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[0.21.1] Alien Nostromo (ver. 1.3.7)


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have released the latest version of this that is KSP .16 compatible. The release also features normal maps and improved landing gear that make it easier to land on Minmus and the Mun, along with a few other tweaks.

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I have released the latest version of this that is KSP .16 compatible. The release also features normal maps and improved landing gear that make it easier to land on Minmus and the Mun, along with a few other tweaks.

Any plans for Prometheus?

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Hyratel: No plans for the Prometheus in the immediate future. While I love the design, at this time I don't think that I have the time and resources to really do it justice. There isn't enough reference out currently (that I have found, anyway) to build it as accurately as I would like, and there would be a lot of work to get the mechanisms working for it to function as it does in the movie. A better plan would be to attempt to build the Serenity as there is plenty of available reference and any work that goes into the swivel engines can be applied to the Prometheus if I choose to build it in the future. The Prometheus also has a few of the balance issues that the Serenity has when looking at volume distribution.

@Naoma: As far as my understanding goes, the issue with landing vertically using mechJeb is an issue with mechJeb. Something about it not paying attention to the thrust vector of the engines. This leads to two possible solutions: comb through the mechJeb source code and figure out how to get it to work (far above my skill level and not something I want to do since mechJeb isn't mine), or figure out a way to swap the orientation of the entire ship with a button press without causing any other problems. My experience with mechJeb is very limited, so if someone else has different ideas that don't require drastic changes to anything, let me know.

All this said, I have found a little time to play with a few things:




This required scaling the entire thing up by a factor of three. The elevator still requires some work to get it functioning correctly, and the model is just a temp model. The rescale also requires a rebalancing of the RCS thrusters.

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@coinslot: Awesome video, I am truly honored.

@bpkwarrior: Can you be more specific about what is breaking?

@Momo3773: I put in a variable in the part.cfg's so that you can change what button switches the engines. Open the part.cfg files for each engine piece and switch the bindKey = z variable to something that is convenient for you.

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I took this for a spin to Mun and Minmus - it's actually quite easy to land by eye (the navball is useless as your direction reticules are perpendicular to your attitude).

It's not (game) balanced (fuel is virtually unlimited), but then it's supposed to be futuristic. The landing gear is a joy to behold in action - will definitely get used in other applications (like landing BIG stations) but I'll tweak the mass to more realistic values. The nature of the other parts make them largely useless for custom constructions, but that's an inherent restriction of the design.

Overall, a mod of the highest quality, and with the innovations like hatches and elevators, has plenty more to come.

P.S. It's HUGE!

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Well, I took one look at this thing and decided it needed to be turned into Kerbin's first Orbital Defense Ship. So, I present to you... The KSS Nostradamus!


The Nostradamus has several of JellyGoggles' Devastator Railguns and three double batteries of SUNBEAM Lasers. It's the most heavily armed ship in the TBIT fleet. Now to figure out how to get it into space...

EDIT: Tested it a few times, turns out I cannot fly it. It keeps noclipping into the launch tower, and when I try a vertical launch (by that I mean like a normal rocket, not with vertical engines) from the runway it tips over.

Edited by halocon720
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