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[1.8.0-1.12.5] AtmosphereAutopilot 1.6.1


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3 minutes ago, Lisias said:

Do you know how to use kOS?

Oh well. Never heard of it, but sounds like exactly what I was looking for :D

MODERATEAOA - Boolean - toggles AoA moderation for the craft.
MODERATEG - Boolean - toggles G-force moderation for the craft.

Thanks ! 

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On 2/22/2025 at 6:33 AM, Lisias said:

Yes. Tell the autopilot to keep the altitude and speed, but to do not touch roll and yaw.

Then use trim (ALT+key) to roll and yaw until you get the curve you need.

You will take some trials until get it right, but it should work.

Seems like, at least in Cruise Flight mode, you can only pick between Level, Heading, or Waypoint control and can't unlink roll and yaw control from it while maintaining altitude and speed on autopilot. Maybe it's buried in another menu, but my tinkering hasn't been fruitful.

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2 hours ago, Sazarjac said:

Seems like, at least in Cruise Flight mode, you can only pick between Level, Heading, or Waypoint control and can't unlink roll and yaw control from it while maintaining altitude and speed on autopilot. Maybe it's buried in another menu, but my tinkering hasn't been fruitful.

Perhaps I confusing it with another autopilot? I'll give this a try...

---- POST EDIT ----

Yes, I confused it with other solution.

On AAP, I managed to do what you want by:

  • select Standard Fly by Wire (and who the GUI)
  • adjust the Desired Velocity and activate Speed Control
  • Activate Moderation
  • Activate Coordinate Turn
  • Open Roll Ang vel controller
    • Deactivate Apply Trim
    • Activate Wing Leveler
  • Put the vessel on an Attitude where it would orbit the area you want (tilt it to left or right and let AAP handle the rudder).

I tried it with an Albatros, and it worked fine for an orbit or two before I had to adjust the attitude. I don't know if I need to trim the PID. I had some problems keeping the Altitude.

Do you know what? I starting to agree with you, a "Orbit" autopilot mode would be nice.

----- POST POST EDIT -----

I knew I had done it before... I used MechJeb2 Autopilot. Set the MJ2's Roll Autopilot to a value you need, and keep the AAP in Cruise Mode controlling Altitude and Speed. Be sure to just activate the MJ2' AutoPilot for Roll, or they will fight each other (they will fight for the roll, but AAP will keep the plane flying nevertheless).

Edited by Lisias
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