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  On 6/20/2016 at 4:37 PM, Ultimate Steve said:

@EvermoreAlpaca ...

How big is your computer???

I came here to post about my future Dres mission, but it pales in comparison to yours...

Anyway, for my mission report at one point I will go to Dres. The window for Dres is the last one to come up, unfortunately, but I will go to Dres. Right after I optimize the Intrepid for Dresteroid collection. (50 launches later, still exploding). I'm still looking for a way to make it awesome, though. Wait a second... now I have an idea! :cool:



Please identify yourself to the Dres military before entering Dresian Soi.

Also, I designed a cruiser for rescuing the Intrepid, so don't worry about being stuck at Dres. :)

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Are OPT Spaceplane Parts, Darkside Technologies, and Simple Construction okay mods? Cause I have a massive 200m long mother ship that can go to Dres, and it when fully equipped will have two mining landers, multiple scanning probes, two normal landers, and two enormous SSTOs as part of its mission (and almost certainly more as I think of it). It has all those mods as integral parts of it. I will send it to Dres from its current destination: Jool.

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  On 6/20/2016 at 4:55 PM, Mycroft said:

Are OPT Spaceplane Parts, Darkside Technologies, and Simple Construction okay mods? Cause I have a massive 200m long mother ship that can go to Dres, and it when fully equipped will have two mining landers, multiple scanning probes, two normal landers, and two enormous SSTOs as part of its mission (and almost certainly more as I think of it). It has all those mods as integral parts of it. I will send it to Dres from its current destination: Jool.


Darkside and spaceplane are just really big parts right? If so, as long as it's not to overpowered and is sorta stockalike, it good from what I can tell. And doesn't Simple Construction build craft mid-flight from ore and stuff?

I'm not sure about those mods. I'm also not the owner of this, so don't ask me. Why don't you just ask @SpaceplaneAddict

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  On 6/20/2016 at 4:55 PM, Mycroft said:

Are OPT Spaceplane Parts, Darkside Technologies, and Simple Construction okay mods? Cause I have a massive 200m long mother ship that can go to Dres, and it when fully equipped will have two mining landers, multiple scanning probes, two normal landers, and two enormous SSTOs as part of its mission (and almost certainly more as I think of it). It has all those mods as integral parts of it. I will send it to Dres from its current destination: Jool.


Go for it :wink:

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I didn't see a time limit. Is there a time limit? Hope not, cause I have a couple in game years to go till the next Kerbin-Dres window. I haven't been able to plot a Jool-Dres window yet.

  On 6/20/2016 at 5:13 PM, SpaceplaneAddict said:

Go for it :wink:


Yay!!! I will! And don't worry, I take plenty of screenshots.

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  On 6/20/2016 at 5:42 PM, Ultimate Steve said:

A 200 meter mothership?

And I thought the 47 meter Intrepid was huge.

I am looking forward to your report!


Thanks, it'll take a bit. The 200 meters is an estimate on my part. I am in the process of trying to measure it in the SPH. This will be my biggest mission ever. 


P. S. I'm a bit nervous that I may have overestimated its size. I hope not. We shall see. Thanks to KER, my job is a lot easier.

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Hmmm. Not exactly sure what ship the Intrepid is, but if you're talking about the monster SSTO in the most recent video, then yeah my mothership is bigger. I'm building it in space, so it's not as many constraints. That is a really impressive stock SSTO, though. I'm not sure I could pull that off in the stock game. I have two SSTOs in orbit now that are a similar size (based on how big it is compared to the runway), but they are far from stock. Meeee likeeee!! :D 

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@Ultimate Steve Okay so I went to attempt to measure my mothership in the SPH, and it wouldn't fit completely in the building for some odd reason, (I'll explain why it's odd in a second), so I had to add up the lengths of each module. Less accurate, but the best I could do. Approximate length is 81 meters long, but the SPH models were modified for flight, so it's not exact, but it's reasonably close. It's kinda odd that it won't fit in the building (the SPH or the VAB) since theoretically it should fit just barely if you drag the first part to the front/top of the building, it won't let me attach the final piece. :huh: Oh well good enough.

I thought it was longer. :( My bad.

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image.png?dl=0Okay so I got a Dropbox account, and posted a photo of my mothership, but I'm not sure yet if the link will work. Anyway, here it is: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ak0iqehg58nfbdo/image.png?dl=0

Edit: The link works, but it doesn't show the picture in the actual post even though I used the add from url button. :huh: I'm gonna try something else.

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@SpaceplaneAddict: I stand corrected... there is a Dres in KSP...


Valentina knew something was wrong. As everyone at the space center watched Jebediah and Bob take the first steps out into the bright sunlit surface of the Mün, she had been called away by Gene Kerman. Whatever the reason for the impromptu meeting, she knew it had to be extremely important; he wouldn't be missing the televised landing and Münar excursions himself if it weren't.

As she walked down the narrow hallway and followed Gene into the elevator, he turned to her, "Val, I know you wanted to go on the next Mün mission, but there's something important, something that everyone on Kerbin will be depending on you to get done."

"Well, Gene," replied Valentina. "You know whatever you need me to do, I'll do my utmost to complete the mission..."

"I was counting on that," Gene interrupted. "Yesterday, while our boys were up there completing the Münar orbital insertion burns, the Council on Science and the Council on Kerbin Resettlement held a joint session. You know how those folks can be..."

"I've never been personally, Gene. But Jebediah said he would rather shave his head with a cheese grater and then rub lemon juice on it than to ever..." Valentina began to explain.

"Well, to be honest, Jebediah was actually thrown out of the last meeting he attended. He and Ralph began a game where every time one of the council members would say the words 'space flight,' they would each let out a belch." Gene explained while refraining from laughing. He knew that had he not been the director of the Council on Space Sciences, he would have gladly participated in their game. "Anyhow, last night the decision was made to launch one of the newly constructed ocean vessels and to put a crew of seven aboard. You were selected as one of the seven and were placed in command, with a Naval Junior Commission, commanding the URKN Dres, the newest patrol craft of the United Republic of Kerbin Navy."

"Gene -- I'm not sure what to say, I thought..." she replied, not sure if this was really an honor or simply a way to remove her from the spaceflight roster. "How long with the mission la..."

"Valentina, we knew you'd take it hard," Gene could see that she was caught of guard and shaken by the new assignment. "Let me assure you, this mission is that important. The decision to name you as the commander of the mission was fairly easy. Neither bunch of bureaucrats really like Jebediah. He's abrasive, he's rude, and frankly, a bit reckless," he added. "Your record speaks for itself. Yes, you push boundaries, yes, at times you can be just as obnoxious as Jeb, but you always get the job done..."

Feeling better about the new assignment, but still uncertain about her role in future spaceflight, she replied, "Gene, let me see the list of my crew members and we'll get underway before sunset. I won't disappoint you, sir," she added, almost as an afterthought.


Within an hour of that meeting, the commander and crew of the URKN Dres set out on their first mission.


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I finally got KIS/KAS and promptly launched an OPT spaceplane designed to hold by conservative estimates at least a hundred metric tons of cargo items. Launch mass is upwards of 630 tons. Destination: Jool then Dres with the rest of my fleet.

P.S. Is the Kerbal cloaking device an okay mod? I also have the mod ‘EVA Struts’. Is that okay as well?

EDIT: Oh and BD Armory (a fun way to destroy debris). Is that fine?

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I have been planning an asteroid hunt in the neighborhood of Dres.  After some practice in KSP 1.1.2 and with the new KSP 1.1.3 I rebuilt the fleet and headed towards Dres.

A circular orbit of  19,000 km was established and the first Asteroid discovered was a Class C.  An intercept with the asteroid was plotted.  Attaching the large vessel to the asteroid had no issues and the resources reclaiming begun. The asteroid search and recover fleet ( 4 SRT L and 4 SRT and 4 SRT X) was refueled and sent to find and intercept asteroids.  This first asteroid was then pulled to 200 km orbit using a SRT L and the remaining vessel headed toward a Class D asteroid.

The second asteroid discovered was another Class C and was pulled down to a lower orbit using a SRT L. 

The Third asteroid was a Class D and the two Sabres (asteroid haulers) and the two Stryders (ISRU) were refueled.  Sabre 1 was sent towards the discovered Class E asteroid and Sabre 2 is headed toward a lower orbit.  Stryder 2 and the Big Haul remained and are waiting for the Gorgon Asteroid lander to dock and refuel.  While all this was happening SRT X1 intercepted another class D asteroid and is the first sparkly asteroid I found.


This cyan sparkly is being pulled down to a 7000 km and is the beginning of my collection.



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Been a while since my last post but... I ran out of ideas for things to send to Dres. (which is pretty silly when you think about it)

Anyway earlier, I was building an interplanetary ship that used mining so I could go and explore the solar system and I thought, "Why don't I make this go explore Dres?" So I moved it from my normal KSP save to my special Dres save! (Yes I made a whole save for Dres-related stuff.)

So I had a couple of problems. First I forgot reaction wheels. (Not going to use Monopropellant because it adds too much mass.) and this made it hard to turn. Second, I had a shroud on the nuke that when separated, would have trouble escaping the spacecraft and break all the solar panels and radiators. I also forgot action groups at first but after a complete failure, I reverted and tried it again, this time succeeding.

To be continued!


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