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Evacuate Kerbin!

KAL 9000

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The new James Kerman Space Telescope (JKST) has detected a neutron star on a course that will take it on a close flyby of Kerbol, destabalizing the orbits of the planets. Kerbalkind is forced to build a space ark (see Wikipedia) and evacuate to a Kerbal Galaxy 2 planet, terraform it, and colonize it. Evacuate Kerbin!

ETA to Neutron Star Impact: 75 Kerbal years and counting. Sunset Station, in Keosynchronous orbit over the KSC, will oversee the construction in orbit.

Mods used: Kerbal Galaxy 2, Kopernicus, Civilian Population, Kethane, TweakScale, KSP Interstellar, EL, USI's MKS/OKS, TACLS, NearFuture, JSI, TextureReplacer, DMagic, K&K Planetary Bases, Hullcam VDS, MechJeb (just for read outs, Flight Engineer crashes the install for some reason), IXS Enterprise, TST, and Endurance.

Stay tuned for story updates!

Edited by KAL 9000
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I once saw a documentary about evacuating the Earth with pretty much the same scenario, I wish you good luck.

Oh, really, complete coincidence! Maybe I'll watch that documentary ;). BTW I can deal with the crashes KG2 causes

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Module 1: Command Module
The IXS Enterprise command unit was lifted up on a crane and bolted on to a 3.75-meter Clamp-O-Tron, which was then bolted onto a large SpaceY launch vehicle. The fairing was secured, and the rocket was moved to the Launchpad.
"T-minus three minutes to launch. Fuel?"
"All systems go for launch. T-minus 15, 14, 13, 12..."
"3, 2, 1, Booster Ignition and Liftoff!"
Launch clamps disconnected, engines rumbled, and the rocket shot up into the sky.
"10 km, beginning gravity turn."
"SRB burnout... SRB sep..."
"70 km... Stage 1 burnout... Stage 1 sep... Stage 2 ignition..."
"Orbit achieved! Rendezvous OK, closest approach to Sunset Station is 0.3 km, in T-minus 2 hours, 25 minutes, and 32 seconds."
"Closest approach. Canceling relative-V, Rel-V cancelled."
"Moving in to dock... Hard dock! Launch vehicle separated."

Edited by KAL 9000
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Module 2: 2X Netherdyne Civilian Apartment Complex
This module will house the colonists on their long journey, but it's too big to be built on Kerbin and launched. It will have to be assembled in-orbit by Sunset Station's Orbital Construction Dock.
Launches 1-6: Rocketparts shipments
Launch 7: Construction Team Shuttle
Jeb: "Yee-haw!"
Bob: "Do you have to do this every launch?"
Bill (groaning): "Yes, he does."
"KSC, docking confirmed. Bill is going on EVA to grab the KAS parts."
The command module undocked from Sunset Station, its sole docking port to be occupied by Module 2. Bill welded a KAS pipe end port onto Sunset Station, and attached another to the command module. He then linked them together, and boarded the Slim Space Shuttle that had brought the Original Four team to orbit. Module 2 released and docked to the command module.
Module 3: Life Support Unit
Val changed from her IVA suit to her EVA suit, and flew to the approaching, enormous life support unit, which had been launched by a huge Sarnus XVI Kova.
"OK, KSC, approaching the manual airlock. It's marked: 'Mechanical Airlock LSU-03, use in loss of power. Maintenance/Emergency Only!' Are you sure I should go in?"
"It's OK, Val, we have to use the manual because the life support unit hasn't been powered up yet."
"Alright, I'm going in."
"Boy, it's freezing in here. Let's see; A-ha! Main Module Computer Power. Switch to 'on'."
Booting up...
Bootup Comple. kOS v.1.1.32.
"Ok," said Val, looking at her checklist. "Panels on. Execute Action Group Custom 02. Oxygen recyclers on. Water recyclers on. Greenhouse on. Thermal control on. Set target to Sunset Station, Ark Ship Docking Port 03. SAS on Target+. All engines off. RCS on. Control from Module 3, Docking Port 01. DPAI on."
"Module 3, Sunset, come in."
"I read you loud and clear, Jeb, I'm coming into dock with the ship. ETA to dock in T-Minus 1 minute, 25 seconds."
"Hard dock!"
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Module 4: Orbital Construction Dock
After arriving in the new system, the ark ship must build mining and landing craft to collect enough resources to build a colony. It will use an EL Orbital Construction Dock to do this. EL converters and Rocketparts will also be held here.
"There it is, Jeb. The OCD."
"Roger that, Bill, I'm making my way to the airlock."
Jeb expertly piloted the OCD to the ark ship.
Interlude: Where to go?
KSC's top brass had gathered in the Administration Building to discuss an important question: Where should the ark ship go to reestablish Kerbalkind? After filling out forms on which planet and system was the best and casting their vote, they came to a consensus: The ark ship would go to Cite, a Kerbin-sized moon orbiting the gas giant Ryla, in the Polaris system.
Module 5: Fuel Tanks
A huge structure of KSP Interstellar cryotanks gently attached to the ark ship. It would contain the fuel for the ark's DT Vista Internal Fusion Engine cluster drive system.
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BTW, after the ark ship begins its interstellar journey, you guys can post stories about events that happen along the way. There can be repairs, conspiracies, and anything else you guys can think of that doesn't involve bad words or grossness. However, the ark ship must make it to Cite and establish a colony, saving Kerbalkind.
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Module 7: Netherdyne Academy, biodomes, and most other Civilian Population stuff
This is also assembled in orbit by Sunset Station.
"Hey, did you hear?" said Jeb. "KSC made a mistake. This module was supposed to come up before the fuel tanks!"
"Oh, great. We'll have to undock the tanks, dock this module, then redock the tanks. That's gonna be a lot of work," complained Bob.
"I know. Isn't it gonna be fun?"
Jeb slowly backed the fuel tanks away. He spotted a button labeled "Backing Up Sound" and pressed it.
"Jeb, cut it out! That 'Bee-Bo-Bee-Bo' is extremely annoying!" said Val through the suit radio.
"Ok, fine."
Soon, the modules were in order.
Module 8: Main Reactor
The main reactor, really a bunch of reactors (15 supersized OMEGAs, 10 2.5 meter Antimatter Reactors, and 5 3.75 meter Antimatter Initiated Fusion/Fission Reactors, as well as Uranium, Deuterium, Tritium, and Antimatter tanks and Antimatter collectors), was carefully shipped up because KSC didn't want an in-orbit nuclear bomb explosion.
"Guess what? KSC made another mistake. This is supposed to go between Module 7 and the fuel tanks!"
"Yippee, another undocking."
Module 9: Drive Stage
The drive stage is composed of 25 DT Vistas and 15 Quantum Vacuum Plasma Thrusters. The DT Vistas are for the Kerbin/Kerbol escape burn/Polaris intercept and Polaris/Ryla/Cite capture. The Quantum Vacuum Plasma Thrusters are for course corrections and a Homann transfer around Polaris to Ryla, and a Homann transfer around Ryla to Cite.
"Module 9 is on course for docking. Jeb's flying it in perfectly, as usual."
"Dock confirmed!"
Bill went on EVA and linked up KAS struts around the ark ship so it would be stable.
Jeb, who had been appointed commander of "Project New Beginning," had named the ark ship [I]KSS Explorer[/I]. Now, only one final task remained before the [I]Explorer[/I] went on its mission to save Kerbalkind: Loading the colonists/crew.

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

"Hello, this is your captain speaking. We will be taking off in 5 minutes, so please make sure that your tray tables are properly stowed before liftoff. There is free internet access, and we have provided Cheetos, vanilla pudding, and other snacks for your entertainment. Please have a pleasant flight."
The nuclear-turbojet powered shuttle trundled down the runway and lifted off into the sky.
"We will be arriving at Sunset Station in 2 hours. Captain Jeb, signing off."
Gene looked out the window, watching the blue sky fade slowly into purple and black. This was his first time in space. Usually, he was on the ground, monitoring the flight. But this was the last shuttle trip, carrying passengers into space for the final time. Gene and his team had been the last Kerbals on Kerbin, making sure the other shuttles had gone up safely. The shuttle docked to Sunset Station, and Gene yelled, "Yippee!" He never knew that zero-KG was as good as the Kerbalnauts had said it would be. He went into the[I] Explorer[/I], and Jeb said, "That's all of them! All of Kerbalkind is on board!"
A hatch slammed shut, and [I]Explorer[/I] backed away from Sunset Station. It burned retrograde until its periapsis was 70 km to take advantage of the Oberth effect, and once it reached periapsis, it burned prograde like heck! First, it achieved escape velocity from Kerbin, then it achieved escape velocity from Kerbol, and finally, it was on a Polaris intercept trajectory. The engines died down, and [I]Explorer[/I] coasted away from home.
Now, guys, it's time for your stories of the [I]Explorer[/I]'s and its crew's adventures on the way to Cite :)!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Mission Log: KSS Explorer: Year 5, Day 226

AI GLaRuS Mk. 2 reporting. Antimatter reactor 04 has malfunctioned. Waking up Bill to repair it.

"Deactivating Cryosleep Pod #002. Good morning, Bill."

"Hello, GLaRuS. What's going on?"

"Antimatter reactor 04 has malfunctioned. Can you repair it?"

"I'll see what I can do. Please have a 'bot grab my toolkit."

Bill made his way to the reactor, and pulled it apart, running a full diagnostic. "Easy fix. It just needs more duct tape!"

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Mission log: KSS Explorer: Year 90, day 75

Craft status: RED ALERT--Waking all bridge crew

"What is it this time..." Grumbled Valentina. She was starting to wish she wasn't on the bridge crew.

"The Explorer has been placed into RED ALERT status," Responded the computer

"And why exactly has this red alert occurred?" Asked Wernher Von Kerman.

"Calculations suggest that the onboard snacks will be fully depleted by year 97"

"Kraken! That's bad!" Exclaimed Gene

"Not to fear, herr commander. I have a solution!" Proclaimed Von Kerman. "My advanced agricultural system has been kept in storage for all of these years because we assumed the snacks would last. If we deploy it, it would provide us with 12 years worth of snacks in the 10 years left in the journey."

"Okay. Now we just need Jeb and Bill to deploy it," Said Valentina

"Yes. That could get tough," Replied everyone on the bridge.

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Mission Log: KSS Explorer: Year 75: Day 123

The Destruction of Kerbin

The entire crew was awakened, and they gathered at the bridge. The neutron star was about to destroy Kerbin.

"Main telescope targeting Kerbin. Applying appropriate zoom."

"Onscreen," said Jeb, remembering an old movie.

There was Kerbin, in all its beauty, the Mun and Minmus also looking beautiful. The neutron star approached menacingly. Huge Kerbinquakes and volcanoes rumbled the ground, as tidal forces stretched Kerbin almost to its breaking point, and fire was visible everywhere. Finally, Kerbin passed inside the neutron star's Roche limit, and tidal forces destroyed it, the Mun, and Minmus. Any life left behind had died. The Kerbals on the ship were reduced to tears.

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Mission Log: Advance Probe 1: Year 1, Day 1; KSS Explorer, Year 85, Day 347

Advance Probe 1 was released from the Explorer's Orbital Construction Dock. It slowly backed away from the ship using RCS, and then made a few course corrections to arrive at Polaris sooner than the Explorer. It then went into sleep mode.

Mission Log: Advance Probe 1: Year 10, Day 138

[System]: Exiting sleep mode...

[System]: Unlocking batteries...

[System]: Booting up MechJeb unit...

[MechJeb]: Hello!

[System]: Extending Communotron 88-88...

[Communotron 88-88]: Activating Beacon...

[System]: Activating Star Tracker...

[Star Tracker]: Kerbol lock. Polaris lock. Eravate lock. Attitude found.

[System]: Engaging reaction wheels and SAS...

[System]: Extending solar panels...

[System]: Engaging kOS unit...

[Communotron 88-88]: Explorer, Advance Probe 1. Do you copy?

[Communotron 88-88]: [Response]: --static--

[Communotron 88-88]: Explorer, Advance Probe 1. Do you copy?

[Communotron 88-88]: [Response]: We copy. Begin investigation.

[System]: Entering Polaris' SOI soon...

[System]: Pressing F5...


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On December 9, 2015 at 11:09:54 AM, Sampa said:

wow...sad ending...

It's not done, remember? The Kerbals have to make it to their new home.

On December 8, 2015 at 3:37:09 PM, RocketSquid said:

Mission log: KSS Explorer: Year 90, day 75

Craft status: RED ALERT--Waking all bridge crew

"What is it this time..." Grumbled Valentina. She was starting to wish she wasn't on the bridge crew.

"The Explorer has been placed into RED ALERT status," Responded the computer

"And why exactly has this red alert occurred?" Asked Wernher Von Kerman.

"Calculations suggest that the onboard snacks will be fully depleted by year 97"

"Kraken! That's bad!" Exclaimed Gene

"Not to fear, herr commander. I have a solution!" Proclaimed Von Kerman. "My advanced agricultural system has been kept in storage for all of these years because we assumed the snacks would last. If we deploy it, it would provide us with 12 years worth of snacks in the 10 years left in the journey."

"Okay. Now we just need Jeb and Bill to deploy it," Said Valentina

"Yes. That could get tough," Replied everyone on the bridge.

Why do they need snacks in cryosleep?

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Mission Log: Advance Probe 1: Year 10, 213

[System]: Main engine ignition... Polar orbit around Cite achieved. Main engine shutdown.

[System]: Releasing camera covers...

[MechJeb]: Wow that's beautiful. Almost as beautiful as Kerbin used to be...

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[kOS]: Focus on the mission, MechJeb.

[MechJeb]: Sorry.

[System]: Deploying CRSS-01 in 3...2...1...

A decoupler fired, and CRSS-01 (Cite Resource Scanning Sattelite-01) was away. CRSS-01 is just an OKTO with Kethane, Ore, and MetalOre detectors and OX-6L solar panels and a Communotron 16 strapped to it.

[CRSS-01]: Deploying solar panels... Activating detectors... Extending Communotron 16.

[CRSS-01]:[Communotron 16]: Transmitting resource data.


Advance Probe 1 pointed retrograde and fired its engine until it was on a suborbital trajectory. The engine stage decoupled, revealing a heat shield and parachutes. It entered Cite's atmosphere and activated its KerbPro.

The KerbPro recorded images of reentry plasma as Advance Probe 1 flew down. Once it was under 250 m/s, the parachutes popped open, slowing it down to 4 m/s. It made a safe touchdown and re-extended its solar panels and its antenna. Once all the data from both crafts had been sent to the Explorer, the Kerbals were ecstatic! Advance Probe 1 had landed in a flat area of Cite near water, perfect for a colony. The Explorer asked it to use its DMagic ExoKerbol core drill.

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