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[0.15+] Really Advanced Computer Systems Rev. 1.1 / Music Player! Countdown inside!


How should the dynamic music be implemented?  

2,223 members have voted

  1. 1. How should the dynamic music be implemented?

    • Select a song for when a special event happens
    • One playlist for every situation
    • Other... (Post in Thread)

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In the late 90's, cassette players started to become obsolete due to amazing new digital technology.

But what to do with alle the old cassette player stocks?

Well, we're in the future now and retro is in!

So we decided to buy all old cassette players we could find and sell them as advanced computer equipment and guess what - It works!

Now for your rocket: The Music Player! Benefits:

  • Excellent sound quality!
  • Works in vacuum!
  • Cool retro look! (Big Thanks to Anariaq for the model)
  • Easy installation! (Duct tape not included)]
  • Countdowns!
  • Editor music

Get your one today for an amazing price of 19,99 K$ !


New Rev 1.1 with Countdown and Editor Music!

Download Plugin

Download Source

Please ask me for permission before including the source in your projects.

The editor music is not by me, it is made by squad and included in the standard game


  • Unpack in KSP directory
  • Use the Configuration Tool to generate a playlist (Only works with MP3)
  • Attach the cassette player to your rocket
  • Fun!

How to use the Countdown:

Press the Countdown button and when the Countdown is done,

its going to activate the first stage!

Special Thanks to:

  • Anariaq - Model
  • All the developers who made their plugins open source which helped me understand a lot of the functions
  • Innsewerants and all the other helpful people in the IRC

Dynamic music to events didn't quite make it in this version. I got it quite working but it was just not as

dynamic as I'd wanted it too and made the whole thing very complicated to setup. I will work on a better

solution and possibly include it in the next update.

Planned features for next version:

  • Dynamic music change to events (80%)
  • ID3 Tag support (20%)
  • Other file format support (90%)
  • Suggestions?

  • Sudden stops when time warping
  • No automatic switching to next track when playback is done

Rev. 1: First Release

Rev. 1.1: Player bar now draggable, Countdown implemented, Editor Music

And this is not even the first 'innovation'! There are many more things to come!


RAC Systems

Edited by Naelo
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The configuration exe is not working for me. I select the folder for the library and hit search music. After that it does nothing. But it does manage to take up 20mb of my ram... Windoes XP SP3, yeah I\'m oldschool...

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Hehe, now you gotta add some hooks to play at certain moments (at launch, in orbit of any planet or moon (or sun...), when landed on the moon or sun, all of it), so I can get to work with creating some songs to go with it!

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  Pluto100 said:

The guy who made it died :(.

OOOOOOOHHH that\'s what they were talking about! I thought they were saying I was going to get banned or something. Nevermind.

Yes, I know, Eduard Khil died. I run a rest in peace page for him, but lately, everyone just says 'Troll in Peace.'

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ERdfjhTYGdfbERverTFweF@#$RF%$tgfWERFGERGFSDsdWOOOOTT!!! :o ;D 8)

This is awesome! No more switching/skipping with external Media players.

And you\'re even working on a complicated thing like dynamic music? Respect!

This + KSP 0.16 (EVA\'s) = don\'t know what to say.

Time to launch some radio stations!

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Thanks everyone for the positive feedback!

An update is in the works, however I still need to decide how I want to implement dynamic music.

For that reason I added a poll to the first post.

  tinfoyle said:

The configuration exe is not working for me. I select the folder for the library and hit search music. After that it does nothing. But it does manage to take up 20mb of my ram... Windows XP SP3, yeah I\'m oldschool...

Sorry, I don\'t have access to a XP Computer so I can\'t debug the problem :/

I will try to find out via Google though. Always check if you have the newest NET Framework installed. (4.0)

How much RAM does your computer have?

  Blinkin said:

Could you add something so we can use it also in the VAB?

That would be great so we can \'activate\' the Editor/VAB music of KSP! :D


I\'m not sure if this is possible tbh, but will try.

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  Blinkin said:


How are you going to make dynamic music? Does the game knows state or something, like entering a atmosphere after orbit (re-entry)?

Well the game can tell due to timewarp and saving and such so probably yes.

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