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Dres Awareness, Show Your Support! (still not-dead :))

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...?! I seem to have gotten some HELP from the Kraken! I was fastforwarding waiting for an astroid to enter Kerbin SOI. When I came out of timewarp it was suddenly in a stable orbit. I hope I don't get disqualified by not reverting. I had forgot to quicksave before timewarping. I'm claiming force majeure on this one. Still gotta bring it down to a lower orbit so it's not like I'm skipping out on some work.

The Kraken giveith, the Kraken takeith away.

Mostly takeith away :(

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Very cool!, Well I think i will have to stop by Dres on my way back from rescuing my long lost Jebediah Kerman. Long story short, back on .90, or .25 I made a extemly long range space plane, which made it to lathe but could not return, Jebediah was the crew of that one :P. I had not planned a rescue mission, but when testing my small SSTM, I went to Jool and figured I might as well rescue him. So, by meeting up with that craft on lathe, and then transfering crew (the noone kerbal now has to wait for a rescue mission) I am ready to set off back to Kerbin, but hey, I think I will have to make a pitstop at Dres first

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Even your computer wants to neglect Dres :(

I think it's the wiring in this apartement that hates Dres. It's not very stable. I've told my landlord, but he's slow fixing it.

I've got a good news/bad news situation. Bad news: My graphics card is dead and so is my SSD. Good news: I had backed up my save file. Only lost a few hours of gaming. Bad news: My screenshot folder was on the SSD. Good news: I was in the process of moving and sorting them and it seems MOST of them are saved. I only seem to have lost pictures of ONE out of twelve launches. The rest is fine along with astroid captures. Bad news: I had a text document with notes about which screenshot corresponded to which craft/launch on the SSD so I have to recreate that from memory. It might be a little off. Good news: My fiancé's computer still works so I might be able to use that one. Bad news: She's a photographer and needs it to work on her pictures a lot, so I won't be able to play as much.

Edited by L4r5man
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I think it's the wiring in this apartement that hates Dres. It's not very stable. I've told my landlord, but he's slow fixing it.

I've got a good news/bad news situation. Bad news: My graphics card is dead and so is my SSD. Good news: I had backed up my save file. Only lost a few hours of gaming. Bad news: My screenshot folder was on the SSD. Good news: I was in the process of moving and sorting them and it seems MOST of them are saved. I only seem to have lost pictures of ONE out of twelve launches. The rest is fine along with astroid captures. Bad news: I had a text document with notes about which screenshot corresponded to which craft/launch on the SSD so I have to recreate that from memory. It might be a little off. Good news: My fiancé's computer still works so I might be able to use that one. Bad news: She's a photographer and needs it to work on her pictures a lot, so I won't be able to play as much.

AKA: Life

It'll be fine, If you have the screenshots for all the other craft then it won't matter if you're missing the screenshots for one.

Other people reading this post, don't take this as a new rule (though I doubt you would).

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Ok, some constructive things... I think we need a list of allowable mods... I think MechJab and/Or Kerbal Engineer should be a given, because of the infos they can give and because the MJ autopilot is very good at performing the nodes we plan... or because he can do some of that stuff autonomously (Circular orbits!). And then maybe Infernal Robotics, for it allows to unfold the ships or landing stations (and thus allowing much better constructions without having to dock... And KIS/KAS maybe? Because... Building a station means you need to strut the base parts together and prop them up!
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[quote name='Friethjoph']Ok, some constructive things... I think we need a list of allowable mods... I think MechJab and/Or Kerbal Engineer should be a given, because of the infos they can give and because the MJ autopilot is very good at performing the nodes we plan... or because he can do some of that stuff autonomously (Circular orbits!). And then maybe Infernal Robotics, for it allows to unfold the ships or landing stations (and thus allowing much better constructions without having to dock... And KIS/KAS maybe? Because... Building a station means you need to strut the base parts together and prop them up![/QUOTE]

The only thing I have to add to this is if mods are allowed then the OP should have a second badge that distinguishes modded missions from unmodded ones seeing as my Dres Love missions are all stock, no Mechjeb or Kerbal engineer and I feel it would be a shame to group both modded and unmodded into the same category to get the badge ... maybe make a 'by the seat of your pants' badge for unmodded missions

Just my opinion
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Mission status: In the process of doing transfer burn number 4 of 6 atm.

Edit: Ref. mods: I'm using Kerbal Engineer Redux and Kerbal Alarm Clock. (I've also got Chatterer installed, but that doesn't really matter.)
I feel these should definitely be allowed. I'm kind of on the fence about MechJeb. The autopilot function and node planner makes the game be all about sitting back and watching. KER and KAC only gives you information and makes it easier to remember WHEN to burn.
Also: Having Kerbal Alarm Clock open timestamps every screenshot making it easy to verify that there is no cheating going on. Kerbal Engineer Redux gives you information about Ap and Pe at a glance also making things easy to verify.

Splitting the challange into modded vs. non-moded would also be an acceptable option. Edited by L4r5man
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[quote name='SpaceplaneAddict']This must be painful on your patience...[/QUOTE]
9-10 minutes burntime on each. Time compression makes it unstable for some reason, so I've gotta sit through each one in real time. Thankfully I've got YouTube on the other monitor. That's actually the good thing about having to use my fiancé's computer. I've only got one monitor on my own computer.
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Mission report-thread here:

Edit: I've also been able to rescue the missing screenshots! Edited by L4r5man
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