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Apollo Mission Recreation (And More!) [Requesting Ground Crew Aid!]


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[quote name='Octa']Is there a visitor center where i can have a look at the launch? ;)[/QUOTE]

You can watch through the live stream provided by the Public Affairs Officer, CliftonM.

But that does give me an idea for another role if CliftonM's server can take it.
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Telemachus for all! I have a little flight in progress to show this. I still need to change the maps to RSS, but it'll do for now. I also need to make some changes on the DMP server.

Also, about the DMP server, if you ever get the message saying that the ship has 'banned parts' then send me the list of them exactly as they are spelled (capitalization matters) and I'll get it fixed. I don't have the time to get them all in there alone, as it would take me days.

Wow, 32 damns have been given to me! .............................................................................. V Down here V

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

Make that 33

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

Does everyone participating on Sunday have KSP 1.0.4 with al of the mods being used installed?
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[quote name='CliftonM'][URL]http://www.eltrin.com:8085/telemachus/houston/ground-track/index.html[/URL]

Telemachus for all! I have a little flight in progress to show this. I still need to change the maps to RSS, but it'll do for now. I also need to make some changes on the DMP server.

Also, about the DMP server, if you ever get the message saying that the ship has 'banned parts' then send me the list of them exactly as they are spelled (capitalization matters) and I'll get it fixed. I don't have the time to get them all in there alone, as it would take me days.

Wow, 32 damns have been given to me! .............................................................................. V Down here V

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

Make that 33

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

Does everyone participating on Sunday have KSP 1.0.4 with al of the mods being used installed?[/QUOTE]

Why don't you just disable the mod blacklist/whitelist thingy?
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[quote name='Aperture Science']Why don't you just disable the mod blacklist/whitelist thingy?[/QUOTE]
Either way, it won't save it to the server unless I add it.

[COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[quote name='Mods_o_joy']Also the Telemachus link is returning an ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

[COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

Also, im missing Mechjeb2.dll, Procedualparts.dll and kspapiextensions.dll, any help?[/QUOTE]
Did you install it? Make sure they're in the right folder and report back. As for the thing, I need to bring it back up. Stand by.

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Fixed mod control, as I needed to make them optional. It should work now.

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Telemachus keeps crashing KSP for me. I think FAO should probably do it, also because it is the actual flight data. I could showcase it on the stream, etc. That, or we don't do it at all.
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Ok news for those who can't join the program currently but would like to in the future. After some thought and enough requests for more, after this ARM is completed, I will open the Real Kerbal Space Program (RKSP) which will be like the U.S. Space program from its earliest days designing basic sounding rockets and make our way to building a space staton to be manned by a real life crew, and also maybe move towards a real manned Martian mission.

All these missions will be done with a real launch control crew, and if possible, even a flight crew. This will be as close as possible for players to experience a real life space mission as possible within the tight confines of your computer (with the exception of VR).

If you would like to see this made, then [B]rep this post!!![/B]. I don't want to be rep fishing, but this will tell me you want to see this made into reality, without filling my very very mission critical inbox.
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My first post on the new forums...  We ARE launching today, and people should be at their posts BY 12:30 EST.  The original was 12:00 EST, but the forums are up now, and some people only just heard this.

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^^Just for those who couldn't find the link because of the borken forum conversion.
Just a little advice: @CliftonM Can you also provide the UTC time when you give the announce? I know most of the people here are very used to EST, but the conversion it's a little annoying for me with GMT+8. I have to check the EST eachtime I want to fallow the post it (really bad memory :P). Thanks.

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  On 11/30/2015 at 10:08 AM, Xeldrak said:

Considering this whole no-roleplay thing flared up during the server migration, you guys should probably watch out that you don't get closed by the mods.


Catch is, this isn't roleplaying. Everything we post is to do with a real action or activity. Everybody has a job to do, and when we say there's a launch- there is. Within KSP. 

This falls under the catagory, group project. Not RP.

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  On 11/30/2015 at 4:55 AM, EwingKang said:


^^Just for those who couldn't find the link because of the borken forum conversion.
Just a little advice: @CliftonM Can you also provide the UTC time when you give the announce? I know most of the people here are very used to EST, but the conversion it's a little annoying for me with GMT+8. I have to check the EST eachtime I want to fallow the post it (really bad memory :P). Thanks.


Will do.

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I've returned from no forum land. Not sure if I like the new scenery.  So... what happened? Can someone catch me up? Ready for the second mission yet?

As a side note, I will be going back and editing the image archive post of this thread so the image files will be visible. I'm also thinking about doing a forum thread that's nothing but an image collection/library. I'd like to ask a question... if I were to make it available as a downloadable ZIP file, do you think there would be an interest in having them?

Also, I am ready to make new graphics for any mission or purpose you might have - so, if you want me to do something special, let me know!

Edited by adsii1970
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  On 11/30/2015 at 7:06 PM, adsii1970 said:

I've returned from no forum land. Not sure if I like the new scenery.  So... what happened? Can someone catch me up? Ready for the second mission yet?

Also, I am ready to make new graphics for any mission or purpose you might have - so, if you want me to do something special, let me know!


Nothing happened, mission of Sunday did not occur, still not sure why.
Some thing to do with port forwarding IIRC.

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  On 11/30/2015 at 7:32 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

The cause for the scrub was SparkyFox, the flight crew commander, could not get his port forwarding to work, and in turn we had no one to replace him. Without a complete mission crew the mission was impossible. 


Why would he need port forwarding?  I'm the only one that should need it.

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OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH...  He does not need it to fly the ship, but to put telemachus on the public web he would.  If he just needs it for himself, it's on a local host.  (  I'll get into contact with him and see if I can help.  (I'm a port forwarding master.)

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