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Submarine Circumnavigation report log or 20000 leagues under the sea


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So I started this challenge and im doing it as well so here is my mission log, let's begin :cool:


This is the KS60 Seal, 2nd submarine I designed and so far my best one.

It will follow this path


This is only the first part of a long journey and it was only a trial, I tested it a bit and tried to refuel a prototype but he never went this far.

You can see the important stuff in the imgur album (I recommend opening it to see a bit better) but I will tell you a bit of the story. :D

as boring as it is


You know, in fact I will only tell you the funny parts:

-The RTGs glows, it's maybe dangerous but it looks nice

-Textures become crazy under 1000 meters

-This thing wants to float when the tanks are more than 3/4 empty, which lead to funny situations

-The average speed was of 33m/s and the avegare depth between 800 and 1000 meters.

I should continue the travel later today, I might as well make a video of the refuel mission :cool:

I hope this will be interesting.



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Not as incredible as the ones who have multiple Elcano awards in their signature, and this one is much easier since you can travel at mid-depth for hours without worrying about flipping to death or hitting anything.

I hope there are easter eggs underawater.

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  SpaceplaneAddict said:
I don't know about this, seems suspicious to drive that far in a sub. Your patience is incredible.

Don't underestimate these submarine people. There's a guy doing my submarine challenge who sailed 110 kilometers underwater. That same guy also found a crack in the ocean floor, and he's currently en route to the center of the planet. He's been falling at a rate of 10 m/s, and I don't think he's time-warping. He's at -100 km right now, and he doesn't look to be stopping anytime soon.

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Part two of the journey, I headed south after the refuel and used the last drop of fuel at the southern point of the continent, not bad.

That makes more than 100km per refuel, could be better but it's already pretty good.


I was less bordel than I thought I would be, even after 40 minutes of sailing. I also experienced my first real time sunset which was pretty nice.

I also know that I can go for about 100km with each refueling so next time I will refuel the submarine and drop a tank 90km in front, hopefully the Kraken will not eat it.

So far I sailed for a little bit more than 236km, I have no absolutely perfect way to count but I look at the f3 screens and the distance between refuel pods. Not bad.

You really shoud participate, it's not as boring as it looks (for real)

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Part 3 of the report, this one is big :confused:


The mission clock is at exactly one day, I have sailed more than 329km so far and I had no problem.

The average depth was between 300 and 1000 meters, I try do not cross that line because of the Deep Sea Glitch

Somehow the Kraken always destroy the used refuel pods, not the one that I pre-dropped. I hope the Seal will keep the Kraken away long enough to make it.

Here is the progress picture, you can see what we have done so far


I hope you enjoy it because I do! :sticktongue:

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Report 4, I took 120 screenshots this time but im not showing them all.


Also the f3 distance is completely different than the visual distance, I feel like I should keep the f3 distance because im not always going in a straight line but it's sometime almost the double of the visual one.

Anyway, the distance travelled so far is at least 693km. That is a lot, I joined to other continent, saw a nice eclipse and another sunset and found something funny. I also busted my RTGs and the mechjeb box when the submarine jumped out of the water a little too fast, im happy I didn't damage something else.

Im posting the progress picture tomorow :cool:

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Quick update, the path I travelled so far (a very approximative estimation)


I didn't made any progress today because I stayed up all nigth relaying infos about what happened in Paris, I might as well do something about that in the game. What do you think I should do? Drop some kind of memorial in the path of the sub or on the coast?

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  Fluburtur said:
Quick update, the path I travelled so far (a very approximative estimation)


I didn't made any progress today because I stayed up all nigth relaying infos about what happened in Paris, I might as well do something about that in the game. What do you think I should do? Drop some kind of memorial in the path of the sub or on the coast?

eeeeehm, it might be better to just leave it alone. It's a nice gesture, but... I dunno.

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I was thinking about making an Eiffel Tower and putting it on the coast near the current location of the sub, my buoys have a bad habit of being killed by the Kraken.

EDIT: I built the Eiffel Tower, the arch were a pain to make and they aren't even a structural part, only decorative on the real one

I will place her in tomorow's mission.


I think I might as well post her in the spacecraft exchange page.

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Part 5 of the report, this one was a bit slow to come because I was a little less motivated.


I did 189km this time, making the total distance travelled 882km. The MET time is 2d,0h,9m.

I encountered another place where the bottom of the sea is not that deep (can't remember the word for it). They seem to be very common at the shores of the desert.
My refuel plane also took of from Black Krags, first time he doesn't go from the KSC. I would like to use Area 51 but it's very laggy for some reason.
I also think I will do two pre-drops next time, just to see the result.
If you want to know how Tricia Kerman is not bored, here is


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Part 6 of the journey (gotta figure out why I have 7 folder then) and I have some great news for you
That's right! We are exactly at 1002km right now! One third of the way according to Red Dwarf but I think the voyage will be slightly longer.

Now let's move on to the actual report, I wanted to do something a

bit special this time so let me know what you think about it.

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There, I think it's not bad to add a bit of story to all of this.
Now the useful infos, this time I travelled only 120km since we stopped on that shallow (thank you Captain Vlad, + I love your name)
In case you missed it our total distance is 1002km and your met time is 2d,0h,47m. It got reset when I refueled the sub with the boat.
I think I will really put a rig here, it's unlikely there is ore here but who knows?

Anyway I hoped you liked this and see you next time!

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Part 8 of the report, no pics today because im tired and I don't want to bother with that right now.

Today I travelled 260km since I had some fuel left from the last time, this brings the total distance to 1262km
The current mission time is 2D,2H,10M.

I had some problem with the sub randomly exploding with no reason while approaching with the plane, I think it's because it was over a shallow. I used a quicksave to get to the sub without it exploding, don't worry if I smash it into an underwater mountain I will replace it but the Kraken getting angry and killing it for no reason is not enough for me.

It was also raining today, maybe it's that.
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Yes but I want a planet with proper gravity, I tried on the Mün and Minmus and my truc did not like it.

I will start the stream soon [URL]http://www.twitch.tv/fluburtur[/URL]

EDIT: lel I had a BSOD, come again tomorow Edited by Fluburtur
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