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Capt'n Skunky

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On a mission to Vall, after two hair-raising aerobrakes through Jool's atmosphere I decide not to put myself through another one of those and circularize the orbit I've got. After burning a few dozen Delta-V I get this:


Damn, it doesn't get much better than that :cool:

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ty, I did not knew you could do that, looks usefull, I had heard about sling shots, just never saw one so clear XD, I migth change me settings and try to do some of those fancy manuvers :P

anyway so i dont get offtopic that much:

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ty, I did not knew you could do that, looks usefull, I had heard about sling shots, just never saw one so clear XD, I migth change me settings and try to do some of those fancy manuvers :P

anyway so i dont get offtopic that much:


Are those my panels I see (hard to tell due to the compression)? :)

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In response to the conspiracy theory that I posted a picture of an asteroid...

Zooming all the way out in IVA = stretching of things near the edge of the screen.

As in, it's the mun dammit! :sticktongue:

Nova, y u do dis?

Y u tease?

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So, tonight I suddenly thought: "Hey, let's mess around with planes again!" I tried -literally- a couple of times in 0.15 and 0.16, but got nowhere close to a reliable plane (my best flight ended in a crash-landing 30km away from KSC). So I went to the KSC, made good use of the new center of lift & mass cues, built a little plane, the Aspic-2X...

•Spaaaaaaaaaace! Well, suborbital, at least.


•Close fly-over from the Lonely Mountain:9cvhe.png

•Final approach...mUUA3.jpg

•First soft landing! 5cBsR.png

It almost felt better than my first Mün landing. :)

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yes they are, im bulding my new bases and infrastructure with them :P much esier to work and walk on them.

pd, can we have bigers? :P

Great, I'm happy to see them being used. I've got some 4 meter ones sitting on my hard drive, just been distracted for a few days. I'll upload them tonight, hopefully.

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Gravity assists. Gravity assists everywhere!

I forgot to take screens of my Kerbin departure, but basically I used first the Mun, then Minmus, and then Ike for gravity assists to get to Duna. Slingshot around the Mun, then Minmus, then a gravity-brake around Ike (gravity slignshot in the opposite direction of its orbit), and finally landed on Duna using parachutes.






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