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happy Veterans day everyone.


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so, im a busy bee today tracking down those pesky updates for the new version, and realize i'm in some good company.

kerbal stuff is incredibly slow this morning, that means all you good people are enjoying KSP today instead of fallout 4...


a wise choice my friends!

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If you knew the history of Veterans Day, its significance, you'd realize that while it is an American holiday, it really isn't - it's a global holiday, a commemoration of the end of World War I ("the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month").

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awesome :-) patriotism is something everyone should take part in and celebrate the ideals and differences that make their country unique!

Partriotism is a strange phenomena, that really has no place in the global world and economy.


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I'll make sure to make a post for every Norwegian holiday as well, like liberation day on May 1st and the national day on May 17th.

Veterans Day is not american. It may have started there, but it is not theirs. It is for all of the world.

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Call me a negative soul - but somehow the words "happy" and "veteran" do not go well in the same sentence for me.

Therefore I will just give my best wishes to everyone that has and still does serve in any army in this world and may their trade become obsolete some day.

If you knew the history of Veterans Day, its significance, you'd realize that while it is an American holiday, it really isn't - it's a global holiday, a commemoration of the end of World War I ("the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month").

And eleven minutes later parts of Germany begin the annual madness that is Karneval/Fasching - or as I like to phrase it: the biggest excuse of this nation to drink to much and kiss people they do not know.

(No, really, it traditionally starts on 11.11. at 11:11 and lasts until the 46th day before easter sunday.)

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Call me a negative soul - but somehow the words "happy" and "veteran" do not go well in the same sentence for me.

Therefore I will just give my best wishes to everyone that has and still does serve in any army in this world and may their trade become obsolete some day.

And eleven minutes later parts of Germany begin the annual madness that is Karneval/Fasching - or as I like to phrase it: the biggest excuse of this nation to drink to much and kiss people they do not know.

(No, really, it traditionally starts on 11.11. at 11:11 and lasts until the 46th day before easter sunday.)

i accept your point of view, but 'veterans day' is not about any branch of service, or any country in particular. war is hell, and you are only a 'vet' if you served in war. regardless of who sent them to war, or why, they are pawns and i for one thank those pawns from all sides as honorable human beings doing a dirty job so that i dont have to, and can carry on living my happy life.

i also appreciate your sentiment and wish that militaries not be needed, but unfortunately it is one of those things that will stay a wish untill the last human dies. human beings are violent and selfish on an instinctual level, and have been that way since eons before we stood upright.

regardless however, my main point was missed. in the US veterans day is a federal holiday, which means many workers and students with the day off. :)

happy KSPing all.

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i accept your point of view, but 'veterans day' is not about any branch of service, or any country in particular. war is hell, and you are only a 'vet' if you served in war. regardless of who sent them to war, or why, they are pawns and i for one thank those pawns from all sides as honorable human beings doing a dirty job so that i dont have to, and can carry on living my happy life.

Which is what I meant, only in different words. :)

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...you are only a 'vet' if you served in war.

My mother-in-law would strongly disagree with you about that.

in the US veterans day is a federal holiday, which means many workers and students with the day off.

Around here, the schools are in session on Veteran's Day. That makes it one of my favorite holidays.

patriotism is to be proud of your country. i feel that everyone should be proud of their country. that is all.

But if you're only part of the country because you happened to be born there, why?

Should a citizen of an oppressive dictatorship be as proud of their country as a citizen of a free democratic one, just because they were born and live there?

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But if you're only part of the country because you happened to be born there, why?

Should a citizen of an oppressive dictatorship be as proud of their country as a citizen of a free democratic one, just because they were born and live there?

by your argument, only immigrants have the right to patriotism. i would feel sad for those that are part of a society where they do not feel proud of the group they belong to whether by choice or by birth. a person should not be blindly patriotic just because of a chance birth and turn their head away from the atrocities cause by their country. a person should be proud of the efforts of all of the people who strive to overcome mistakes and push forward to a better, more constructive society for earth as a whole while celebrating the things that make their country unique and special.

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by your argument, only immigrants have the right to patriotism. i would feel sad for those that are part of a society where they do not feel proud of the group they belong to whether by choice or by birth. a person should not be blindly patriotic just because of a chance birth and turn their head away from the atrocities cause by their country. a person should be proud of the efforts of all of the people who strive to overcome mistakes and push forward to a better, more constructive society for earth as a whole while celebrating the things that make their country unique and special.

Being proud of it because you are there is silly. The goes goes for being angry or discontent. It just is what it is. My influence on my country is negligible, just as almost anyone else's (including high ranking politicians and military personnel. Therefore, being proud of it is misguided. It is as if you are proud of being handsome, or ugly. You had nothing to do with it, there is no reason to do anything else but to accept it.

Being proud is also dangerous. It breeds a us versus them mentality, which in turn causes all kinds of conflicts. We are in this world together. We have vast differences, but all are human (or maybe even living beings). Having 'teams' is confusing matter incredibly, since it suggests we are different, while in reality we may be very much alike. We will need to make this existence worth it together, rather than divided up in artificial parties and plots. It is lonely enough as it is, floating around on our little ball of coagulated space debris.

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No, I'm just annoyed by blind patriotism and the jingoism that tends to hide behind it. I've spent the last fourteen years listening to too many bandwagon patriots screaming "my country, right or wrong". Your response does clarify things, though. Loving your country isn't about who waves the biggest flag and screams the loudest, but that's what "patriotism" has all too often been reduced to. By all means, be proud of what your country does, but be proud because your country has done something good, not simply because your country has done something. That doesn't mean that you can't be proud when another country does something worth admiring, nor does it mean that we can't look beyond national borders and work for the good of all humans.

(And we shouldn't forget that your country is not the only one, and it's probably not any more unique and special than my county, either.)

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(And we shouldn't forget that your country is not the only one, and it's probably not any more unique and special than my county, either.)

totally on board with this statement (except the unique part...each country has a story that others do not have. china is very different from poland which is different from canada.). the other side of this argument is arrogance and i have no patience for that. pride and arrogance are different in my mind. i am happy to celebrate other countries achievements just as quickly as i celebrate my own. the sooner we realize that we all exist on the same blue marble, the better off we'll be.

i look at it like this: a robotics competition. the point of the contest is to further discovery. it is presented in a way the breeds friendly competition. if i enter with a team, i will be proud of what my team accomplishes (and we will try to win) while celebrating the successes of others and being happy with the things learned by all.

this is patriotism to me. arrogance is a far cry different and i find it unbearable. unfortunately, many claim "patriotism" with a haughty and better-than-you attitude and destroy the word.

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patriotism is to be proud of your country. i feel that everyone should be proud of their country. that is all.

What if the country is really stupid? Being proud relates to having positive feeling about achievements. If one country's achievements are predominantly positive or positive at the moment, then it makes sense being proud of the whole or of the moment. But what if the situation is opposite?

Being proud just for the sake of being proud is jingoism and nationalism and that's corruption of moral and the mind.

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What if the country is really stupid? Being proud relates to having positive feeling about achievements. If one country's achievements are predominantly positive or positive at the moment, then it makes sense being proud of the whole or of the moment. But what if the situation is opposite?

Being proud just for the sake of being proud is jingoism and nationalism and that's corruption of moral and the mind.

i am not conveying my thoughts clearly. i agree that you should not be proud of a morally corrupt society nor should you be proud just because you belong to it. i am saying that we should all strive to contribute to a society that we can be proud of. if you are not proud of your country, then why not? once you know this, try to make it better so that you can be proud.

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i am not conveying my thoughts clearly. i agree that you should not be proud of a morally corrupt society nor should you be proud just because you belong to it. i am saying that we should all strive to contribute to a society that we can be proud of. if you are not proud of your country, then why not? once you know this, try to make it better so that you can be proud.

You can love your country's history and the country itself without loving it's culture or government. It's important to be proud of your country, even if it's messed up, because the pride will make you want to make it better. This reminds me of a story. When I was in school our handwriting teacher would always tell us to take pride in our work before we would do handwriting exams. He taught many winners of national and international writing competitions. No matter how good our writing was, he'd tell it to us time after time. Because taking pride in our work got us to care about it and do our best work. If we didn't make the grade, we'd want to do better so that we would be best.

If you have to wait for a perfect society to take pride in it, then you'll never take pride in it. There's an underbelly to every culture and society, and now that the internet has come it's in plain view. Focus on the positives, not the negatives. For example, I can say that nature is an incredibly dangerous thing that has claimed countless lives and for that reason it shouldn't be trifled with. But, I can also say that nature is a beautiful and glorious thing that has inspired many writers and artists to create some of the most fabulous works in the history of man and for that reason it should be celebrated and explored. Now add "humanity" or "society" in place of "nature" in the above statements and read them. If you are looking for the negative, you will find the negative, and if you're looking for the positive, you'll find the positive. Take, for example, the US of America, my country. I can say that the government sucks and that the economy's bad and that the culture is abhorrent and filled with sexualised music and tasteless design. But, I can also say that it's got one of the best education systems in the world and that most of the world's colleges are here, that we're one of the most prosperous nations in the world, and that our culture is filled with such giants as Leonard Bernstein, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Thomas Edison, and Frank Lloyd Wright.

And pride doesn't mean the approval of everything your country does or makes. For example, I don't approve of much of the music that is recorded in my country today, and I don't approve of many things that the government does. But, I'm still proud to be an American, because we've given the world things that are so much greater than what we give today, and I want to see it change. I want to see my country in a much better state than she's in right now, I think that's the dream of everybody for their respective countries, but to wait for her to get better to start being proud of her is a disservice and a disgrace. Pride means many things to many people, but one thing that unites their definitions is a love of country. If you love your country, you want to see it get better, just like you'd want a loved one to get better if they weren't feeling too well. And to me, pride means supporting the people that help make your country better. Pride means helping to make her better. And I think that if you wait until everything in your country is "just so" until you start taking pride in it, then you're unfairly riding on the backs of the people that made it better.

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