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Editing Staging without Destroying Ship...Is it Possible?

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So discouraging to watch hours of careful construction destroyed when it's time to edit the staging, or put EVA items into inventory.

If someone knows of a keystroke that toggles "Lock/Unlock Move Part" or "Lock/Unlock Select Part" or how I could edit a cfg to make it so...

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Here's what I think he means, which is also an annoyance for me too:

When you select something in the staging sequence on the right side of the VAB/SPH to change it, you can select an object underneath the staging sequence item button you clicked on which can result in you picking up a part of your rocket as if you want to move it around, when all you were trying to do is change the staging sequence. It can also cause you to hit the exit VAB/SPH button which is also annoying. Here's what I mean:

pic 1: Let's say I was adjusting the asparagus staging for my launcher for this rocket. You can see me zoomed in to the rocket so I can see the fuel lines, and I have two decouplers selected on the staging sequence area that I'm about to click on (so the stack of 2 splits and I can move the stack or choose one in particular to move or whatnot). You can also see "Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tank"; that shouldn't be selected because the fuel tank is behind the staging sequence menu:


2: Now, I click on it, expecting to be able to move the decoupler group or switch to selecting only one decoupler. Except, the entire rocket moves, because I clicked on the fuel tank AND the staging sequence. You can also see that the decoupler set on the right side split, which was my only original intent.


I think he wants an option to lock the part, so that, even though you're clicking on it while changing the staging sequences, it doesn't pick it up like so in my pictures above.

A simple fix is to just trash whatever you clicked on, then hit ctrl + z to undo that trash, then zoom out/rotate until the staging sequence panel is no longer hovering over an object, and then moving your staging sequence around. A bit of an annoyance, but gets the job done. But you really shouldn't be able to click through the staging sequence menu

Edited by mabarry3
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I'm surprised it would take that long to fix; this seems like an incredibly easy fix really, you can do it at the touch of a button with some mods (such as KAC) to alter that specific mod's window to prevent clickthroughs, and not being able to click through objects is an already existing thing on other areas of the VAB/SPH, like the part list.

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I really don't appreciate unhelpful answers. This is not a Linux forum.

So here is my query for those who didn't bother reading it:

Is there a keystroke that toggles "Lock/Unlock Move Part" or "Lock/Unlock Select Part" so parts on my project won't go flying away when I edit staging or other task?

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I really don't appreciate unhelpful answers. This is not a Linux forum.

So here is my query for those who didn't bother reading it:

Easy there, asking for clarification is not unhelpful, it is a precursor to being helpful.

Is there a keystroke that toggles "Lock/Unlock Move Part" or "Lock/Unlock Select Part" so parts on my project won't go flying away when I edit staging or other task?

There is not, sorry.

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Is there a keystroke that toggles "Lock/Unlock Move Part" or "Lock/Unlock Select Part" so parts on my project won't go flying away when I edit staging or other task?

No. Zoom out or tilt your camera so the staging icons aren't covering a part of the rocket and you can safely click them.

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I really don't appreciate unhelpful answers. This is not a Linux forum.

So here is my query for those who didn't bother reading it:

Is there a keystroke that toggles "Lock/Unlock Move Part" or "Lock/Unlock Select Part" so parts on my project won't go flying away when I edit staging or other task?

I understand you're frustrated, but the unhelpful answers are entirely your fault. I literally did not understand what you were asking for. When mabarry3 explained it, I still wasn't sure that's what you wanted.

How hard would it have been, instead of copy/pasting your vague question 3 times, to just ONCE say "in the VAB"? Or say "When I click staging, it grabs part of my ship"? Nobody calls anything in the VAB (or the rest of the game) "select part" or "move part" so using that terminology confuses us.

Hopefully next time you need help, you'll both ask better questions and we'll not remember you. Because I for one don't feel the need to help you anymore.

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Thanks to all who replied :)

Kind of a petty issue I suppose and wasn't a problem with the smaller ships.

When I get into bigger stuff it's a pain.

And not faulting KSP because the bigarse stuff is add-ons. (size matters to me)


- - - Updated - - -

One more dumb question...how do I mark this thread as "Answered"?

And thank you :)

- - - Updated - - -

hmmm...come to think of it I'm sure I saw that technique on a youtube tutorial. probably even have the mod. thanks :)

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