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Apollo Mission Recreation (And More!) [Requesting Ground Crew Aid!]


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Capcom is going to be selected from the back up through your line crew should something go wrong with them. I suggest looking for a different role or go for the mission through since we are like in area.

Andrea things you mentioned, try your best to make whatever you can. We will not be using KIS/KAS As they are not needed. We only using what we need, nothing more.

...er, what? I think AutoCorrect had its evil ways with this post.

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  r_rolo1 said:
If you want some subs, I can sub for RetroFire Officer or Booster Systems Engineer / Control Officer .You'll probably need atleast 2 or three persons for most ground jobs anyway, to avoid human fatigue a decrease of attention due to long repetitive tasks ( and I really don't have the time avaliability to grab a full time spot anyway :/ )

I can also help setting up the stream if that actually happens. ( I do that semi-professionally anyway ).

  Kagame said:
...er, what? I think AutoCorrect had its evil ways with this post.

I'll have you down as rotational booster.

And to the other*

Edited by ZooNamedGames
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  alexman142 said:
Is there still room for someone in mission control during the launch phase? I'd love to join that team.

Plenty. Look at the list, then see what your good at. We are still lacking in some roles, try to fill the empty ones before applying for another. Just make sure you can commit to the requirements and along the ration of the mission. There is going to be a vocational system so you don't have to be there for the entire mission, but you still need to be able to commit to large portion of the mission.

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Still not making any sense, sorry! Anyways, I think my computer could handle the part count of being the Command Module Pilot, and since it's a full-time slot that nobody's taken, I'll go ahead and apply for that. I've gotten really good at docking lately.

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  Kagame said:
Still not making any sense, sorry! Anyways, I think my computer could handle the part count of being the Command Module Pilot, and since it's a full-time slot that nobody's taken, I'll go ahead and apply for that. I've gotten really good at docking lately.

Alright. That leaves Commander, which the_patzer mentioned an interest in, but nothing yet.

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  ZooNamedGames said:
He is, but he mentioned possible shifting to CDR or CMP, but with you becoming CMP that isn't happening.

More importantly, can you commit?

Are you talking to me ? Because Kagame applied for CMP, not me :wink:

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Tonight we can do a mini mini mini mini test if anyone's up to it.

Also, anyone who wants to speak to me outside of the forums, friend me (and tell me who you are) on Steam/Skype:


ZooNamedGames (with the KMC logo as profile pic)


ZooNamed (J G)

- - - Updated - - -

  Gaarst said:
Are you talking to me ? Because Kagame applied for CMP, not me :wink:

First part was aimed at you, the second was not.

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  Sharkman Briton said:
ZNG, could you make an IRC chat to make everything easier for everyone?

I've set up one just now specifically for the Apollo project



- - - Updated - - -

  ZooNamedGames said:
Tonight we can do a mini mini mini mini test if anyone's up to it.

Also, anyone who wants to speak to me outside of the forums, friend me (and tell me who you are) on Steam/Skype:


ZooNamedGames (with the KMC logo as profile pic)


ZooNamed (J G)

- - - Updated - - -

First part was aimed at you, the second was not.

I don't have the mods but is there any way I can help

I'm in the UK btw

Edited by the_pazter
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  the_pazter said:
I can commit to LMP or CDR whatever's best for you

Those are needed, choose whatever works best for you. Moreover commander is harder to manage since you have to have your computer setup for port forwarding. You also have to host a DMP server (unless someone else does it for us). Nevertheless you still have your set up forwarding otherwise we can connect your Telam nevertheless you still have your computer set up for port forwarding otherwise we cannot connect to your Telemachus link.

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  the_pazter said:
I've set up one just now specifically for the Apollo project



- - - Updated - - -

I don't have the mods but is there any way I can help

I'm in the UK btw

No mods will be needed this will be mic only, You didn't even need KSP.

Let's use my channel since I have control. It's not that I don't trust yours, it's just a preference.

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  ZooNamedGames said:
Those are needed, choose whatever works best for you. Moreover commander is harder to manage since you have to have your computer setup for port forwarding. You also have to host a DMP server (unless someone else does it for us). Nevertheless you still have your set up forwarding otherwise we can connect your Telam nevertheless you still have your computer set up for port forwarding otherwise we cannot connect to your Telemachus link.

- - - Updated - - -

No mods will be needed this will be mic only, You didn't even need KSP.

Let's use my channel since I have control. It's not that I don't trust yours, it's just a preference.

Is it esper or what

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I wonder how deep you guys are going to go with it. Like, will the mission be done at splashdown or will you take it further and do a real time recovery?

Also, what to do during the rather massive downtime that will be present on the way to and back from the Moon? How are you going to fill out time on the surface? And so on.

It may be a good idea to set up (or have a specific person do it) a plan for these times. Obviously there will be stretches where you won't need to be doing anything, if we're going to integrate sleep periods into the actual mission, but when you're just flying through space or knocking around on the surface, there should probably be a plan in place for what to do to fill out the time.

And this could actually be a good thing PR wise, as you could take these opportunities to may be have people come onto the "stream" (I imagine we'll be having this available for people to watch at some point, if not in real time) to talk about space, what they're doing, KSP, etc etc. Stuff like this would be excellent for the trips to and from the Moon.

And then for surface work, it really depends on which mission you want to emulate. Apollo 11 would be relatively simple (as it was in life), but wouldn't be that terribly interesting. Apollo 12 would be a bit more complicated with its pinpoint landing near an already landed Surveyor, but even so still not that interesting and including the launch and landing of an extra spacecraft as well as a requirement for launch windows (not necessarily a bad thing).

Apollo 13 would be a given if something on the mission goes wrong, so no sense emulating that one on purpose. Apollo 14, again, would not be that terribly interesting. All thats left then is the last 3 Apollo missions, and thats where things get interesting, with the inclusion of the LRV as well as a wider focus on science and what not.

For our mission, it may be wisest to combine bits and bobs from 15-17 to fill out the surface stay, which I imagine we'll stick to being 1 day.

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  G said:
I wonder how deep you guys are going to go with it. Like' date=' will the mission be done at splashdown or will you take it further and do a real time recovery? [/quote']

As deep as we can get for the actual mission I guess. We are still in the very early phases of planning, so this kind of stuff not quite set yet.

A recovery might be a bit tedious, but if we can, why not?

Also, what to do during the rather massive downtime that will be present on the way to and back from the Moon? How are you going to fill out time on the surface? And so on.

It may be a good idea to set up (or have a specific person do it) a plan for these times. Obviously there will be stretches where you won't need to be doing anything, if we're going to integrate sleep periods into the actual mission, but when you're just flying through space or knocking around on the surface, there should probably be a plan in place for what to do to fill out the time.

And this could actually be a good thing PR wise, as you could take these opportunities to may be have people come onto the "stream" (I imagine we'll be having this available for people to watch at some point, if not in real time) to talk about space, what they're doing, KSP, etc etc. Stuff like this would be excellent for the trips to and from the Moon.

We would have to see this with PAO. Once we got a PAO, we'll be able to handle the "public" aspect. Still the flight will have regular comms between the ship and the ground crew, but it is right that there will be long empty periods.

Thing is, if we don't have someone to properly stream our mission, getting that stuff planned is a but useless. Also, if we end up streaming the mission on KSPTV, I guess that regular streamers will keep their streams schduled, even if the times are changed.

Great idea though!

And you're right that planning several days of stream is a tough thing.

And then for surface work, it really depends on which mission you want to emulate. Apollo 11 would be relatively simple (as it was in life), but wouldn't be that terribly interesting. Apollo 12 would be a bit more complicated with its pinpoint landing near an already landed Surveyor, but even so still not that interesting and including the launch and landing of an extra spacecraft as well as a requirement for launch windows (not necessarily a bad thing).

Apollo 13 would be a given if something on the mission goes wrong, so no sense emulating that one on purpose. Apollo 14, again, would not be that terribly interesting. All thats left then is the last 3 Apollo missions, and thats where things get interesting, with the inclusion of the LRV as well as a wider focus on science and what not.

For our mission, it may be wisest to combine bits and bobs from 15-17 to fill out the surface stay, which I imagine we'll stick to being 1 day.

For now, we've settled on more like a Apollo 11 style mission. The main reason for it is that, for now a rover/jeep is not planned to be taken up there.

Planning EVA activities is my role as FAO, and I am far from done planning the time spent landed, so I am open to suggestions. Just remember that we are limited by hardware, so doing a little science and bringing back some rocks is ok, but strapping a monolith to the ascent stage will not happen. :wink:

- - - Updated - - -

Also, for everyone that is involved in the mission, ZNG has give his Steam name a few posts up.

It would be a good thing if you could add him, as for now, Steam chat is our main way of communicating for the planning of the mission.

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So I'm interested in being CAPCOM, but I know that I can't commit to a full 78+ hour mission.

I can commit to being online during weekends and evenings, but not during school hours (EST).

IIRC, NASA had more than one CAPCOM for each mission, but only one on at a time. I would like to help, but in shifts. Is this doable?

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  Dman979 said:

So I'm interested in being CAPCOM, but I know that I can't commit to a full 78+ hour mission.

I can commit to being online during weekends and evenings, but not during school hours (EST).

IIRC, NASA had more than one CAPCOM for each mission, but only one on at a time. I would like to help, but in shifts. Is this doable?

Shifts are included, but you cannot directly apply for Capcom as that role is reserved for the backup crew (or Prime crew should they no launch).

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  ZooNamedGames said:
Shifts are included, but you cannot directly apply for Capcom as that role is reserved for the backup crew (or Prime crew should they no launch).

Ooh, oops. :blush:

Then can I do BSE/Control Officer?

If I understand correctly, I would be in charge of burning to put the S-IVB stage into the Moon, and what else? I am having a little trouble distinguishing some of the responsibilities for the roles.

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