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Largest Aircraft to Land at KSC Island Challenge


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I humbly present the A380 Stupor Krumbo :confused:

724 brave souls on a rather unlikely air-frame can gallabant off to the island runway at any time they please with this respectably handling brick.  Weight is 393.04t landed back at the KSC runway (400 and something on loading) so I'm not going to win the weight category; but I think considering there's no soft landing rockets - only reverse thrusters and (air)brakes), and the plane can take off and land using less than the full runway at either site makes this not such a bad effort.

Here's the mission report:


Here's the craft file for anyone wanting to give it a go!

I'll freely admit that I didn't fill all 724 seats as it would have taken another 4 hours on top of the 4 it took to build the thing!  If that disqualifies me then I'm happy with a gatecrash entry, honorable mention, or just acknowledgement of a job well done :)



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  On 12/23/2015 at 11:58 AM, Speeding Mullet said:

I humbly present the A380 Stupor Krumbo :confused:

724 brave souls on a rather unlikely air-frame can gallabant off to the island runway at any time they please with this respectably handling brick.  Weight is 393.04t landed back at the KSC runway (400 and something on loading) so I'm not going to win the weight category; but I think considering there's no soft landing rockets - only reverse thrusters and (air)brakes), and the plane can take off and land using less than the full runway at either site makes this not such a bad effort.

Here's the mission report:


Here's the craft file for anyone wanting to give it a go!

I'll freely admit that I didn't fill all 724 seats as it would have taken another 4 hours on top of the 4 it took to build the thing!  If that disqualifies me then I'm happy with a gatecrash entry, honorable mention, or just acknowledgement of a job well done :)




holy hand grenade

i won't make you do an actual passenger load with that beast (although I'm sure there's a mod for that, isn't there?).  You take the top spot in the passenger category.

shiminy whiskers.

updated OP. @Speeding Mullet hey man if you want to re-do that mission with live Kerbals, go for it.  let us know if you find a mod that helps loading that many Kerbals on board.

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  On 12/23/2015 at 11:58 AM, Speeding Mullet said:

I'll freely admit that I didn't fill all 724 seats as it would have taken another 4 hours on top of the 4 it took to build the thing!  If that disqualifies me then I'm happy with a gatecrash entry, honorable mention, or just acknowledgement of a job well done :)



Hi! Just as I wanted to ask where can i get the passanger count. Because I was able to get my monolith from the ground and land it on the island despite (after loading 500+ kerbals) frame rate droping to about 6-8 fps. You just saved me a lot of trouble posting screens and the recording I made =) 
Congrats on the first spot - and great work - aerodynamically ( ;p)  and visually!

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  On 12/23/2015 at 11:54 PM, Sim^moN said:

Hi! Just as I wanted to ask where can i get the passanger count.


I just multiplied the number of seated modules by the individuals module capacity.  Thanks also, I very loosely modeled it on the A380 (hence the name) so the wing profile apart from 6 engines not 4, and particularly the undercarriage were inspired by the A380.

@inigma phew, thanks for not making me load up all the Kerbals!  I'm investigating whether the Stupor Krumbo is capable of lifting more, but I highly doubt it!!

I'm pretty sure there used to be a mod called Hooligan Labs party starter which one click filled all crew-able modules, but I believe it stopped being maintained around 0.21.  I was trying to figure out whether crew manifest or similar had the function, but it's not immediately clear, and I'm running mod free until 1.1.

I'm not actually a member of reddit, and haven't really ever really looked into (although aware of) that community.  Is it worth signing up over say the forums here?

This is a great challenge by the way - So simple in it's rules and encourages enormous creativity, and rather silly looking flying machines!


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Additional to my last post, I completed investigation of whether the A380 Stupor Krumbo could handle even more passengers.  Turns out I was under utilizing the air-frames vast capability.  Meet the A380 Stupor Krumbo Beluga.  An extra deck has been strutted on top, and a bogey wheel added to prevent tail strikes.

  • 820 passengers.  I'll just let that sink in a little.  Sir Kraken was indeed a possibility.
  • 441.97t Landed at the island runway :)

Here's the mission report:

I've attached the craft file here.  The Stupor Krumbo Beluga is still perfectly flyable, indeed quite maneuverable, but Kraken help you dealing with anything but the softest landing!



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I'll post an album of my first attempt later. I made an airbus that could carry 564 (i think. May have been more) kerbals but for some reason the landing gear wants to bend backwards on touch down. If I can figure out that flaw it will be a 350 ton 564ish passenger monstrosity that is actually air worthy. So glad we got the j90s.

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OK so I thought I was done but evidently not.  Meet the newly upgraded A380 Stupor Krumbo Choad Goliath Beluga Guppy.  Affectionately know as "Baron Von Kraken" in the inner circles.

  • 1024 seats...:cool:
  • 568.76t landed at the island runway.

I believe I have now taken the Stupor Krumbo to the logical kerbal limit.  The slightest wrong move results in, well let's just check out the mission report:

As a point of order I'd like to recognise my computer for handling two of these things in the same vicinity without immediately collapsing in a wheezing mess.

Maybe I'll stop entering this challenge (for) now. :lol:



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Here are my two models :

(I used mechjeb to figure out the crew, didn't know how else lol)

GTRX-100 (click here for craft file):

This thing land on the island, I just don't have photos. Craft file available for both models.

-Capacity = 164

-Weight = 153 Tons

-Top Speed = 185m/s

-Stall Speed = ~30m/s





GTRX-300 (click here for craft file) :

Extended version of GTRX-100, crew capacity is almost doubled, other characteristics are quite similar. Additional landing gear added at the rear to protect from tail strike. This is my entry for the challenge.

-Capacity = 292

-Weight = 270 Tons

-Top Speed = 155m/s

-Stall Speed = ~35m/s

Pictures :




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Well, this was what I tried, unfortunately on the newly updated leaderboard it doesn't come close, in either way - 127 tons at takeoff, 144 Kerbal Capacity:

Landing on the island runway was probably the hardest thing I've done in this game, it took maybe 20-30 tries.  Original design had more engines but used a spaceY 3.75m to 7 x 1.25m adapter, so had to be changed.  Top speed achieved was something like 400m/s on the return trip.  It could probably get faster but then the airbrakes explode.  No mod parts in the final design, just using NavHud and Engineer for flight data.


Glideslope is absolutely terrible.  Honestly a shuttle clone would probably glide better than this thing.


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  On 1/5/2016 at 5:47 PM, 1101 said:

Well, this was what I tried, unfortunately on the newly updated leaderboard it doesn't come close, in either way - 127 tons at takeoff, 144 Kerbal Capacity:

Landing on the island runway was probably the hardest thing I've done in this game, it took maybe 20-30 tries.  Original design had more engines but used a spaceY 3.75m to 7 x 1.25m adapter, so had to be changed.  Top speed achieved was something like 400m/s on the return trip.  It could probably get faster but then the airbrakes explode.  No mod parts in the final design, just using NavHud and Engineer for flight data.


Glideslope is absolutely terrible.  Honestly a shuttle clone would probably glide better than this thing.



Great job! Better than my attempt for sure!

Unfortunately 204 kerbals  or 242 tons is the new bar for entry on this challenge where I can only maintain the top 5.

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After trying a basic airliner design, I decided to try something different and build a biplane loosely based on the Vickers Vimy.


My creation is a 166.5 tonne monstrosity capable of carrying 148 Kerbals (incuding 4 crew), that I jokingly dub the Vickers V380.  It's got 300-some parts (my poor, poor framerate) and actually handles fairly well for its size.  It takes off at around 80 m/s and uses 6 parachutes to help slow down upon landing.  The fastest I pushed it was 180m/s in a 40 degree climb, and 4.6g pulling into the climb.

It only took me one try to get it down on the runway.  I had to try twice to takeoff though because my first attempt wasn't lined up right and so I ran off the edge.

I used FAR for my entry.



EDIT: Dang it, I missed taking the screenshots in map view.  I guess I got too focused on turning it around at the island.  I'll do another flight within the next few days and get those screenshots.

Edited by rocketengineer1982
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  On 1/6/2016 at 12:13 AM, rocketengineer1982 said:

I'll do another flight within the next few days and get those screenshots.


Inigma is maintaining the top 5 so if you are going for the leaderboard you will need to go bigger than the current 5th position:

"Unfortunately 204 kerbals  or 242 tons is the new bar for entry on this challenge where I can only maintain the top 5"

If you just want to post a gigantic aircraft then I'm sure no one will mind, but chuck some more seats in there and go for broke haha!


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Not a challenge entry (didn't manage anything that comes close to leaderboard material yet), but maybe a helpful tip if it's deemed acceptable by @inigma: removing the INTERNAL from the crewed parts may help flying these behemoths with a bit more fluidity. The only effect is that it removes the visible animated portraits (and no IVA cam), but you can still load up Kerbals.

I posted an MM config to do this over here.

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  On 1/7/2016 at 3:06 AM, Speeding Mullet said:

Inigma is maintaining the top 5 so if you are going for the leaderboard you will need to go bigger than the current 5th position:

"Unfortunately 204 kerbals  or 242 tons is the new bar for entry on this challenge where I can only maintain the top 5"

If you just want to post a gigantic aircraft then I'm sure no one will mind, but chuck some more seats in there and go for broke haha!



He used FAR, doesn't he say?  So He did get that leaderboard right?


Anyway, I've made a bigger craft, Provisional name "Me, I'm Counting":




183.94 tons at landing back at KSC - after only 7 minutes (Game time).  Capacity is 320 passengers, if only I had remembered to load them/had patience to hire them all.  Whoops.

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  On 1/7/2016 at 7:35 PM, superstrijder15 said:

the "stupor krumbo guppy" could maybe get one more kerbal by attaching the mk1 commandpod in front of the mk3 one


Ill re-enter the challenge when someone beats me, but I think I've set a large enough bench mark at this point :)


  On 1/7/2016 at 8:47 PM, 1101 said:

He used FAR, doesn't he say?  So He did get that leaderboard right?


Derp missed that - Yes he does!

Edit:  Me I'm counting is a monster!  Does it generate loads of body lift stopping you from having to use so many wings, or is it just raw power?


Edited by Speeding Mullet
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  On 1/7/2016 at 9:21 PM, Speeding Mullet said:

Edit:  Me I'm counting is a monster!  Does it generate loads of body lift stopping you from having to use so many wings, or is it just raw power?




In all fairness, I'm not sure how it flies so well, it all worked first time :P

It has 2 sets of large wings at the back with the BigS wings ahead of that and further forward for lift, with the FAT-455 tail as a canard at the front, and how that provides enough lift is beyond me.  Surprisingly, 12 Turboramjets don't do all that much for raw power - the 'takeoff' from the island runway involved some weird semi touchdown on the hill just past the runway - I thought it was going to be a reload, but it seemed to use it like the ramp on an aircraft carrier.

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