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[1.0.5][Dec 15, 2015] Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP) 0.3: Air Flights, Tours, Coast Guard, STS


What should I name this pack? I need help deciding before 1.0 release.  

129 members have voted

  1. 1. What should I name this contract pack?

    • Aerospace Exploration and Rescue Operations
    • Giving Aircraft a Purpose
    • SSI Aerospace

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  On 12/7/2015 at 10:10 PM, inigma said:

Weird. Looks like a floating point error in KSP or something with the boat not somehow coming to a complete stop.  The floating point issue was fixed in CC 1.9.0. Do you have CC 1.9.0 installed?

If so, I'll put this on the to-do for 0.3 and change it to require a 0.1 landed speed. If you don't want to troubleshoot this, you can do this now by editing the  IslandTours-Shoreline.cfg file with the ReachState set to maxSpeed = 1.0, and then reload KSP. You will need to probably cancel the current mission and do the mission over though.


Yes, I'm using CC 1.9.0. Setting maxSpeed = 1.0 in the .cfg did fix this as shown in http://imgur.com/hoAdk4h


Nightingale - for info with this particular craft KER is showing horizontal and vertical speed "jitters" of up to 0.2 m/s when beached at the water's edge and up to 0.1 m/s when further up the slope completely out of the water. A quick aircraft test was showing jittering in the 30 mm/s range on the runway .

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  On 12/7/2015 at 11:21 PM, Aelfhe1m said:

Yes, I'm using CC 1.9.0. Setting maxSpeed = 1.0 in the .cfg did fix this as shown in http://imgur.com/hoAdk4h


Nightingale - for info with this particular craft KER is showing horizontal and vertical speed "jitters" of up to 0.2 m/s when beached at the water's edge and up to 0.1 m/s when further up the slope completely out of the water. A quick aircraft test was showing jittering in the 30 mm/s range on the runway .

  On 12/7/2015 at 11:21 PM, Aelfhe1m said:

Oh hai, nightingale here, I guess this is the unremovable quote box forum bug.  Nice.

Anyway, just trying to say "fixed in 1.9.1".

Edited by nightingale
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  On 11/11/2015 at 12:30 AM, inigma said:

Works fine with stock, and works great with these recommended mods:

Take Command (Launch and Spawn in Command Seats)
Kerbal Aircraft Expansion (KAX) (Minimalistic set of stock-alike propellers and helicopter parts)
Waypoint Manager (For better waypoint management and navigation)
Wider Contracts App (Wider contract checklist popup)


From the OP. This pack works with all mods.

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  On 12/8/2015 at 2:54 AM, ghimb2000 said:

I see boats in the Contract Pack as well .. Not sure if this works with whatever in KAX or do I need extra mods?


All crafts in the pack are pure stock. No mods are needed to use the pack. All contracts can be completed with stock parts. Let me know what you think!

Edited by inigma
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Hmm, can't seem to get the "Airplane ride" contract to complete, I get everything but "land your airplane" - do I need to land anywhere specific? I assume the runway counts, no?

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  On 12/8/2015 at 9:33 AM, steve_v said:

Hmm, can't seem to get the "Airplane ride" contract to complete, I get everything but "land your airplane" - do I need to land anywhere specific? I assume the runway counts, no?


You can land anywhere on land. Speed must be 0. Can u post a screenie if so?

Edited by inigma
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  On 12/8/2015 at 5:58 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Couple of questions:

  1. Is it in a releasable condition?
  2. Can you get it into CKAN?
  3. Do you need help getting it into CKAN?




Not ready for release until 1.0. I'm a traditionalist. ;)

In spite of the low release number, all the technical work is done. I should be done with 1.0 in a few weeks. Right now its all about content, which is a good place for me to be. :)

I want to learn how to get it on CKAN. That's my 1.0 milestone release goal.

Edited by inigma
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  On 12/8/2015 at 3:18 PM, inigma said:

You can land anywhere on land. Speed must be 0. Can u post a screenie if so?


Well, it's not exactly a "Wright brothers" style first flight aircraft, but it's what I had lying about when the contract appeared:



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  On 12/8/2015 at 7:57 PM, steve_v said:

Well, it's not exactly a "Wright brothers" style first flight aircraft, but it's what I had lying about when the contract appeared:




Edit your post and use the "Insert other media" link at the bottom right of your form to insert the image. Otherwise it won't load. You can use imgur.com for image hosting if you need a place to upload it.

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  On 12/8/2015 at 8:10 PM, inigma said:

Edit your post and use the "Insert other media" link at the bottom right of your form to insert the image. Otherwise it won't load. You can use imgur.com for image hosting if you need a place to upload it.


This is exactly what I did, loads for me, both in my post and your quoted reply.
Here's a direct link anyhow.

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  On 12/8/2015 at 9:42 PM, steve_v said:

This is exactly what I did, loads for me, both in my post and your quoted reply.
Here's a direct link anyhow.


I think it's related to what @Aelfhe1m reported here:


Try changing the SSI-FirstFlight.cfg file and look for the ReachState parameter where

maxSpeed = 0.0 and modify that to 1.0 and save, reload KSP, cancel your current mission and when offered again, redo the First Flight mission. If it works, the the next version of Contract Configurator should fix it. I might roll out a patch until then.

See the CC changelog here: https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/blob/master/CHANGES.txt


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  On 12/8/2015 at 10:05 PM, inigma said:

Try changing the SSI-FirstFlight.cfg file and look for the ReachState parameter where maxSpeed = 0.0 and modify that to 1.0.


Works for me :D. I guess there's some sort of jitter in the surface speed that doesn't show up on the navball? It is curious that other contracts, e.g. the shoreline tour, worked just fine for me.

Edited by steve_v
Horrible, horrible editor. As usual.
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  On 12/8/2015 at 10:22 PM, steve_v said:


  On 12/8/2015 at 10:22 PM, steve_v said:

Works for me :D. I guess there's some sort of jitter in the surface speed that doesn't show up on the navball? It is curious that other contracts, e.g. the shoreline tour, worked just fine for me.


It's a KSP floating point issue. Zero doesn't exactly mean zero. If I can convince @nightingale to release 1.9.1 soon, I won't have to edit a dozen or more contracts. :D

Edited by inigma
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  On 12/8/2015 at 10:24 PM, inigma said:

It's a KSP floating point issue. Zero doesn't exactly mean zero. If I can convince @nightingale to release 1.9.1 soon, I won't have to edit a dozen or more contracts. :D


Were you able to confirm the fix does resolve this issue?  I can do a release tonight, there's a couple other changes that are pretty close to ready to go.

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  On 12/8/2015 at 10:35 PM, nightingale said:

Were you able to confirm the fix does resolve this issue?  I can do a release tonight, there's a couple other changes that are pretty close to ready to go.


I won't be able to test anything until late late tonight. Can someone test this in the meantime with a craft that was previously affected? I was not able to duplicate the issue with multiple craft, so I think it may be a craft+KSP issue.

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Ok, I've finally collated my notes from various places, and finally mapped out what I want before releasing 1.0

29 Contracts in Total. I've got 14 developed so I'm halfway there! :)

File layout:


Mindmap showing requirements and contract progression:


Let me know if you guys have any other ideas for 1.0 or anything you'd like to see post 1.0!

- inigma

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