every second of it!

Here, D. Kerman is training his jetpack skills for the upcoming first attempt of my Program at an orbital rendezvous maneuver. Preparing for the next step in space exploration!


EDIT @nhnifong: this picture... one of the funniest I saw this far, and beautiful! Nice :)

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Not my actual first post but pretty close to it.

I finally had to say something in the forums here. I've been playing since january and it's because of KSP that I watched the entire series of star trek voyager on netflix in the month of January... while playing KSP. I wouldn't necessarily recommend the voyager bit but KSP has been an on again off again love affair since I first stumbled on it from a end of year games list from Giantbomb.

Now... here's my non stock shuttle. (nova and KW pack I think... plus mechjeb for ease of repeated use but it's perfectly flyable manually)

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/66830730@N07/7983794231/" title="screenshot68 by Talskar, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8038/7983794231_6fe2aa03f4_c.jpg" width="800" height="450" alt="screenshot68"></a>

<a href=" " title="screenshot153 by Talskar, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8462/7983794133_c090b829f2.jpg" width="800" height="450" alt="screenshot153"></a>

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I would like to see the rocket BEFORE that happened. Must have been spectacular...

haha, believe me I wanted to post it, but I couldn't find it! ( I did this a few weeks ago )

It was basically SRB's packed around a central core, connected with radial decouplers. Every SRB was lovingly rotated in a slightly random direction, and all the SRBs were put in the first stage and all the radial decouplers in the seconds stage. In total, there were about 30 SRBs

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Rendezvous is better than Mun landings.
Rondevouz is always awesome. [...] It's hard, but it's really cool and rewarding.

Today, to my own surprise, I discovered I actually agreed on this! My ORM-1 (Orbital Rendezvous Maneuvers) mission was a brilliant success: the two ships involved met up, and both crews then spent more than an hour going from one ship to the other. It's the first time I achieve in-orbit rendezvous, and it does take a lot of patience and precision, but it is sooo rewarding :)

Anyway, illustrated report:

•Final approach over Kuba:


•EVA transfers, with the Mun watching (there were 12 Kerbals up there on the Mun during the mission):






•A happy Kerbalnaut


•Kerbal-style landing, for a Kerbal-style mission


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